
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Redeeming the Beauty: Rapid Development ( Part 3 )

Mu Linfeng didn't want to play the xiao, but it was interpreted as such. He looked at Zhu Yousong, who laughed and said, "Of course it's for me to enjoy the music. If I want to listen to the xiao, wouldn't it be better to find a band and go back? Why come to your Chunxianglou?"

Mu Linfeng was angry. He despised men who didn't treat women as human beings, and Zhu Yousong happened to be such a person.

Seeing Mu Linfeng's strange expression, Zhu Yousong laughed and kicked the woman on the ground hard before leaving, cursing, "Girl, don't let me see you in Chunxianglou again." Mu Linfeng was already burning with anger, and he clenched his fists, wishing to beat Zhu Yousong up, but he could only watch him leave. Mu Linfeng helped the woman on the ground, and saw that her mouth was bleeding. Bian Yujing hurriedly helped her into the room to apply medicine.

Mu Linfeng thought, "It seems that I have to develop quickly. Zhu Yousong is a lecherous person, and sooner or later he will target Bian Yujing, Kou Baimen, and Gu Meisheng. Keeping Bian Yujing in Chunxianglou for another day is another day of danger."

Thinking of Zhu Yousong's angry expression just now, Mu Linfeng immediately found Xu Erniang and said, "I want to redeem Sai Sai's, Kou Baimen's, and Gu Meisheng's freedom. What's your price?"

Xu Erniang was surprised when she heard Mu Linfeng's request. "You want to redeem their freedom?"

Mu Linfeng nodded and said seriously, "Yes, I want to redeem their freedom."

Xu Erniang thought Mu Linfeng was joking at first, but when she heard his words, she was stunned and then laughed, "Mu Gongzi, do you know that these three are the most valuable courtesans in my Chunxianglou?"

Mu Linfeng sneered, "If they weren't courtesans, I wouldn't redeem them."

Xu Erniang said, "Do you know their worth?"

Mu Linfeng smiled, "I came to ask Erniang because I don't know." Xu Erniang thought for a moment and held up three fingers.

Mu Linfeng said, "30,000 taels? Alright."

Xu Erniang laughed, "Young Master Mu is really joking. It's 300,000 taels."

Mu Linfeng had expected it to be expensive, but he never imagined it would be this much.

Xu Erniang said casually, "I've been supporting them for so many years, providing them with food and shelter. The gold, silver, jewelry, and pearls they brought were all given to them by me, Erniang. 300,000 taels is a good deal. As long as Young Master Mu can afford it and they are willing to go with you, Erniang has nothing more to say."

Mu Linfeng thought for a moment and agreed, "Alright, it's 300,000."

Xu Erniang was surprised by Mu Linfeng's quick agreement. She had originally asked for a high price to turn him down, but he agreed so easily. If he were to back out now, it would be too late.

Mu Linfeng said, "But I can't come up with that much money right now."

Xu Erniang laughed heartily, "That's not a problem, it's not like Erniang is unreasonable."

Mu Linfeng said, "How about we make a deal, Erniang?"

Xu Erniang asked, "What kind of deal?"

Mu Linfeng said, "How much did you earn last night, Erniang? I believe you know it very well. Ten thousand taels in one night, I think it's the first time you've done it since you opened the Spring Fragrance Tower."

Xu Erniang asked, "So what?"

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "So I plan to entrust the production of the tattooed breastplates to you, Second Sister. In the future, I will provide design drawings, and you can either find tailors to make them or personally sew them. It's up to you to decide."

Xu Erniang was delighted and asked, "Will you give me all the design drawings for the breastplates?"

Mu Linfeng nodded and said, "Yes, the validity period is one year, and you will receive at least ten new designs every month. Although it was just a coincidence that I spent so generously yesterday to help Zhu Xiaowang fight for the girl, other people will also be willing to pay a high price. Second Sister should know that you will earn more than thirty thousand taels of silver within this year, right?"

Xu Erniang fell into deep thought. The temptation of the silver was naturally great, but Bian Yujing, Kou Baimen, and Gu Meisheng were the pride of Chunxianglou. Many customers came to Chunxianglou just for them. If they were all redeemed at once, it would definitely have an impact on Chunxianglou.

Mu Lingfeng looked at Xu Erniang's face and knew her worries. He immediately said, "Erniang should also know the account. Although the three flower girls are the pride of Chunxianglou, they sell art, not themselves. The money they earn from singing every day should not be more than a thousand taels. Moreover, these three people have stubborn personalities, and they have offended many customers over the years."

Mu Lingfeng hit the nail on the head and spoke to Xu Erniang's heart. Xu Erniang still shook her head and said, "Master Mu, please let me consider it. I'll also ask the three girls what they think."

Mu Lingfeng thought to himself, "Saisai should not be a problem. Just now she was still complaining that I didn't redeem her. As for Kou Baimen and Gu Meisheng, I have been trying to keep them out of the red dust for as long as possible. If they don't want to leave, I can't force them. But I believe Saisai should be able to persuade them." He had to nod and said, "Okay. I'll come back tomorrow morning to hear Erniang's answer."

Mu Lingfeng returned to his residence, and the brother who was attracting customers had already returned. Mu Lingfeng asked, "How's business?"

The man took out a silver ingot from his pocket and smiled, "I earned more than ten taels of silver just this morning. Many people are curious and have never ridden in a carriage before. They don't even know where to go. They just let me take them wherever."

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Less than half a day and we've already made ten taels? If we strike while the iron is hot and take advantage of everyone's curiosity about rickshaws, we should take to the streets in large numbers. I believe that rickshaws are already well-known in the streets and alleys."

After lunch, Mu Linfeng picked more than twenty brothers and took the rickshaws to the streets, with five going to each of the southeast, northwest gates of Nanjing. Wherever the rickshaws went, they immediately attracted attention and caused a stir. People stood outside and watched, pointing and discussing. As soon as the five rickshaws that went with Mu Linfeng to the North Gate stopped, they were immediately hired and taken away.

The sedan chair bearers parked by the North Gate were dumbfounded. One of them said, "What on earth is this thing? With this, how will we make a living in the future?"

Mu Linfeng turned his head to look when he heard the voice. The sedan chair bearer was the same one that Mu Linfeng had asked about his income that day. Mu Linfeng walked over to him and said, "Not only will you make a living, but you will also have a better one."

The sedan chair bearer seemed to recognize Mu Linfeng and asked, "What do you mean, young master?" Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Have you forgotten the question I asked you that day?"

The sedan chair bearer thought for a moment but had no impression at all. Mu Linfeng said, "That day, I asked you if your income would increase if you carried the sedan chair by yourself."

The sedan chair bearer suddenly remembered and said, "Yes, yes."

Mu Linfeng said, "You also said that if that day ever came, you would be willing to pay five taels of silver per month for hiring."

The sedan chair bearer remembered everything and asked, "What does young master mean?"

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "As long as you pay thirty taels of silver as a deposit and another five taels per month, you can have a rickshaw."

The sedan chair bearer sighed, "Thirty taels? That's like asking us to rob someone!"

Mu Linfeng said, "We won't collect the thirty taels from you. It's just a deposit. When you return the rickshaw, we'll give you back the thirty taels in full."

The sedan chair bearer said, "Even so, it's expensive. We're just ordinary people. Where can we come up with thirty taels all at once?"

Mu Linfeng said, "This is just the way things are. After all, the cost of making these rickshaws is a bit high. If you want a rickshaw, you can go to Mu Mansion in the south of the city. After all, this rickshaw is still a novelty, and there will definitely be no shortage of passengers. Think carefully about it yourselves."