
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
89 Chs

Imperial Secret Agent ( Part 2 )

Xu Erniang pulled Mu Linfeng downstairs and said, "I say, young master Mu, how could I, Xu Erniang, have the fortune to be your elder sister? Aren't you celebrating the birthday of Second Sister?"

Mu Linfeng didn't want to get involved in these topics with Xu Erniang and asked, "Are Bian and Gu also inside the room?"

Xu Erniang whispered, "As soon as the ten-plus gentlemen entered the door, they wanted to have all the guests of Chunxianglou. Each of the previous girls received a reward of silver, and they gave me, Erniang, a hundred taels of gold, saying it was to rent the entire place. I had no choice, I had planned to send the three ancestors away, but as soon as Bian and Gu left the room, they were arrested. And one of the ancestors, Kou, has yet to be seen. I don't know where he went... "Then she wondered, "Could it be Kou who informed Young Master Mu?"

Mu Linfeng's mind turned and he thought, "I can deny it and not let Kou Baimen return to Chunxianglou again!" He quickly said, "Kou Miss? I haven't seen her. Isn't she in the room? I was passing by Chunxianglou and saw a young master outside cursing, that's how I found out about this... "

Xu Erniang's eyes rolled and she said, "Young Master Mu, please go back. I've already sent someone to invite the Little Prince of Fu's Mansion to settle this matter!"

Mu Linfeng coldly said, "I had long planned to redeem the freedom of the three girls. I don't care about the others, but if these three girls are desecrated, how could Linfeng sit idly by... " He pushed Xu Erniang aside and rushed upstairs. He kicked the door open and the whole room fell silent.

Mu Linfeng quickly surveyed the room. There were ten-plus young men dressed brightly and carrying swords sitting at a round table, with four or five charming women sitting next to each of them. They all looked at Mu Linfeng. In the deep part of the room, the screen had fallen, and Bian Yujing and Gu Meisheng sat with one playing the guqin and the other holding a pipa. They were surprised to see Mu Linfeng at the door, their eyes filled with both shock and joy.

A bearded man at the table stood up and shouted, "Who are you, little bastard, daring to make trouble here?"

Mu Linfeng snorted and said, "Who are you calling a little bastard?"

The burly man with a beard immediately said, "Wang Ba Gaozi is asking you!" But he soon realized something was wrong. One of the girls beside him couldn't help but burst out laughing. He immediately kicked her away and said, "What's so funny!"

The woman flew out and hit the wall, immediately losing consciousness. All the women present were frightened and fled towards the door, but at that moment, there was a loud "clank" sound, and a huge steel knife appeared beside Mu Linfeng, blocking his way. The burly man said, "Who dares to step out of this room, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The women were stunned and stood still, not knowing whether to sit or run. Many of them were terrified and could hardly speak. Only Bian Yujing and Gu Meisheng in the inner hall remained calm and fearless. Bian Yujing's eyes were full of concern for Mu Linfeng. Although she didn't know whether Mu Linfeng had any martial arts skills, even if he did, it would be difficult to fight against so many people.

However, Mu Linfeng remained composed and cast a reassuring look at Bian Yujing and Gu Meisheng, indicating that they need not worry. But in the eyes of the others, it seemed like a flirtatious look. The burly man roared, "What are you looking at, you little Wang Ba Gaozi? You are even flirting with the girl while your friend is about to ascend to heaven! Let me teach you a lesson!" He drew the sword from the waist of a person beside him and rushed towards Mu Linfeng, cursing, "Don't learn to be a hero in your next life!"

Mu Linfeng just looked on with cold eyes and did not move a muscle. The burly man swung his long sword, about to chop off Mu Linfeng's head. Bian Yujing's heart was about to jump out of her chest, and all the women present exclaimed in horror. However, all the men present laughed heartily, as if Mu Linfeng had already become a corpse in their eyes.

But at that moment, the burly man suddenly softened his grip on the sword, and it fell to the ground with a loud "clank". He then fell to his knees, looking up at Mu Linfeng with a bewildered expression, as if he didn't know what had happened. After a long while, he screamed like a pig, holding his right leg and writhing on the ground.

Bian Yujing's heart finally returned to its place, and the amazed exclamations of the women turned into curious voices of "huh, huh". All the men present could not believe their eyes. Some even opened their mouths and laughed a few times before staring at Mu Linfeng in amazement, unsure whether to laugh or close their mouths.

Mu Linfeng pointed his finger at the big men sitting at the table and said, "You, you, you, and you... anyone who doesn't want to be disabled, leave now."

The big men present were all stunned, staring at Mu Linfeng in disbelief. They had not seen any signs of Mu Linfeng making a move. He was just standing there like a wooden stake. No one knew how their brothers had fallen. One person trembled and asked, "Does he know sorcery?" Although the voice was low, in the silent room, everyone could hear it clearly.

One of them stood up and arched his hand, saying, "May I ask which path the hero is from?"

Mu Linfeng sneered and said, "I am Mu Linfeng, from the Mu royal family of Yunnan!"

The crowd murmured, "The Mu royal family of Yunnan? Mu Linfeng?"

One of them said, "Do you know who we are..."

Another person quickly stopped and said, "I will remember the young master's name. If we meet again, we'll have a chance to catch up!" He then had someone carry the big, bearded man with the lame leg away, and bowed to Mu Linfeng saying, "Farewell!"

Mu Linfeng stepped out of the doorway and stood to the side, coldly saying, "No need to see me off."

As the group passed by Mu Linfeng, they couldn't help but take a few more glances at him, afraid of forgetting his appearance. At the same time, there was a hint of horror in their eyes, afraid of provoking Mu Linfeng and ending up like their companion.

Xu Erniang had been listening outside the door and dared not approach. Now that the group had left, she felt both happy and worried. She was happy that they had finally left, but worried that they might come back and cause trouble. She quickly bowed and said to the group, "Gentlemen, please come back often when you have the time!"

The group stared at Xu Erniang, scaring her to retreat.

After the group left, Mu Linfeng entered the room and walked over to Bian Yujing and Gu Meisheng, asking, "Are you two ladies alright?"

Bian Yujing smiled and bowed, saying, "Thanks to Young Master Mu for coming to our rescue! We are extremely grateful."

Gu Meisheng also bowed to Mu Linfeng, saying, "Thank you, Young Master Mu!"