
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Fragrance Fills the Building: The Brassiere is Born ( Part 4 )  

Mu Linfeng's eyes almost popped out when he heard the words, but upon hearing her sincere words, he quickly regained his composure and smiled, saying, "I dare not speak of important matters, but I do need your help with something. It's just that this matter is difficult to mention."

Bian Yujing was even more surprised and said with a laugh, "I've been in the brothel for so long, but I've never heard of us being asked to help with business. Tell us about it and let us sisters have a good laugh."

Mu Linfeng chuckled, "In that case, I won't be shy." After a pause, she said to Yujing, "I originally came to Chunxiang Tower to discuss a deal with Er Niang, but Mu is not yet familiar with Er Niang, and my words may not carry weight and win her trust. Moreover, for this deal to work, I need the approval of all the young ladies of Chunxiang Tower before I can proceed."

Bian Yujing laughed, "What kind of business requires our approval?"

Mu Linfeng said, "I have invented a women's product that is unprecedented and needs the help of all the young ladies of your establishment to be put into practice. My plan is to first provide some free samples to the young ladies of Chunxiang Tower for their use. When they are all satisfied, I will sign a long-term contract with Er Niang."

Bian Yujing couldn't help but ask, "A long-term contract?"

Mu Linfeng hurriedly explained, "It's just a written agreement, stating that in the future, Mu will have full authority and responsibility to provide goods for Chunxiang Tower."

Bian Yujing was curious and asked, "What kind of goods is Mu Gongzi talking about? It sounds so interesting. I can't wait to see it."

Mu Linfeng sat down at the table, poured a cup of wine, drank it all, and said, "The product that is difficult to mention is this."

Bian Yujing smiled slightly and sat down, saying, "Mister Mu should also know what kind of place Chunxiang Tower is. What is there that is difficult to speak of?"

Mu Linfeng laughed and replied, "You are right, Miss. I will be more courteous."

After drinking half a cup of wine, Mu Linfeng said, "The thing I made is called 'Wenxiong', also known as 'bra'. It can replace the bellybands that all women currently use."

Bian Yujing became even more curious and asked, "What exactly is this 'Wenxiong' and how does it replace the bellybands?"

Seeing that Bian Yujing was not embarrassed, Mu Linfeng thought to himself that he was worrying too much. He slowly explained, "This 'Wenxiong' is actually... um... how should I put it? How about I bring a prototype and let you try it on? Then you'll know. If I have to explain it myself, it's really hard to describe."

Bian Yujing nodded and said, "Then I will follow what Mister Mu said. I am looking forward to seeing what it is."

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Very well."

When Mu Linfeng left Chunxiang Tower, it was already near noon. As he hurried back home, he saw four or five rickshaws parked in the courtyard of the mansion, along with some materials.

Wu Xing was instructing several brothers on how to make them. When he saw Mu Linfeng return, he immediately walked up to him and said with a smile, "How is it? Brother Wu, are we making good progress? We have already made four this morning. At this rate, we will have a small car dealership before nightfall tomorrow."

Mu Linfeng patted Wu Xing on the shoulder and laughed, "Not bad. You are skilled in this area, so you will be in charge. I just made a deal, and now we just need to make a prototype for the customer to try out before we can open for business." Wu Xing asked in surprise, "What did Brother Feng mean by that?"

Mu Linfeng whispered in Wu Xing's ear, "Bra."

Wu Xing was startled and exclaimed, "What?"

Mu Linfeng quickly covered Wu Xing's mouth and scolded, "What are you shouting for?"

Curious, Wu Xing asked, "Brother Feng, how did you come up with the idea to make this thing?"

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Other things can be made too, like airplanes, rockets, warships... but we don't have that kind of ability. We can only start from the basics. Now is the time when Nanjing City is thriving with the wind and the moon. Many women in many places take Qinhuai women as role models. As long as we can get a lot of money from Qinhuai women, are we afraid of not making money?"

Wu Xing laughed and said, "You're right. Brother Feng, you've seen so many chests, naturally you've seen countless embroidered chests too. I bet you've touched a lot of them. I really feel inferior in this area."

Mu Linfeng pretended to be angry and said, "Are you praising me or insulting me?"

Wu Xing suggested, "But this thing is simple to make. We can't just find a tailor to do it. It's best to have our own people do it."

Mu Linfeng nodded and said, "I was thinking about this problem and that's why I haven't implemented it yet."

Wu Xing muttered, "We are all rough men in our group. Who knows how to sew?"

Mu Linfeng smiled slightly and said, "I already have someone in mind." Wu Xing was about to ask who it was, but Mu Linfeng had already disappeared.

Mu Linfeng went to Chen Yuanyuan's room and saw Zheng Lianxiang there, teaching Chen Yuanyuan embroidery. When they saw Mu Linfeng, they put down what they were doing.

Chen Yuanyuan said, "Mu... Mu brother has something to tell Yuanyuan."

Mu Linfeng felt awkward hearing Chen Yuanyuan calling him "Mu brother", and ever since Zheng Lianxiang arrived, Chen Yuanyuan started calling him "Mu big brother" instead.

Mu Linfeng felt guilty towards Chen Yuanyuan and became sad.

Zheng Lianxiang stood up and said, "Is it inconvenient for Mr. Mu to speak in front of Miss Zheng?"

Mu Linfeng quickly held onto Zheng Lianxiang and said with a smile, "No, I have something that I want you both to help me with."

Chen Yuanyuan asked, "What is it?"

Mu Linfeng turned around and asked, "Do both of you know how to sew?"

Zheng Lianxiang asked, "Is Mr. Mu trying to make clothes?"

Mu Linfeng shook his head and said, "No."

Chen Yuanyuan asked, "Are you trying to mend clothes?"

Mu Linfeng shook his head again and said with a smile, "It's not that. I want you both to help me make something, but it seems a bit indecent."

If it was only Chen Yuanyuan present, Mu Linfeng would have no problem saying what he wanted to make, but with Zheng Lianxiang present, he didn't feel comfortable saying it. After all, Zheng Lianxiang was a lady from a different background than Chen Yuanyuan.

Chen Yuanyuan noticed Mu Linfeng's discomfort and said, "Then we won't ask anymore. Just tell us what we need to do, and we will do it."

Mu Linfeng listened to Chen Yuanyuan's words and cast a grateful look at her.

Mu Linfeng said, "Okay, I will go and draw some sketches now. After I finish drawing, you can just follow the sketches to make it."

Zheng Lianxiang and Chen Yuanyuan were both surprised and asked, "Sketches?"

Mu Linfeng didn't explain too much and said, "I will go and draw them now. Just wait here."

After Mu Linfeng finished speaking, he immediately went back to his room and asked someone to bring paper and pen. He drew several sketches according to his imagination of what the embroidered chest piece would look like, but he felt that something was missing.

Mu Linfeng considered it from different angles and suddenly slapped his head, laughing, "Oh, it's too monotonous. It would be even better if I could embroider some patterns on the chest piece."