
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

A Beauty Beneath the Crotch, A Strategist On the Bed (Middle)

Mulan loosened her grip and said to Da Yuer, "Madam, I... cough... cough... I didn't mean to offend, and I'm definitely not an assassin sent by the Ming Dynasty. As for the Emperor's death, I am truly sorry..." She didn't know how to explain it to Da Yuer. Please keep in mind that:

Da Yuer saw that Mulan was so respectful to her and asked tentatively, "Who are you exactly? How did you suddenly appear in the camp?"

Da Yuer still remembered clearly that when she was having a fierce quarrel with Huang Taiji just now, she suddenly saw a flash of cold light in the tent, and then a person appeared in mid-air, pressing on Huang Taiji and her. She thought it was some kind of monster or demon, and then she passed out.

Mulan thought to herself, "If I tell her I'm from the future, she might not believe me." So she made up a story on the spot and said, "I am a Taoist from Changbai Mountain. I was practicing a powerful hidden weapon, but accidentally lost consciousness due to demonic possession. When I woke up, I was already in the Emperor and Madam's tent, and the hidden weapon had injured the Emperor."

Da Yuer asked half-believingly, "A hidden weapon?"

Mulan quickly pulled out her pistol and said, "Yes, this is it." Seeing the doubts on Da Yuer's face, Mulan said, "Madam, please look at that oil lamp." She used the gun to extinguish the lamp.

Da Yuer was shocked and said, "Such a hidden weapon, soundless and traceless, is really powerful. I believe you now."

At this moment, the tent was pitch black. Mulan sat behind Da Yuer and suddenly smelled a fragrance from her body, which made her heart flutter. Da Yuer sensed Mulan's rapid breathing and knew what she was thinking. Da Yuer was a remarkable person. Although she was a little sad to see Huang Taiji die just now, she had completely recovered from the grief at this moment. She knew her current situation and thought, "He is so powerful with this weapon. I think it's impossible to escape now. I just need to delay him until dawn. At that time, even if he has a powerful weapon, it will be difficult to escape."

Da Yuer immediately pretended to cry and said, "So it was really the fault of this hidden weapon, and it had nothing to do with the expert. The Emperor's death was also fate. Now that the Emperor is gone, how can I, a widow and orphan, live?" She shed real tears, but cursed Mulan a thousand times in her heart.

Upon seeing such a beauty as Da Yuer, Mu Lingfeng couldn't help feeling sorry for her. According to history, after Huang Taiji's death, Da Yuer sought advice from the surrendered minister Hong Chengchou, with whom she allegedly had some dirty dealings. Following Hong Chengchou's advice, Da Yuer deliberately approached Dorgon and helped him ascend the throne, using his power to secure her position as the Empress Dowager. According to historical records, Hong Chengchou was captured by the Qing dynasty after the death of Fan Wencheng, but since Fan Wencheng was still alive at this moment, it meant that Hong Chengchou had not yet surrendered. This realization shocked Mu Lingfeng, who had completely forgotten that before him stood a naked beauty.

Mu Lingfeng asked Da Yuer, "May I ask, Your Majesty, how old is Shun... cough... Prince Fu Lin now?"

Hearing Mu Lingfeng's question, Da Yuer was puzzled, not knowing what he was up to. She replied, "He's three years old. Why do you ask?"

Calculating in his mind, Mu Lingfeng thought, "When Shunzhi ascended the throne, he was six years old, which was in the 43rd year of the Ming Dynasty. So now, it should be the 40th year of the Ming Dynasty, the most chaotic period in the history of the Ming. Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian had been on the throne for thirteen years, and the Ming Dynasty was still four years away from its collapse."

Seeing Mu Lingfeng remain silent for a long time, Da Yuer became curious and asked, "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Lingfeng sorted out his thoughts and thought to himself, "Da Yuer is not a good person. At this moment, she must be scheming against me. After all, I am her husband's murderer, and she would not let me go easily. Her meekness now is just a temporary measure." With this in mind, Mu Lingfeng steadied himself and said, "Your Majesty, now that the Emperor has passed away, we both may face charges tomorrow, don't you think?"

Da Yuer, who had been plotting against Mu Lingfeng, was surprised by his sudden statement and asked, "What do you mean?"

Mu Lingfeng smiled and said, "Your Majesty must be scheming right now. I have a hidden weapon in my hand, and you cannot escape. As long as you delay me until dawn, you can escape, right?"

Upon hearing these words, Dayuer's heart trembled, and she quickly said, "At this moment, my mind is in turmoil, how could I have such deep thoughts?"

Mulingfeng sneered, "I understand Your Highness's thoughts, but please do not forget that you are still naked at the moment. And we will be together until dawn, and I'm afraid that you will be suspected by others, and it will be difficult to explain."

Dayuer was only thinking about how to deal with Mulingfeng just now, but she had not thought about this aspect. If Mulingfeng spoke nonsense at dawn and implicated her, she would be in trouble. At the thought of this, she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Mulingfeng continued to laugh, "Your Highness is a smart person. If you still want to harm me at this moment, then tomorrow at the critical moment, I may speak nonsense. Your Highness may not be afraid of death, but please think carefully. What will others say after your death? If you die, what will happen to the three-year-old Prince Fulin? Even if the future emperor does not kill him, he may grow up in rumors and it will be difficult for him to establish himself in the royal family."

Mulingfeng's words hit Dayuer's heart like a needle, and she didn't know what to do for a while. At this point, tears flowed from her eyes again. Mulingfeng achieved his goal and couldn't help but wipe away Dayuer's tears. He moved her head over and said to her, "If I can make the emperor die of natural causes and make Prince Fulin ascend the throne with a plan, will Your Highness spare me?"

Dayuer immediately asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

Mulingfeng stroked Dayuer's face and said, "As long as Your Highness does not have any intention to harm me, I will definitely assist you."

Dayuer thought to herself, "Who is this person? How does he know me so well?" She remembered that Mulingfeng suddenly appeared in the tent just now, and he also said that he was practicing in Changbai Mountain. She couldn't help but believe that he was really a half-immortal. She lay in Mulingfeng's arms and said, "My mind is in turmoil now, and I forgot to thank you for saving me, sir."

Mulingfeng was secretly delighted and quickly pushed Emperor Taiji's corpse off the bed, lying on top of Dayuer and kissing her lips, saying, "Your Highness, who among the princes treats you the best now, besides the emperor?"

Dayuer cursed Mulingfeng inwardly, but she was helpless at the moment and allowed him to be so presumptuous. She said, "Prince Li, Prince Rui, and Prince Su treat me fairly well."