
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
89 Chs

Bra on the Runway, Models in a Brothel ( Part 2 )

Zhu Yousong lifted his chin and glanced at Lord Feng with a smile, "Everyone says Lord Feng is not interested in women, yet here we are meeting at the Spring Fragrance Tower. How peculiar."

Lord Feng smiled slightly but didn't answer, and sat down beside Zhu Yousong.

Kong Wu looked around the lobby, as if it was his first time in such a place. As he saw the second floor, his eyes met with Mu Linfeng's. Mu Linfeng nodded slightly, indicating a greeting.

Kong Wu looked at Mu Linfeng with surprise, wondering how Mu Linfeng could be here and why he was alone on the second floor when all the other guests were in the lobby.

Suddenly, Mu Linfeng felt a sense of danger and looked towards the young man next to Lord Feng. The young man also looked at him, and Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat, "Isn't that Tianchuan Meiko?"

At that moment, Mu Linfeng finally got a good look at her face. Tianchuan Meiko dressed like a man, and she looked even more heroic, with a touch of arrogance in her eyes. Mu Linfeng recognized her and it seemed like she still resented him for being rude to her that day. She stared at him for a long time.

Mu Linfeng had never been stared at by a woman like this before and felt uncomfortable. He quickly avoided Tianchuan Meiko's gaze and looked at Zhu Yousong. He saw that Zhu Yousong had thick ears, a wide mouth, bright eyes, and a handsome appearance. Mu Linfeng couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder the history books say he's a womanizer, he really has the charm." However, he found it strange that even though Zhu Yousong was known for his love of women, he still seemed so lively and energetic.

Just then, two more people walked in. As soon as they entered, they bowed to each other as if they had just met at the door. Because the lobby was starting to get a little noisy, Mu Linfeng didn't hear what they said. One of them had a few white hairs on his temples but didn't look very old, while the other was obese and looked like a ball.

After exchanging some polite greetings, the two men walked side by side towards Zhu Yousong and complimented him before he nodded and gestured for them to sit beside him.

Xu Erniang returned to the stage and called out loudly, "Everyone, please quiet down."

As the lobby gradually quieted down, Xu Erniang ordered the door to be closed and said with a smile, "Welcome to the Spring Fragrance Tower. Tonight's performances will be worth your while, and I hope you will all have a good time."

Zhu Yousong sat down in the audience and anxiously asked, "What exactly is the program? Does Miss Bian have a good program? Second Sister, please hurry up." As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people immediately echoed his words.

Xu Erniang immediately nodded to Mu Lingfeng, indicating that they could start. Mu Lingfeng walked into the dressing room, and just happened to see the group of girls putting on makeup and changing clothes. They didn't mind his presence at all, which made Mu Lingfeng feel a little embarrassed. He turned around and called out, "You can start now." Seeing Mu Lingfeng being shy, the girls couldn't help but laugh and tease him, "Is Mu Master still a virgin? Why are you so shy?"

The girls were joking around, leaving Mu Lingfeng speechless. After a while, he regained his composure and cursed in his heart, "When I was playing with women, you guys weren't even born yet." But then he realized that he was from the future and that these people had already passed away long ago, which made him laugh.

After all the girls had finished dressing, Mu Lingfeng instructed them, "Follow what I taught you. When you hear the music, walk out in order, one by one. Don't crowd each other. When the person in front is posing on stage, the next person should walk out. Then, the person in front should walk back. After everyone has walked out once, we will all walk out together in a queue. Do you understand?"

The girls immediately laughed and said, "Mu Master, you've repeated that many times already."

Mu Lingfeng walked out of the room and went to Bian Yujing, Kou Baimen, and Gu Meisheng's rooms. He asked, "Are you all ready?"

The three immediately nodded in agreement. Mu Linfeng said, "Remember, after you go out, you must wear a veil. Otherwise, those perverts will know it's you three and will definitely ask you to do it again."

After Kou Baimen and Gu Meisheng put on their veils and walked out of the door, Mu Linfeng grabbed Biang Yujing's hand and said with emotion, "What I said this afternoon is true. I will definitely redeem you."

Biang Yujing looked at Mu Linfeng with confusion in her eyes. She didn't know if she could trust him, after all, he had been deceived by Wu Meichun once before. Women were most afraid of suffering the same hurt for the second time.

Mu Linfeng noticed Biang Yujing's worries and immediately embraced her, sealing her lips with his own. Biang Yujing was surprised for a moment and didn't react, but after a few symbolic struggles, she was conquered by Mu Linfeng's superior kissing skills. Her whole body began to tingle and approach paralysis.

Mu Linfeng felt that Biang Yujing's lips were trembling as if she had never been kissed before. He began to believe what Xu Erniang had said. Seeing Biang Yujing's embarrassment, fear, and confusion, he knew that she was being pushed too hard and it would take some time for her to come out of it.

Biang Yujing was about to speak when she heard Kou Baimen calling from outside, "Why aren't you coming out yet?"

Mu Linfeng nodded when Bian Yujing said, "I don't think it will take very long."

Bian Yujing adjusted her clothes and took a deep breath before walking out of the door. Mu Linfeng followed behind her, but was stopped by Kou Baimen as soon as they stepped outside. Kou Baimen asked in a soft voice, "What did you do to Miss Bian?"

Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat as he wondered, "Did she see something?" He denied any wrongdoing, saying, "Nothing, why do you ask?"

Kou Baimen smiled lightly, revealing his white teeth, and asked, "Really?"

Mu Linfeng remembered that historical records stated that Bian Yujing got married at the age of 17, so she should only be 15 at this moment. Her appearance was supposed to be good-looking, but her speech seemed more daring, direct, and mature than Bian Yujing.

The noise downstairs had already reached a fever pitch. Without thinking too much, Mu Linfeng immediately had the three of them sit in their positions and prepare to perform. Occasionally, the music would start playing, and the program officially began. A girl walked out of the room slowly, and the audience immediately held their breath, staring in amazement at her. Someone whispered, "What is she wearing?"

Mu Linfeng sat next to Bian Yujing and looked down at the audience. He saw Zhu Yousong's surprised face and Kong Wu's head turned to the side. Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "He really is a gentleman."

The last person who arrived sat next to Zhu Yousong, acting very flattering and deferential towards him. However,Zhu Yousong seemed to not have much interest in them, and his eyes were fixed on the girl on stage as she walked her steps. Mu Linfeng pondered how he could establish a relationship with Zhu Yousong to pave the way for future development.

He had recently begun to realize something - when he first arrived in this era, he was afraid to change history. But over these past few days, the changes around him, both in his surroundings and in history itself, had been enormous. Take Chen Yuanyuan for example - at this moment, she should be waiting in Beijing to meet Wu Sangui, yet here she was, waiting for his favor in his own mansion. And Mu Tianbo, who should have died trying to save the Prince of Gui, was actually killed by Xiao Yuanqiao fifteen years ago.