
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Imperial Secret Agent ( Part 4 )

The women upstairs had been secretly observing the movements downstairs. Seeing the group of men come and go, they were already pale with fright. At this moment, Xu Erniang called out again, "What are you waiting for? Come down quickly!" Only then did these girls shrinkingly come down the stairs.

The group of Jin Yiwei laughed heartily when they saw the girls, as if nothing had happened just now. This was not surprising since they had been running around the capital all day with no leisure time. It was rare for them to have a good opportunity to play around in the south.

Then the leader of the Jin Yiwei called out, "These are just ordinary women. I want the two girls who were playing music just now to accompany me!"

Mu Linfeng was prepared for the worst. If these people came to attack, he would have to use "Thousand-Hand Guanyin" to deal with them. Afterwards, he could take Bian Yujing, Gu Meisheng, and Kou Baimen southwards. At most, they would be exiled overseas, which would be better than suffering here. But hearing what Zhu Yousong said, his heart calmed down a bit.

The leader of the Jin Yiwei asked in surprise, "Oh? Are these two girls the young prince's lovers? Then I really dare not be presumptuous!"

Zhu Yousong's face changed, but he quickly regained his smile and said, "No, the young prince hasn't had a chance to enjoy their beauty yet!"

The leader of the Jin Yiwei rubbed his chin and said, "Oh? What does the young prince mean?"

Zhu Yousong said, "Why did Dong Qianhu come to Jiangnan with you this time?"

Dong Li murmured, "Why did we come to Jiangnan?" Then he replied, "Naturally, we were sent by the emperor to select the beauties of Jiangnan..."

Mu Linfeng heard this and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. It turned out that Zhu Yousong had this plan. He wanted to offer Bian Yujing, Gu Meisheng, and Kou Baimen to Emperor Chongzhen!

Sure enough, Zhu Yousong said with a smile, "Since you came to select the beauties of Jiangnan, how could the king's envoy miss such beautiful women? If you touch them now, you will offer them to the emperor later... Are you trying to cuckold the emperor?"

Dong Li's head was instantly sweating, and he quickly knelt down and said repeatedly, "The little one wouldn't dare, the little one wouldn't dare, the little one was just confused for a moment!"

But Zhu Yousong laughed and said, "It was because of your quick wit that I recommended you to the Jin Yi Wei of the West Factory. But the glamorous world of the capital can make even a smart person confused. Please remember this."

Mu Linfeng finally understood why Dong Li, despite being a thousand-household and directly under the emperor's jurisdiction, still feared Zhu Yousong, a prince. It turned out that he was recommended to the Jin Yi Wei by Zhu Yousong, and had received his favor. No wonder Dong Li was so respectful to Zhu Yousong.

Dong Li quickly said, "I owe everything to Prince Xiaowang. This favor will be remembered even if I die. Today, I was confused and almost committed a heinous crime. Fortunately, Prince Xiaowang reminded me, and I escaped death..."

Zhu Yousong waved his hand and said, "There's no need for formalities. I will cover all your expenses during your stay in Jinling these few days. But please remember, I know you're used to doing anything in the capital, but Jinling is still my territory. I don't want anything unpleasant to happen to you during your stay here."

Dong Li repeatedly said, "Don't worry, we will definitely keep that in mind. We won't cause any trouble." He then stood up and said to the Jin Yi Wei behind him, "If anyone causes trouble in Jinling during this time, and doesn't make Prince Xiaowang unhappy, then they will have to deal with me, Dong Li. You all know my temper. If Prince Xiaowang gets angry, you should know the consequences. I won't say any more!"

The Jin Yi Wei immediately respectfully replied, "Yes!"

Zhu Yousong then said, "As for the misunderstanding between you and Young Master Mu, you..."

Dong Li quickly said, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it was purely a misunderstanding. That bearded man, I'll break his other leg when I get back. How dare he disrespect Young Master Mu!"

Zhu Yousong nodded and said, "Very well, let there be peace in the world!"

Mu Linfeng saw that Zhu Yousong was trying his best to protect him, but he didn't know why he was feeling a bit uneasy. He said, "I was indeed reckless today. I apologize to everyone."

Dong Li looked at Mu Linfeng and his face changed slightly. He said, "Young Master Mu is too polite!"

Mu Lingfeng could tell from Dong Li's tone that he was very dissatisfied and had no intention of reconciling with him. He only swallowed his pride because of Zhu Yousong's face. Mu Lingfeng thought to himself, "Whether you are sincere or pretending, as long as you don't cause trouble in Jinling, I won't fear you. Even if you come looking for trouble, I won't be afraid of you! Since you played me for a fool, I'll play dumb with you!"

Mu Lingfeng said, "I am responsible for the injury to our brother. Please don't blame him, General Dong. I will personally apologize to him another day."

In front of Zhu Yousong, Mu Lingfeng and Dong Li exchanged pleasantries and seemed to have buried the hatchet, but they each had their own plans. Zhu Yousong didn't know if he was really clueless or just pretending to be, and he held their hands, saying, "That's great! Well then, let's go to the upstairs room. Xiao Wang wants to drink with Prince Mu and Captain Dong until we're all drunk!"

Mu Lingfeng was more concerned about Chen Yuanyuan's safety and didn't have the time to drink with Zhu Yousong. He quickly declined, saying, "I have some matters to attend to at home and can't accompany you, Your Highness."

Dong Li took advantage of the situation to provoke him, saying, "Prince Mu is really too busy to spare any time, even for the invitation of Your Highness!"

Zhu Yousong remained expressionless and asked, "Oh? What's going on at Prince Mu's home? If there's anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to ask."

Mu Lingfeng thought to himself, "Zhu Yousong has opened the door for me. Should I tell him about Chen Yuanyuan's disappearance and ask for his help? After all, Jinling is his jurisdiction, and he will definitely be more convenient to deal with than the members of the Green Dragon Society!"

Amidst his hesitation, Mu Linfeng suddenly heard a commotion outside the door of Chunxiang Tower. A man's voice could be heard saying, "We're here to do business, not to play around. My money doesn't come from a cesspool. What's the stink?" Mu Linfeng recognized the voice as belonging to Long Qingyun and his heart skipped a beat, realizing that he had forgotten that he had made an appointment with Long Qingyun.

Zhu Yousong asked, "Who is making such a loud noise?"

Long Qingyun seemed to be taken aback by the question but then replied, "I'm Long Qingyun, the second-in-command of the Qinglong Society. When did Chunxiang Tower become a private place? And why can't I enter when I have the money to pay for it?"

Upon hearing that it was Long Qingyun, the second-in-command of the Qinglong Society, Zhu Yousong's face changed slightly before he burst out laughing and said, "Oh, it's you, Long Qingyun! I was wondering who was making such a fuss. Come on in, why are you so angry? Is the second madam of Chunxiang Tower really that popular?"

Mu Linfeng saw Long Qingyun come into Chunxiang Tower and look around. When Long Qingyun saw Mu Linfeng, he finally smiled at him in relief. Long Qingyun was accompanied by either elders, hall masters, or fragrance masters of the Qinglong Society.

Mu Linfeng wondered to himself, "Why did all the leaders of the Qinglong Society come here? Is Long Qingyun really afraid that I might get into trouble, or is something else going to happen?"