
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Angry and Burning With Rage ( Part 3 )

Mu Linfeng gritted his teeth and his joints creaked in fear, making Gengda quickly say, "This humble servant has a merciful heart but not the power to sympathize with the beautiful or the precious, this humble servant is humble and lowly, how could he dare to offend the Lord?"

Mu Linfeng waved his steel blade and said, "Stop talking nonsense, continue!"

Gengda continued, "Lord Wang was so anxious, this humble servant saw it, and couldn't ruin the matter...so he stepped out of the door and kept watch, and only heard the Lady screaming for help!

Suddenly Lord Wang laughed and said, 'Beauty, this is my manor, my people are here everywhere, who would dare to come in?' Then Miss Zheng said, 'Do you know my father is the General of Fujian, Zheng Zhilong?' Lord Wang said, 'Oh? So you are Zheng Zhilong's daughter?' Then there was silence in the room. After a while, Miss Zheng said, 'So you are afraid of the pirate chief too?' Then Lord Wang laughed and said, 'Would this king be afraid of that pirate chief?' Then he called this humble servant in and said, 'Take this woman and imprison her!' So this humble servant had to obey and put Miss Zheng in the dungeon of the manor. When he went back to the door, he heard the Lady calling, 'Mulang, save me!' Looking at Mu Linfeng, he said, 'The Lady is calling for Young Master Mulang to save her!'

Mu Linfeng's eyes shot fire, even though he heard the round situation from Gengda's mouth at this moment, it was like suffering, Chen Yuanyuan's mood at that time, can be imagined.

Gengda was so scared that he stammered and continued: "At that time, I heard the old man laughing in the room, and the lady crying and calling, my heart at the time was softened by the lady, I really wanted to go in and save the lady, alas ..."

Mu Linfeng glared, Gengda hurriedly continued: "Then I heard the sound of broken utensils and furniture falling down in the room, followed by the old man's scolding and the lady's crying and calling, and then the lady's desperate cry, the old man kept shouting:'The lowly person!' Then I heard the lady shout: 'Mulang, Yuanyuan took the lead!' Then I heard the old man's exclamation, and I was afraid that the old man had made a mistake, so I rushed into the room. The room was in chaos, and there were broken vases everywhere and furniture scattered everywhere ... The old man was sitting on the ground, panting, pointing to the corner of the door, I looked, only then I saw the lady lying on the ground, beside a pool of blood, the lady seemed to still be moving, I hurried forward to see how the lady was injured, but I heard the old man say:'Don't take care of her, let her die if she is going to die ...' After the old man said this, even if I had a sympathetic heart, I dared not go and see the lady again ..."

Only hearing Mu Linfeng's angry roar, with a loud "bang", he broke the steel knife in his hand into two pieces and kicked it towards Gengda's face, shouting: "So you mean that at that time, Yuan Yuan was still alive? Why didn't you go save her?"

Gengda was kicked away several meters by Mu Linfeng, struggling twice and no longer moving, not knowing whether he was dead or fainted. Everyone present only saw Mu Linfeng, and no one dared to breathe a word.

Mu Linfeng's eyes were full of raging fire. He turned around, grabbed Zhu Youpeng's collar and shouted at Zhu Youpeng: "Where is my old man?"

Dong Li and others hurriedly shouted: "Mu Gongzi should not do this..." But they could only watch Mu Linfeng and dare not step forward.

Zhu Youpeng was already scared out of his wits and couldn't speak for a while. Mu Linfeng sneered coldly: "My old man doesn't care if you are a dog-shit king or not. Even if you become emperor in the future, what can you do? I'm determined to change history and make you unable to be emperor..."

Everyone heard Mu Linfeng speaking such nonsense and said he was out of his mind, so Dong Li immediately shouted: "Someone, protect him, Mu Linfeng is crazy, Mu Linfeng is rebelling!"

In an instant, a group of officials and Jin Yiwei surrounded the hall. Dong Li shouted: "Mu Linfeng, don't you dare to keep the young master, are you really going to rebel?"

Mu Linfeng grabbed Zhu Youcun's neck and shouted: "Rebel then rebel, I'm not afraid, those who harm Yuan Yuan, I won't spare any of them!"

Mu Linfeng used force with both hands, Zhu Youcun's throat immediately made a "cough" sound, his face flushed red, and Long Qingfeng grabbed Mu Linfeng's hands and snatched Zhu Youcun away and pushed it to Long Qingyun. He said to Mu Linfeng: "Zhu Youcun is still useful, can't be killed!"

Mu Linfeng didn't care, he immediately reached out to snatch it, but was slapped back by Long Qingfeng. Mu Linfeng only felt a stuffiness in his chest and backed away. Mu Linfeng did not expect that Long Qingfeng was such a master. Suddenly he remembered that Long Qingfeng said in the other courtyard that he came this time for a purpose.

Long Qingyun firmly grabbed Zhu Youcun and said to Mu Linfeng: "Second brother, Zhu Youcun is in our hands now, are you still afraid that Zhu Changxuan, the old bastard, can escape? This revenge will be avenged sooner or later, second brother, you must endure a while, listen to me Big brother's orders!"

Mu Linfeng was chilled in his heart, saying: "Could it be that they had planned in advance, to catch Zhu Youcun, and conspire to rebel? I am just one of their chess pieces?"

Suddenly, Long Qingfeng's pale face surprisingly showed a wicked smile, and it disappeared in a flash. He only heard him say to Dong Li: "Do you think that these small yamen who eat meals all day and a few cowardly Jin Yiwei can deal with Long Someone?"

Dong Li and the other people present had a very ugly look on their faces. Dong Li said: "What do you want to do?"

Long Qingfeng said: "In the past, Long Someone could send you to the execution ground, today he still has the ability to make you die without a burial place. In the past, you escaped by the relationship of the young master. Today I don't know how you can escape!"

Dong Li was uncharacteristically laughing heartily now, saying: "Do you really think we only have these people? I'll tell you, the Qu Hongda Qu General Soldier stationed in Jinling City has already taken his troops here. I'm afraid the outside has been surrounded by the general soldier, right?"

Long Qingfeng's face suddenly showed a cold smile, he said to Dong Li: "You thought you could get away with it, now you know that I have the power to make you die without a burial ground. Don't you think you're going to escape this time?"

With a chill in his heart, Mu Linfeng said: "It seems these people were prepared, but I don't know when they got the news. Could it be just for show?"

Dragon Qingfeng continued: "Oh? Qu Hongda? This guy even made it as a general. It's not in vain that I've been with him for many years."

Mu Linfeng thought to himself: "So the general was a pirate with Dragon Qingfeng! I wonder what their relationship is?"

Dragon Qingfeng continued: "If I can come here, it means I was prepared. Do you think I'm a novice who just came out of the river? I was afraid the general would hear that I was here to be arrested and I would fall off my horse in fear!"