
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Love and Cherish: The Twin Sisters ( Part 2 )

After Su Duxiu left, Mu Linfeng practiced alone for a while, focusing on the Point-Pressing Hand and the Drunken Dragon Step. Suddenly, Mu Linfeng thought of Mu Ren, who had broken up with him more than a month ago. Mu Ren had said that he was heading north to compete with Niu Guolu in martial arts, and according to the calculation of the date, he should have arrived at the border by now. Mu Linfeng worried that no one would want to compete with the Manchurian warrior Niu Guolu, and began to worry about Mu Ren's safety.

Unable to focus on his training anymore, Mu Linfeng thought about sending someone to investigate Mu Ren's situation. He considered the four disciples he had trained and decided that he couldn't spare Su Duxiu, who had a sensitive mind and would be needed in the future when Mu Linfeng settles in Nanjing. Mu Linfeng recalled that of the remaining three disciples, Fang Zihao had the best footwork, and decided to send him to find Mu Ren. The other two disciples were eager to go, but Mu Linfeng ultimately chose Fang Zihao.

After Fang Zihao left, Mu Linfeng found that Wu Xing was nowhere to be seen, probably hidden somewhere to work on his wheel. Mu Linfeng called a few brothers to load all the goods from Shandong onto the carriage, and when he arrived at the door, Su Duxiu returned with a long fan in his hand. Mu Linfeng was surprised and asked if he had finished so quickly. Su Duxiu explained that the fan shop was right behind the processing site, and he had given them a lot of benefits to finish it quickly.

Mu Linfeng took the fan and felt it was much heavier than a regular paper fan. He checked the fan frame and found it to be extremely hard. When he opened the fan, he saw a landscape painting with a few lines of poetry written next to it. Su Duxiu revealed that he had written the poem. Mu Linfeng said it was very satisfying and then told Su Duxiu about sending Fang Zihao to find Mu Ren. Su Duxiu pondered for a while without saying anything.

Mu Linfeng then led the carriages toward the Feng Mansion. However, when he reached the main street, he found a large crowd blocking the way. Amidst the commotion, he heard a woman's cries for help. Mu Linfeng quickly made his way through the crowd and into the chaos.

After entering the crowd, Mu Lingfeng saw four young men in luxurious silk clothing who were obviously not from ordinary families, with arrogant expressions on their faces. The woman in the middle was timid and fearful, but her posture was graceful and elegant. Her clothes were also not those of ordinary people, but since she had her back to Mu Lingfeng, he couldn't see her face clearly. The surrounding crowd whispered and pointed, but no one spoke up.

Mu Lingfeng heard the woman speak, "You are too insolent. Do you know who I am? I am the daughter of Zheng Zhilong, the General of Fujian. How dare you..." Although she was scolding the four men, her tone was gentle and elegant, without a trace of anger.

When Mu Lingfeng heard the woman say that she was the daughter of the General of Fujian, Zheng Zhilong, who was the father of Zheng Chenggong, a national hero who would later reclaim Taiwan, Mu Lingfeng was very impressed with him. This matter needed to be taken care of.

In the Ming Dynasty, Mu Lingfeng only admired two people, one was Qi Jiguang who fought against the Japanese pirates, and the other was Zheng Chenggong who recaptured Taiwan and drove away the Dutch. Since the woman claimed to be the daughter of Zheng Zhilong, she must be Zheng Chenggong's sister or younger sister. How could he not help her?

Mu Lingfeng heard one of the four men laugh, "So it turns out to be the General's daughter. We are disrespectful." He walked to the woman's side and stood close to her, saying, "It's a pity that this is Nanjing." The four men laughed heartily.

Another man laughed, "We just want to invite the lady to have a drink. How could the lady bear to refuse our good intentions from thousands of miles away?" He reached out to take the woman's hand.

Mu Lingfeng thought to himself, "They dare to harass the General's daughter. They must have a strong background."

Mu Lingfeng quickly approached and smiled, "Since the four gentlemen are being gracious, why not let the lady join you?"

The four men were surprised by Mu Lingfeng's sudden appearance and thought he was a new friend of the other three. They quickly joked, "Of course, please come with us, miss."

The woman turned back with a hint of anger and said, "I have something to do, and I don't drink anyway." As the woman turned her head, Mu Linfeng was dumbfounded. He saw that the woman had starry eyes, willowy eyebrows, and dripping red lips - it was Zheng Xiyu. He was about to call out to her, but then he thought, "Wait a minute, although Zheng Xiyu's martial arts skills may not be top-notch, she should not be bullied by these spoiled young men, right? Could it be that...she is still injured and has lost all her martial arts skills?"

Upon closer inspection of the woman, although her appearance was exactly the same as Zheng Xiyu's, there was a lack of killing intent in her eyes and a hint of gentleness in her speech that was completely unlike Zheng Xiyu. Additionally, her skin was much whiter than Zheng Xiyu's.

Mu Linfeng suddenly realized, "She is the daughter of the Fujian General Zheng Zhilong, and naturally her surname is Zheng. Could she be Zheng Xiyu's twin sister?"

The four men saw Mu Linfeng staring at the woman with a dazed and stupefied expression, just like they had seen him looking at her for the first time, and they became even more certain that Mu Linfeng was one of their own.

The woman saw Mu Linfeng looking at her like those young lords, and immediately showed a look of disgust in her eyes. Mu Linfeng finally came to his senses and said with a smile, "With such beauty, it's no wonder you four gentlemen wanted to invite her for a drink." He then opened his fan and shook it lightly in front of his chest, saying, "Why don't I host a gathering instead?" The four young men immediately cheered.

Mu Linfeng saw a look of despair in the woman's eyes and felt sorry for her.

He gathered his strength and approached the woman, taking her hand. The woman tried to struggle, but she couldn't muster any strength. Mu Linfeng gently pulled her into his arms and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, I'll save you."

The woman looked at Mu Linfeng in surprise, and her eyes that were about to shed tears suddenly brightened. Mu Linfeng smiled slightly, let go of her hand, turned around and said to the four young men, "Why don't we go to the Qingya Pavilion?" Mu Linfeng had only been to a few restaurants in Nanjing and the only one he knew of was the Qingya Pavilion that Kong Wu had taken him to.

The four young men shook their heads repeatedly and said, "What's so good about the Qingya Pavilion? Let's go to the Water Moon Pavilion across the street."

Mu Linfeng walked up to the four men and whispered, "If you want to win a lady's heart, how can you go to those places?" Upon hearing this, the four men nodded in agreement.

Mu Linfeng smiled faintly and said, "Shall we go then?" He walked up to the woman and asked, "What do you think, miss?"

The woman looked at Mu Linfeng for a moment, unable to speak. She didn't understand why Mu Linfeng wanted to take her to a restaurant if he was going to save her. But seeing the sincerity in Mu Linfeng's eyes, and his behavior being different from the other four men's frivolous behavior, she felt that he might not be a bad person and nodded her head.

The four men were delighted to see the woman agreeing, and they also admired Mu Linfeng greatly.