
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
89 Chs

Angry and Burning With Rage ( Part 2 )

When everyone saw Mu Linfeng so determined, coupled with the support of Dragon Qingfeng and Dragon Qingyun, no one was in a position to say anything. However, Dong Li, on the other side, said: "There are rules in the family and laws in the country. How is it different from using private punishment and bandits?" Dong Li was greatly favored by the emperor and was appointed an official of the court. How could he just sit by and not care?

Mu Linfeng didn't know where Dong Li's courage came from, so he crossed the knife and shouted: "How do you deal with it?"

Mu Linfeng's shout scared Dong Li, who stepped back repeatedly. Dragon Qingfeng said on the side: "What's the use of talking about family rules and national laws? Even those who committed crimes in the past court can become great people, let alone talk about family rules and national laws?"

Dong Li was so angry that he gritted his teeth and his face changed constantly, looking very unpleasant.

Mu Linfeng snorted coldly and said, "Do you forget how Spring Fragrance Pavilion's brothers were crippled just now?"

Dong Li was only pretending to show his loyalty to the country, but he was scolded and scolded by Dragon Qingfeng and Mu Linfeng, so he was stunned and didn't know what to do.

Mu Linfeng squatted down and said to the lying Gengda: "If you tell the mastermind behind the scenes, Mu Linfeng will guarantee your safety. Don't drink the punishment wine!"

Although Gengda was no longer calling, he still held his fingers that had been cut off, seeming to be in pain, and grunted from time to time, looking at Zhu Youcun on the side.

Mu Linfeng looked at Zhu Youcun and saw that his face was pale and his forehead was sweating. He thought to himself: "It must be related to you!" But he pretended not to know, and continued to Gengda: "Since you don't know the times, don't blame me for being cruel!" As he said, he raised his knife.

Gengda was so scared that he shouted: "Little Prince, save me!"

Zhu Youcun's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "You have committed ten evil deeds, and even Little Prince cannot save you. Fortunately, you are not rebellious and you can't even save your family!" Zhu Youcun deliberately emphasized the two words "family".

Mu Linfeng heard it in his ears and thought: "It turns out that your little prince is using people's family to make them scapegoats!" But he said: "That's right, if you are stubborn, even the Little Prince cannot save you. If you insist on bringing the guilt to your body, Mu Linfeng will guarantee that your family will not be spared." Although Mu Linfeng was not soft when dealing with opponents, he had never injured the innocent. He said this to scare Gengda.

Gengda had witnessed the cruelty of Mu Linfeng and had no doubts, but he was also afraid of Zhu Youcun and did not know what to do. Mu Linfeng did not give him time to think and immediately said, "If you reveal who the real murderer is, I, Mu Linfeng, will guarantee the safety of your whole family. If a single person is killed, I Mu Linfeng will avenge you." Gengda hesitated and looked at Zhu Youcun. Mu Linfeng immediately said, "I'll count to three. Three... two..."

Gengda was at a loss. If he said it, Zhu Youcun would take revenge on his family, but if he didn't say it, he would lose a finger and his family might be in danger. Just as he was hesitating, he heard Mu Linfeng say, "One!" Gengda screamed. Mu Linfeng took Gengda's nameless finger and waved it in front of him before throwing it on the ground and saying, "I want to see if your finger is hard or my knife is fast."

Gengda screamed on the ground, "I... I said it... I told all..."

Mu Linfeng sighed, "Why didn't you say it earlier, why did you have to suffer so much?"

Zhu Youcun said beside him, "Gengda, be careful of what you say!"

Long Qingfeng said, "Young Master Zhu seems to be very concerned about this matter?"

Zhu Youcun forced a smile and said, "Though Young Master and Mr. Mu are not eight-bow friends, they are friends. Mr. Mu's sorrow for the death of his wife, Young Master also deeply regrets..."

Mu Linfeng bowed and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Young Master!" Then he turned to Gengda and said, "Who is the real murderer? Where is Miss Zheng now?"

Gengda, due to excessive blood loss, had a pale face and was powerless. He said, "Old Master passed by Fuzi Temple this morning and happened to see a beautiful woman coming out of the temple. Old Fuke commanded me to inquire about the origin of the woman. I searched around and only knew that the woman had just arrived in Jinling and was staying in the west of the city. "He said to Mu Linfeng, "I didn't know at the time that the woman was Mrs. Mu. If I had known, I wouldn't have dared even if I had lost my head..."

Mu Linfeng shouted, "Continue!"

Gengda said with difficulty, "Old Master commanded me to follow Mrs. Mu and take her away. I followed her all the way, but something unexpected happened. There was a man and a woman who seemed to know Mrs. Mu and were talking happily. I had to follow them until we were in a place with no one, and I took action. But the man was skilled in martial arts and I almost couldn't handle him. Fortunately, a black-clothed man appeared and entangled the man, and I seized Mrs. Mu and Miss Zheng and took them away!"

Mu Linfeng shouted, "What black-clothed man? Can you recognize this person?"

Mu Linfeng coldly said, "I can tell if it's nonsense!" He then asked Gengda, "What happened after you brought Yuyou and Miss Zheng to the guesthouse?"

Gengda glanced at Zhu Youxun, and Mu Linfeng immediately shouted, "Speak!"

Gengda continued, "This servant brought the lady and Miss Zheng to the guesthouse and handed them over to Old Master Wang, thinking that he would receive some reward, but when Old Master Wang saw the lady, he was stunned and didn't mention any reward, only kept saying 'Beauty, beauty!'..."

Mu Linfeng angrily said, "Old thief!" He then raised his knife and shouted, "Where is Zhu Changxun?"

Dongli shouted, "How dare you call the name of the thousand-year-old King Fu..."

Before Dongli could finish his sentence, he was scared by Mu Linfeng's sharp gaze and swallowed back his words.

Zhu Youxun was already sweating profusely, not knowing what to do, and almost fell when his body swayed. Fortunately, Dongli quickly supported him.

Long Qingfeng said, "Mu Linfeng, don't be angry yet, let's hear this person explain the situation first."

Mu Linfeng shouted, "The matter is clear, what else needs to be said? Are we going to hear how the old thief humiliated Zhu Jing?"

Long Qingfeng said, "We still don't know the whereabouts of Miss Zheng, let's hear how he explains it."