
Without Purpose

Born in the 1400's without purpose.

Mr_Cherry_Ass · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

| Achievements |

Save Salem 2/2: Puritan's Soul, Tireless Body

| Puritan's Soul |

You can feel the sins of others and can sear it out of their soul.

| Tireless Body |

An endurance runner's worst nightmare. You don't tire, so never give up.

I assume that means I don't need to eat? I wonder if I'll still grow with all these weird things in my body. I can't stay here. I'm covered in blood and I dont trust the water round here to be clean enough to wash myself.

I hope they record my presence here so I can start my immortal record and intimidate Omni-Man with it when he come here. I doubt it'll work, but it's better than getting pummeled.

I could go west and collect gold, but that'd waste time gaining power. I could throw Europe into Anarchy and kill a few kings.

It's decided then. I'm heading to Asia to become the strongest martial artist.

That's when I began walking across the continent. A tireless body puts the trail of tears to shame. I don't need food for anything, but my stomach. I have grown a few inches taller I believe. I know this as my snake stick has gotten shorter. You may ask "what's a snake stick?" A snake stick is what I used to earn my next two achievements.

| Achievements |

Hunt your first animal: Physique^

Hunt your first predator: Physique^

Physique does wonders more than what you'd expect. Raw food is fine and cactus water is kinda like a crappy energy drink gone flat.

I have been surprisingly I only went through one desert and I was luck enough it rained. I'll just assume it means I'm moving at my mother's pace. You'd think I'd run into more things on the way, but the snakes were the only ever danger on this journey to the west.

Im smart enough not to swim across the pacific ocean. So im going North to try the stormy bit.

At one point I ran into a black bear. I believe I am in fact poisonous for some reason. It took a sniff of me and decided I wasn't worth it or lingering demon blood who knows.

A journey across America is really boring without all the overpopulation and villainy. My apologies for sharing it I was hoping for a Wendigo.

The former land bridge was unfortunately reminding me of Ursa.

I'll need to age a bit to cross this. So I decided to train some stick fu. I head south for a beach.

It all started as a whim and I definitely got majorly side tracked.

I realize why goku doesn't have big hulking muscles when he was younger. Im eating all the fish I kill and I'm definitely muscular but I am neither toned nor lean.

I earned two more achievements surprisingly.

| Achievements |

Achievements mastery with a weapon: Physique^

Slay 100000 creatures with your preferred weapon: Left-Handed Inheritance

| Left-Handed Inheritance |

You have recieved a stick infused with the roots of the great tree and yggdrasil. This is the weapon the Left-Handed twin used against his Right-Handed brother. With it comes the vitality of the Left-Handed twin.

Yggdrasil was a weird addition for a native American artifact. It also hurts that since I've had this knife in my hand long enough for Russian to start showing up. I could go across the land bridge. I have grown to adultish height, but I am only at shoulder height. I've been in Alaska for 50 days and nights.

I definitely have had my height nerfed. The Russian believe I am actually native and have take to trading me basic things for deep sea fish. If I'm gonna be honest I appreciate the pants.

I also finally put the knife in a sheathe. I have finally gotten my chance to be a real hero recently. I nursed a Russian back to health after he fell through ice.

That was definitely a mistake though. The Natives and I had an understanding where I'd leave them alone after I fought a bear for them 30 days ago. That fell through because apparently they were at war with the Russians. I am luckily arrow proof.

Doesn't mean I forgave them for shooting me in my sleep. I am after all allowed to be childish as I am a child. I am probably on the level of a street level hero terms of destruction. I can break bones like Daredevil but I fought for a week straight to settle this dispute between the two.

I hate Alaskan time. I nearly missed the American Revolution. I forgot each day was a whole year. My plan is to simply reduce the fatality of the war since I'm aware that remaining grey is usually better for a hero to do, but I should put in a good word from the natives since I cant exactly stop their genocide, but I want to give the little guys a chance so I'll just stand in the room with my arms crossed an speak in broken English.

This was a good idea until I saw my first battle. The British were being led by some kind of knight and Abraham Lincoln was playing home.

Immortal's genius idea of not wearing armor and using no weapon was perfectly reflected in his loss and beheading.

My turn I guess. To my surprise. Waiting till the knight was done praying earned me enough credit for him to allow a second duel. He believed it was only fair as the entire force had already retreated and only I was left.

Surprisingly I was completely overwhelmed. It didn't really matter though. I learned why he was so powerful.

"I am the last Descendant of Cu Chulainn." he bragged. "There is no shame in losing to me here."

"We shall see!" I attempted to sound manly though puberty betrayed me.

His whole battalion laughed at me. 2 hours into the fight I finally tired him down.

"Philadelphia is mine. Go home."


I heard a notification sound followed by gunshots and a single cannon shot. I was never more thankful for the bear skin in my life. The bullet fire was barely a sting whereas the cannon hit harder than a demon.

Thank God they shot all at once. I had to knock out a good half of them before they let me keep the capital.

The loyalist British whatever were quickly gone and I had to wake up without being here when he woke up so I just put his head back on and put a twenty foot pole through his stomach.

What followed was me making a series of awful decisions.

I then went to different states and garnered respect on both sides, but that just made me a national menace apparently.

I was able to get on Washington's right hand by the end of the war. We ended the war in 1980. I had to duel someone who claimed to be a Descendant of Lancelot who was trivialize by what I earned in my last duel.

| Achievements |

defeat a descendant of Cu Chulainn: Hound's Skin, Hound's spirit

| Hound's Skin |

You can't be held down and youre hard to put down.

| Hound's Spirit |

You feel an energy inside of you.

I'm not getting very much damage out on my attacks, but luckily Lancelot can't do nearly enough to put me down. I fought him for 5 days and nights in Britain. The king believed we were too weak, but after I defeated Lancelot. Cu Chulainn's Descendant came to me.

"I told the king your story you don't have to worry about us breaking the duel," He bowed, "but please don't use your demonic power to rule the America's!"

This was a strange development, but it is understandable I guess.

"Where did you hear my power's were demonic?" I inquired.

"You come without a blood line. The only way you can have that power is through a devil. Please accept my small life if that's what it takes to make you tolerant." He begged with all he had.

The irony is that both he and Lancelot are stronger than me, but refuse to use a sharpened weapon on a child. Hound's Spirit apparently allows me to reflect accrued damage to an extent.

So back to the young Descendant.

"This 'devil' actually has a separate source of power." I hold the Left-Handed stick closer to his head.

"If you really want to give your life to me just have many sons. You and other knightly Descendants need to have as man sons as possible in the future." That's right.

They really aren't that powerful to try to act like their genes are sacred.

They are barely on the city level of strength and I'm simply playing my strength to win this war. I also didn't get anything for beating Lancelot. This is far too weak to stagnate.

Thus I come back to America and a dead George Washington.

(extra long chapter sorry for taking so long to post)