

On hearing the news about their pregnancy, Neel was left between different emotions. He was so happy that he was going to be a father soon and on the other hand he felt he needed Araxie to be his now that he had a chance to claim her with ease little did he know that Trion wasn't settled too. He had teamed up with Marina to break that spell no matter the cost.

Casey fell out of words on finding her mother seated in the living room conversing in a friendly manner with Araxie whom she used to treat like hell.

"Am I imagining it or it's really happening!"she breathed as she winked several times to catch her vision but still, she was seeing the same! Marina was in the house.

"What the heck is she doing here. I hope she doesn't create a scene."she breathed and turned to walk away but Neel had grabbed her hand.

"You can't turn back on your mother. I don't like it. I accept that she made a mistake but what else could she have done when Malinda was jazzing her up. Of course she was supposed to laugh and make her feel like she did a good thing. I'm sure you know that all witches don't like to be challenged, don't you? You may find that she was only pretending to be happy when it wasn't the case inside. You have to appreciate the fact that she has followed you here. She still cares for you and that's why she cancelled her plan of living a luxurious life with her twin sister and came here instead. You should go and apologise."Neel told her.

"Mom." Having listened to Neel's advice, Casey ran an hugged her mother with teary eyes as she apologized.

At the moment Marina didn't know what to say, she just looked like she's been paralyzed. She thought it'd take her years to get her child's love back and now, it was happening sooner than she expected.

"Don't cry child and stop apologizing because to every mother, her child is always forgiven no matter how big the mistake is! I'm so happy that you opened my eyes and now, I can differentiate between right and wrong.

I'm so bad that all along I've been very selfish and never cared for you and your younger sister, Araxie... but not anymore because henceforth I'll do whatever it takes for your happiness. You'll be my priority and as long as I live, I'll put you first."she was hugging them both.

"This means you'll approve of my relationship with Neel?"Araxie asked.

"Don't worry dear. I'll make things right again and before you know it, you'll be with the one you love. I hate the fact that my sister caused this twist but I promise I won't let it stay like this. I will break this love triangle very soon."she assured.

It may have looked like Casey forgave her mom but she only did that for Neel's sake when deep inside she was still angry with her mom.

"I know you mother. I have a feeling that you're up to something. Perhaps Aunt sent you here to spy on these people but no matter what, I won't let you win.

I'll fight for my husband and his family. They may not be his relatives but they treat him like family and that's why I won't let you harm anyone."Casey would tell herself.

They were supposed to break the spell before the night of the blood rain and yet they still don't know when it was going to be since the blood rain didn't have exact date.

It was coming to dawn when the strong earthquake stroke everywhere around the world and to those who knew it, it was a sign that very soon, the blood rain would fall.

This left the king, Trion and Marina sleepless that they had to wake up and start the preparation for breaking the spell.

Meanwhile Neel was planning to run away with both Araxie and Casey because he wanted them both for himself since he had failed to choose between the two.

Wait! Was Neel under a certain spell as well? Casey couldn't wait but to tell Trion about Neel's plan because he had told them to prepare for a long journey in the morning.

It was said that the spell would never be broken after the blood rain - that's why Neel wanted to run away till it rained.

To break the spell, Araxie was to be stabbed to death by Trion. There she would lay unconscious for good hours and after some other rituals, she'd wake up and Trion must be the first person she looks at.

And to remove witchness from her blood, another witch would have to get hurt in the process and surprisingly Marina chose to get hurt by standing on hot nails till she woke up.

This act of hers left Casey torn between confusion and guilt. She was feeling bad for doubting her mom's intentions and on the other hand, she wasn't convinced yet as she still thought Marina was only pretending and she might be fooling them.

"What should I go with? I don't think she chose to hurt herself for just pretence! No, I know her, she is like this. I think she's only acting. Wait! I hope she isn't trying to kill my sister."she breathed.

Everyone was waiting impatiently for Araxie to come around till they saw her move her hand.

Trion who had been sitting next to her as he didn't want to take any risks, quickly grabbed her hand and placed a simple kiss. "Open your eyes sweetheart. I'm right here."he was so happy that they were going to be lovers again little did he know destiny had something else for them.

Araxie was blind because her eyes refused to open no matter how hard she tried to!

"I can't open my eyes. Ouchhh....it hurts."she cried.

"I'm sorry to say but I think I know who's responsible for all this."Casey hurried to say in anger.

"What are you talking about."

"I think my mother is responsible for this. Well done Marina! I think your sister is going to make you her advisor after hearing this, right? You know what, my heart kept telling me that you're up to something but I didn't listen. I thought that maybe you changed your ways but no, I can't believe you've stooped so low! And how dare you make my sister blind. Answer me mother."she was shouting at her mother who stood confused and shocked at the moment.

