
Without Purpose

Born in the 1400's without purpose.

Mr_Cherry_Ass · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

I wasn't aware of the activities of the forefather's and I was not aware that Columbus had an illegitimate child. I was also not aware that I would so happen to be said child in my next life. The next thing I noticed was may haps' I'm just a special little bastard as I repeatedly notice some discrepancies with history.

She was a short skinny woman barely able to carry her own weight around the village. It's such a shame that she was so much bigger than him. She was six feet tall and 180 pounds of pure power. That's like more than a hundred centimeters. That's atleast a whole meter and thats a lot.

My poor father's story was recorded in chants described as legendary. She mounted him and rode him like no tomorrow. It was apparent that cow girls came early for pudgy Italian men.

It appears that being born into a tribe has allowed me to have auto translate or something like that.

The natives have the ability to auto translate as they have spoke fluent English since was born. The sling my mother has held me from allowed me to hear all her conversations in detail. The mountain dew is fresh as well.

I have yet to be called by my name, but I know my father well. I see him everyday with my mother.

My mother's name I believe is River or Ay Ay. I also believe she is well respected in the village as she is the only one who is allowed to carry her baby with her.

River has cared for me from the day I started having conscious thoughts. I find it strange though. Everyday we go to the river she stands in the water and stands there. She waits like a master and in hip deep water she reaches in the water and pulls a fish out by the lips. With one hand and a simple motion she steals a fish without a single drop of water on her baby boy.

My beautiful mother has ate the same fish of the same size everyday within the two cycles I was born.

The fish is nearly exactly the same and I would believe it was just an uncreative dream that feels long if it weren't for the rough leather scratching my skin.

Though for some reason it makes me miss my phone. I've occasionally heard my phone ping. I feel like any second now I'll awake from the motherboard.

Which brings me to another topic that im afraid to address besides the first person narrative that is my thoughts. My memory is slipping from me. I cant even remember my previous name, but I know I wasn't good with them.

The Matrix.

It came to me after remembering Reanu Keeves. He was one of my favorite actors after all. I could never forget Reanu Keeves.

This is also not right...

Damn it.

Im going to forget all the easy profits by the time I can use them. I'll just try to remember to tell Hamilton not to duel Aaron Bo. I'd get mad time travel respect for saving the best president, Aleks Hamilton.

Now to after when my mother's done eating and feeding me. We get to see all the pretty men and women in the village. Theres gotta be a man other than my father in the village.

It'd honestly be a big shame for the only man in the village to be my father. Itd explain why my father was raped and murdered by my father. She has kept his rotting head on a spike for months now. I ain't smart and I'm even dumber than I was, but I know whats coming next. My mother has told me as well that the Italians will come as they said they would during their escape.

She prays for me everynight. Past her talking to herself, her prayers are mostly mental. There is one small part that scares me though. It is, a minor thing, but she says "thank you for your guidance" at the end of each session. This is not traditional as far as I know.

The cold season has recently past and the village has started wearing even less clothing and yes. There are no men still.

I am mobile myself though. I think its in our genes or something. She started making me go back and forth on my own every morning, yet she was disappointed as I am a month later on when she thought I'd be walking, because apparently I was "supposed to get it first try."

I did not and thats all I can say.

She also threw out the head recently. She even went as far to clean off the flesh to make it smell nicer. While it was in the house.

This brings me to a few more problems. First I cant understand how I am so calm to the head on a spike, but am sensitive to seeing a woman's breasts, for example. I also have begun to worry about changing history. Despite the fact that my mother is a prophet of some sort.

She had predicted a hightide and pulled the fishermen (all built like they wanna hear about the rabbits) from the beach to protect the village from the sea bear she called it. Like an absolute maniac she told the chief and they listened intently.

This is where I learned there was a second village. They were separated watching the shore which did so happen to be abnormally high. My mother was right. That was crazy. Then I realized she was scary. As if a flash flood was for casted a large ripple in the water happened and it started moving in circles. it made the shores seem like a wave poor circling the shore.

There was something in the water and it was large. Far larger than a whale at least.

I've seen the women carrying whole trees.

Then men were quite a bit larger. Like a island of freaks they were all at least the size of a pro wrestler and even the leaner ones probably weighed more than 300 pounds. I would never be able to guess their height, but they make me think Paul Bunyan was native.

They were shaken and they were all baring weapons, which my mother said weren't necessary. Under the condition that we all stay on shore.

This is when I realized my mother is scary. She had came up behind me as I was sitting on a small rock playing in the dirt. She had picked me up and started carrying me to the torrenting waters. I tried wording out an exclamation only to be drowned out with chanting. My mother hands me a rusty knife and tell me a secret "don't let go and you will be the one to right the selfish wrongs."

She drops me into the water. Knife in hand. This is where I'm supposed to die. I really thought I was too. I got lucky though. The knife was very poor in quality before I was even in the water it had splintered into my hands.

I was nearly floating on my own in the water. If it wasn't for the knife I'd almost be above the water but the waters just brought me closer to the big brown figure.

It's stocky figure was eyeing me the whole time as I was in the water. The salt water wasn't burning my hands nor my eyes nearly as much as the impossible creature infront of me. It wasn't a sea animal. It was simply a bear. If bears were the sizable enough to make tidal waves. I couldn't even see how big it actually was as I had closed my eyes and attempted to accept my fate.

Finally I felt myself hit something and I guess that's when I passed out. I guess this is when I died. The first time at least.

(I'm aware my story is shit)