
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Noble Acquaintance, Unrelated Brothers ( Part. 4 )

Having heard what Kong Wu had to say, Mu Linfeng didn't say much and just expressed his gratitude for the ginseng that Kong Wu had given him.

Kong Wu smiled and said, "What are you thanking me for? If you want to thank someone, thank our master." Afterwards, Kong Wu continued to talk about the many good deeds of Master Feng. From Kong Wu's eyes, Mu Linfeng could tell that he held Master Feng in high regard. Mu Linfeng didn't inquire further about Kong Wu's position in the Feng household.

Hearing Kong Wu praise his master like this, Mu Linfeng couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. He really wanted to see the style of Master Feng. After Kong Wu left, Mu Linfeng carefully looked at the woman's appearance. Her complexion didn't seem as grey as it was in the morning. He thought to himself, "This doctor Hu seems to really know his stuff."

For the next few days of travel, Mu Linfeng guarded the woman in the carriage all day. When he had free time, he would drink with Kong Wu. Kong Wu also noticed that Mu Linfeng had been somewhat depressed since their conversation that day, but Mu Linfeng didn't say anything, and Kong Wu didn't want to pry.

During his idle moments, Mu Linfeng had also thought about where he should go. In the end, he decided that going to Jiangnan would be the safest choice. Firstly, he didn't like war. Secondly, he was more interested in business. Thirdly, he wanted to see what the six dynasties of Qinhuai's pink city looked like. And fourthly, if he could really see the beauty of the eight famous courtesans of Qinhuai, wouldn't that be a great experience?

After a few more days, the woman had already eaten the fourth ginseng root from Kong Wu's caravan, and her complexion had greatly improved. She had already woken up, but her body was still very weak and she couldn't speak yet. However, her mood had improved.

The weather was getting colder and Kong Wu was generous enough to lend Mu Linfeng some clothes. A few days later, the woman was able to speak, but she still couldn't move. This was when Mu Linfeng finally let go of his worries.

During these few days, Mu Linfeng would joke around with the woman when he was bored in the carriage. She thought he was talking nonsense, so she responded indifferently. But she noticed that Mu Linfeng was guarding her day and night, and she thought about how he had already seen her body. Her chastity had been violated, and besides marrying him, death was her only option. She was self-absorbed and melancholic. When Mu Linfeng found out on the third day after she woke up that her name was Zheng Xiyu and she was from Nan'an, Fujian, he didn't ask her why she had attempted to assassinate Huang Taiji, and she didn't elaborate.

As Zheng Xiyu's health improved, Mu Linfeng spent less time with her and spent more time drinking with Kong Wu. Every time they drank, Doctor Hu would come and interfere. Mu Linfeng understood why, although he was unhappy about it. He was currently living under someone else's roof and could only drink his sorrows away silently. Kong Wu saw this and tried to intervene with Doctor Hu several times, but they could only delay him for a few days.

Mu Linfeng couldn't shake off his worries and decided to leave when the caravan decided to enter Jinan Prefecture.

Kong Wu tried to persuade Mu Linfeng: "Brother, don't take it to heart. Let me talk to Hu Langzhong again. We'll reach Nanjing in a few more days."

Mu Linfeng didn't feel particularly grateful to Kong Wu, but he didn't want to make things difficult for him either. He forced a smile and said, "Brother Kong, you don't need to say more. My mind is made up. We will part ways in Jinan Prefecture. If fate permits, we will meet again in Nanjing. Besides, I still need to personally thank Feng Lao Ye for saving my sister's life."

Seeing Mu Linfeng's determined expression, Kong Wu didn't try to persuade him any further.

Three days later, in the evening, Mu Linfeng and the Feng family caravan had stopped for a rest outside Changshan County, fifty miles away from Jinan Prefecture. Mu Linfeng was chatting and laughing with Zheng Xiyu inside the carriage when he heard Kong Wu knocking on the door and saying, "Brother Mu, we will arrive in Jinan Prefecture tomorrow. Who knows when we will see each other again? Why don't we have a few drinks tonight?"

Mu Linfeng quickly opened the door and greeted Kong Wu, "Brother Kong is too kind." He jumped out of the carriage and stood beside Kong Wu, looking at the two wine jars in his hand. "Brother Kong is so hospitable. I have no choice but to oblige."

Kong Wu grinned and handed one of the wine jars to Mu Linfeng. "Brother Mu, I have a request that may sound impolite. I wonder if you would be willing to…"

Mu Linfeng put the wine jar on the carriage and laughed heartily. "Brother Kong has treated me like a brother all along. You've taken care of me all the way. If there's anything you need, just ask."

Kong Wu smiled, "It's nothing special. I just feel that we get along very well. I envy your knowledge of history and current events. I want to become sworn brothers with you. Also, I have a selfish motive. I know you're an extraordinary person. If you become successful, I can brag about knowing you."

Mu Linfeng chuckled at Kong Wu's joke and said, "Brother Kong, you're overestimating me. I already consider you a brother."

Kong Wu was relieved when he heard that Mu Linfeng did not refuse. He quickly said with a smile, "Brother Mu, you know that I haven't had much education, but I have learned a lot from you during this journey. Don't think less of me."

At this moment, Zheng Xiyu also sat up, pushed open the car door, and said to Mu Linfeng and Kong Wu, "Since you two get along so well, don't freeze to death outside when it's time to become sworn brothers." She laughed and had lost the domineering attitude she had when she assassinated Huang Taiji.

In fact, Mu Linfeng had been chatting with Zheng Xiyu these days. Besides Zheng Xiyu's identity, they could talk about everything. Although they were not yet close friends, Zheng Xiyu had become accustomed to Mu Linfeng's teasing, and as long as he didn't go too far, she didn't make things difficult for him.

Mu Linfeng also told Zheng Xiyu about how Kong Wu took them in and how he lied that they were siblings. Although Mu Linfeng was a lecher, he did not make any inappropriate advances towards Zheng Xiyu when they shared a bed in the same car. It was not that he did not want to, but his martial arts skills were not as good as Zheng Xiyu's. He had learned this lesson during their journey. However, teasing was inevitable.

Kong Wu had not seen Zheng Xiyu in such a state for several days. She had either been unconscious due to her injuries or resting in the car while Mu Linfeng served her food and drink. She had never stepped out of the car. When they met face to face this time, Kong Wu was stunned by her appearance. She was blushing and her eyes were shining, very different from when he first saw her. She had regained some vitality, and her beauty was stunning, leaving Kong Wu speechless.

Zheng Xiyu had been watched by Mu Linfeng for several days, but this was the first time she had seen such sincere eyes. Her cheeks turned red involuntarily. Mu Linfeng did not notice their expressions and quickly said with a smile, "Yes, it's too cold outside. Let's discuss inside the car." He jumped into the car and pulled Kong Wu in with him. After they got into the car, Zheng Xiyu closed the door. The car was spacious, and Mu Linfeng warmed up the wine jar on the stove.