"What's wrong with you Casey. I told you that your mom is willing to change but it seems you don't want to listen. What do you mean by she's responsible?"Neel shouted.

They were still there arguing when Araxie spoke again. "Is Trion alive?" Casey couldn't wait but to reply like, "yes sister. Your Trion is still alive. He's here holding your hand and I'm sure you can hear him cry, don't you?"

"Why is he crying? What's the matter?"Araxie asked.

"He....."she was going to say something but Trion stopped her.

"Casey dear, how's my Neel. Is he crying as well?"

"Neel again! I thought she forgot about my husband."Casey breathed in shock. She didn't know what to say anymore.

Judging by the expression on Casey's face, Marina knew she would not reply to Araxie's question so she intervened.

"Would you like to have something to eat?"

"Is that you mother."

"Yes my dear. I'm right here before you."Marina was crying,not because of the wounds from the hot nails... she was crying because she was helpless at the moment. She didn't know why the spell didn't break and yet they were expecting the blood rain.

Soon Araxie's body began to vanish from her feet. It was said that she would vanish and never return if she died while under the spell.

"Mother look, she's disappearing slowly. Do something please mother."Casey was crying.

"Oh no! What do I do now. She can't leave us like this...no Araxie no.

You have to live and see my goodness. "Marina cried before she vanished without saying anything.

Yes, she was going to the witch's headquarters. She needed a solution to that problem.

It was like the Giant witch expected her because he began speaking the moment she arrived.

"I'm not happy with the fact that you're changing from evil to goodness but on the other hand, I'm happy that you're changing for your child.

I hope this change in you shows you the best way to associate with others. Anyway what brings you here?"

"Greetings master. Actually..... I.... I..."of course she was meant to stutter as she never knew how to request for something good."

"Hurry up ma'am because it's about to rain and you know how rain affects me. I'm soon going in a deep slumber for ten years since today is the blood rain. It always makes me weak and sick."

"My daughter is disappearing. And how come the spell didn't break? Is there someone trying to kill my daughter?"

"Calm down ma'am. It's good you've come here. Actually... there's a problem. The spell was meant not to break since you never thought about breaking Neel's. Why couldn't you all notice that he's under the spell as well? Run back home and ask your daughter to stab both Neel and his twin brother to death. Oh I almost forgot that she's pregnant for him. And for that case, you'll stab her on the stomach as well Because the baby she's carrying has the same blood as his.

By doing all this, your daughter will regain her sight and she'll no longer be partly witch.

Once she opens her eyes again, the three of them will come back automatically."

"Alright Sir. Thank you so much."she said and teleported back home but unfortunately, Malinda's men were waiting for her on the way. They wanted to delay the process so that Araxie could die forever little did they know that Andie wasn't seated as well. He had followed Marina not because he knew where she was going, he had doubts on her. He knew she was going to deliver the message to Malinda but only to realize that Marina was indeed being true to them.

"Let anyone of you dares to lay a hand on her." They had surrounded her when Andie's voice spoke from nearby but they weren't seeing anyone around.

"Could it be the Giant witch? Did he follow me up?"Marina breathed with relief though she wasn't sure.

It didn't take long before Andie punched them off and grabbed Marina straight home.

"Thank God I followed you. Who knows what they would've done to you and Araxie....no. I shouldn't be talking about this."

Reaching home, Andie quickly summoned his sword and gave it to Casey while he asked her to kill his brother with it.

"Are you crazy or what? How do you expect me to stab my husband? Mother please explain to him that Neel is the father of my baby. And why would I kill him?"

"He's asking you to do this for your sister's sake my dear. The Giant witch told us that Neel is also under the spell and that's why he's been acting strange these days. He said that once you stab both of them, your sister will come around in her usual normal state and those two will come around on spot."Marina explained but she couldn't bring herself to tell her that she was going to be stabbed in the process as well.

With shaky hands, Casey gripped the sword and stabbed Neel. With her eyes closed she turned around and stabbed Andie as well.

in the long run Marina got the sword from her and quickly stabbed her on the stomach.

On reaching home, king Beryl and his son Trion, were welcomed by the pools of blood that were streaming from the house. They were from Akira City where Trion expected to find some solution but in vain.

"What have you done you witch?"the king quickly yelled on seeing three dead cold bodies on the floor.

Trion too didn't know what was happening. "Is this the solution or you've been here waiting for a chance to kill my people? What kind of a mother are you. I'm not surprised that you've killed Andie, but how could you kill your own flesh and blood.... You didn't mind about the fact that she's carrying a baby. The poor kid.. And Neel...he was already your son-in-law. I wish I knew your intentions from the beginning. I'm such a fool..."they were scolding her without giving her a chance to explain herself.