
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Angry and Burning With Rage ( Part 1 )

After being silent for a long time, without speaking, tears had blurred Mu Linfeng's vision without him realizing it. Mu Linfeng slowly crouched to the ground, reached out and uncovered the white cloth. The person underneath gradually revealed themselves, and it was clear that the face was unrecognizable due to the bruises and black lips. The disheveled clothing and jewelry revealed the person to be Chen Yuanyuan. Mu Linfeng could not imagine what humiliation she must have suffered. He shook his head and said, "No... she wouldn't... it can't be Yuanyuan!"

Mu Linfeng tried to convince himself that the person in front of him was not Chen Yuanyuan, but the height and figure were too similar to ignore. There was a deep scar on her wrist, which had already healed. It could be assumed that she had taken her own life out of despair.

Long Qingyun sighed softly, "Second Brother, you don't have to be too sad. The most important thing at this moment is to capture the criminal and find out the truth."

Zhu Youcong said, "The truth will be found soon. The criminal has already been captured by me. He is in the hall below, waiting for your words, young master. I will tear this person apart immediately to commemorate the deceased mistress."

Mu Linfeng touched Chen Yuanyuan's distorted face and said softly, "Yuanyuan, I am powerless and cannot protect you. I am nothing more than a seven-foot man..." He was suddenly overcome with tears and started crying. Everyone just watched him and did not try to comfort him, knowing that comforting someone in their grief could only make them more sorrowful. After crying for a while, Mu Linfeng covered Chen Yuanyuan with the white cloth again and walked to Dong Li's side. He pulled out a long knife from Dong Li's waist and shouted, "Where is the head criminal!" This startled Dong Li, causing him to fall off his seat in fright.

Those who knew Mu Linfeng were surprised to see him so angry. Even Zhu Youcong was shocked and stepped back when Mu Linfeng shouted. He quickly yelled, "Quickly, bring Geng Da to the hall!"

A group of Jin Yi Wei officers brought Geng Da to the hall. He was tall and burly, but his face was swollen and red, as if he had been tortured. When he saw Mu Linfeng, he immediately knelt down and said, "This humble one was confused and deserves death. It was an accident, this humble one only asks for forgiveness, please show mercy, young master!" He then crawled to Mu Linfeng and grabbed his pant leg, crying, "Young Master, this humble one only asks for death..."

Mu Linfeng glared at Geng Da and his knuckles cracked as he held the knife. His eyes were wide open. Suddenly he roared and raised the knife to cut Geng Da. Geng Da did not dodge and closed his eyes, hoping for a quick death. However, there was a loud "clang" as someone stopped Mu Linfeng's knife with a knife. Mu Linfeng looked and saw that it was Long Qingyun.

Mu Linfeng Fury said: "Second Brother, what's going on here? Anyone who stops me from avenging today is my enemy. I will not show mercy to this thief!"

Dragon Qingfeng watched from the side and stepped forward two steps. "Everyone understands your feelings, but it's not the time to use righteousness. This case has not yet been tried, and the result of this person has been decided prematurely. It is not yet certain whether it is this person's doing or not, and whether there are accomplices in this case or a conspiracy. Everything is still pending investigation. Why are you so anxious?"

Mu Linfeng listened to this and gradually calmed down. He thought to himself: "It's true. This thief is so eager to die that it seems like he is protecting someone. Is there a hidden story behind the death of Yuan Yuan?

Dragon Qingfeng continued: "Moreover, there is still a victim in this case, Miss Zheng Lianxiang, who has not been found. If Miss Zheng has suffered the same as Mrs. Mu, why can't we see the body? Perhaps Miss Zheng is the only witness in this case?" Zhu Youzun was sweating on his forehead at this time, wiping it with his sleeves.

Mu Linfeng said coldly, "Dragon Qingfeng's words are not wrong. I was confused for a moment, almost making a big mistake!" He quickly grabbed Gengda's collar and shouted, "Where is Miss Zheng?"

Zhu Youpeng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "There is only Lingkun in the courtyard, and no trace of Miss Zheng has been found..."

As soon as Gengda heard this, he immediately said, "It was... It was me who caught his wife. I didn't see Miss Zheng... Absolutely not..."

Mu Linfeng raised his knife and said coldly, "I see you don't shed any tears until you see a coffin!"

Gengda closed his eyes and said, "I only ask for quick death!"

Mu Linfeng threw Gengda to the ground and sneered coldly, "Quick death? You think too much..." His voice trailed off as he crouched down and grabbed Gengda's hand, saying, "If I don't kill you, but just cut off your fingers one by one, what would you feel? It is said that these ten fingers are connected by heart, it must be very painful, right?"

Dongli said on the side, "Mr. Mu, since this thief has admitted, why do you have to do this?"

Mu Linfeng turned around and glared at Dongli, scaring him so much that his face turned pale and he stammered, "Subordinate... Subordinate didn't say anything!"

Gengda gritted his teeth and said, "It was indeed done by me alone, and no one else was involved..." Ah... His words were not finished, and he heard a scream. Mu Linfeng had already cut off his fingers and blood was constantly flowing from his hand. Gengda was rolling on the ground, screaming like a pig, holding his hands.

Everyone present was pale, not expecting Mu Linfeng to cut off Gengda's fingers so cruelly. They didn't know how many fingers Mu Linfeng had cut off in the 21st century, usually in the midst of laughter.

Mu Linfeng picked up Gengda's fingers and threw them to the ground, stepping on them and shouting, "I think you'd better confess, otherwise your fingers will get less and less, and you'll have to be fed when you eat!"

Zhu You-song urged from the side: "Prince Mu, I think this matter should still be handled by the government of Jinling!"

Dong Li supported him: "That's right, Prince Mu has no official title, but he is also a small prince of the Mu Wangfu. He cannot break the law and abuse private punishment, right?"

Mu Linfeng coldly said: "This case is related to my wife's life. I don't trust the government of Jinling. I have to take care of this!"

Zhu You-song said: "This man has already broken a finger, but still refuses to confess. I don't think there is any other inside story. If he is beaten into confession and falsely accuses someone, not only will Prince Mu not be able to distance himself from it, but I'm afraid that everyone present will not be able to stay out of it!"

Long Qingyun laughed and said: "The little prince is too considerate. Dragon Two came today and didn't intend to distance himself from it!"

Mu Linfeng said: "Today, I was killed by a fool in the Fuyangfu branch. This vengeance cannot be shared. I swear to personally kill the enemy. After the event, I alone will bear all the consequences!"