
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Let's Tie the Knot Again as Sworn Brothers ( Part 3 )

Mu Linfeng said, "It's just after lunch and not yet time for dinner. Why don't you, Second Brother, rest here for a moment? When it gets darker, I'll host and we can go to Chunxiang Tower for a small gathering..."

Long Qingyun thought for a moment and shouted, "No, Long Er can't wait another moment." He turned to a burly man and said, "Prepare the incense, rooster, and table. I want to become sworn brothers with Mr. Mu right now!"

The burly men immediately responded, "Yes!" They stood at the door, watching the large men who had been struck by Mu Linfeng's acupoints and were still unable to move.

Long Qingyun sighed and said to Mu Linfeng, "Mr. Mu, these servants have offended you, but they were just following Long Er's orders. Please spare him some face."

Mu Linfeng immediately understood and smiled, "Of course, of course!" He walked towards the large men who were still motionless and said to Long Qingyun, "Second Brother can call me Linfeng Second Younger Brother or just Linfeng. Mr. Mu sounds too formal."

Long Qingyun laughed, "Yes, yes. Mr. Mu... I mean, Second Brother is right."

Mu Linfeng tried a few more times to release the acupoints on the large men, but they remained motionless. He thought to himself, "This is bad. I learned how to strike acupoints but not how to release them. This could be a big problem!" Then he thought, "But striking and releasing acupoints should be the same, right?" With that thought, he tried striking the acupoints a few more times, but the large men still did not move.

Mu Linfeng turned to Long Qingyun and saw the look in his eyes, feeling embarrassed. "Ah, my acupoint technique is still in the practice stage. Hehe... um..."

Before Mu Linfeng could finish, Long Qingyun laughed, "It's okay, it's okay. Let them stay there as a lesson. Besides, the acupoints have a time limit anyway." He turned to the burly men at the door and said, "Prepare everything immediately!"

Mu Linfeng tried a few more times but found that it had no effect, so he gave up and awkwardly laughed, "It seems that Linfeng still needs more practice... hehe... hehe..."

At this moment, a big man outside the door entered and said, "Reporting to Second Master, the incense table is ready!"

Long Qingyun said, "Good!" He turned to Mu Linfeng and said, "Second brother, let's go!"

Mu Linfeng suddenly thought of Kong Wu and wondered, "If I become sworn brothers with them this time, would I have two sworn brothers? Would Long Erge and Kong Dage count as sworn brothers?" Mu Linfeng suddenly thought of the story of Xiao Feng, Xu Zhu, and Duan Yu becoming sworn brothers in Jin Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes." Duan Yu became sworn brothers with Xiao Feng first, and then with Xu Zhu. However, when he became sworn brothers with Xu Zhu, Xiao Feng was also counted. Later, when the three of them met at Shaoshi Mountain, they completed the ceremony and became sworn brothers. Could I do something similar? But then he thought, "What if Kong Dage and Long Erge don't get along or look down on each other? If I make this decision on my own, won't it make everyone uncomfortable?"

Thinking of this, Mu Linfeng shook his head and sighed. Long Qingyun saw this and asked in surprise, "Why do you sigh when you become sworn brothers with Long Erge? Is there something wrong with what your elder brother did?"

Mu Linfeng quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, it's not like that. It's just that Linfeng became sworn brothers with an elder brother when he was in Shandong earlier, and now he wants to become sworn brothers with Long Erge. I don't know if I should count that elder brother?"

Long Qingyun laughed and said, "Since he is your elder brother, he must have outstanding abilities, otherwise you wouldn't have sworn brotherhood with him. If that hero doesn't mind, Long Er is willing to join the brotherhood with him. Do you think you can contact this person, Second Brother?"

Mu Lingfeng laughed and replied, "Brother, you flatter me. My elder brother's name is Kong Wu, and he is currently the protector of Feng's shop in Jinling City."

Long Qingyun's expression changed upon hearing this and said, "Oh? So he's from the Feng family."

Mu Lingfeng sensed the change in Long Qingyun's expression and thought, "Could there be some grudges between the Qinglong Gang and the Feng family?" But he just smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Since Second Brother and I have become sworn brothers, we are brothers. As for whether Kong Da-ge and Second Brother have sworn brotherhood, we'll leave that to fate."

Mu Lingfeng then pulled Long Qingyun outside and asked the big man beside them, "Where is the incense altar?"

The big man replied, "It's right at the entrance of Qinglong Pool!"

Mu Lingfeng led Long Qingyun out of the Qinglong Pool, with Ye Zhimao following them after putting on his clothes. As they walked out, they asked the big man, "Where's the incense altar?"

The big man replied, "It's right at the entrance of Qinglong Pool!"

As they walked out, the sound of gongs and drums filled the air and firecrackers exploded, attracting a crowd of onlookers.

The incense table was placed at the main entrance of Qinglong Pool, with a pig's head, two long candles, an incense burner, two large porcelain bowls in front of the pig's head, and two mats in front of the incense table. Two big men stood beside the incense table, one holding a plump rooster, and the other embracing a wine jar.

Long Qingyun stepped forward and bowed to the passersby, saying, "I am Long Qingyun. Long Er and I are going to become sworn brothers with Mu Linfeng, the young master of the Mu family in Yunnan. Since you all happen to be passing by, please bear witness."

Mu Linfeng also followed and bowed to the passersby, saying, "Today, Mu Linfeng and Qinglong Society's Young Master Long Qingyun will become sworn brothers. Please bear witness."

Just then, a pedicab stopped not far away. A man in white got off the pedicab. He wore a stern expression but was exceptionally handsome and refined, exuding an indescribable aura of majesty despite being only in his thirties. As soon as he stepped off the pedicab, time seemed to freeze at the entrance of Qinglong Pool. Mu Linfeng saw the nervous look on the man's face, and cold sweat ran down his forehead. He dared not even breathe, and even Long Qingyun, who was kneeling beside him, looked pale.

The man in white only coughed a few times, and the big man holding the wine jar next to Mu Linfeng immediately turned pale. He dropped the wine jar in his arms, which shattered into pieces with a loud noise, and the wine spilled all over the ground. The big man was so scared that he immediately knelt on the ground, wetting his pants. He stammered and kept knocking his head on the ground, his knocking sound drowning out his own voice.

Mu Linfeng's first thought was that this man must be Long Qingfeng, the leader of the Qinglong Society.