
with three wishes in the omniverse's

a person who dies and wishes for infinite wishes

Kyle_Makhuyana · Thành thị
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with three wishes

Chapte1: Death and wishes

Mc: My name is Ryan musk,my parents died from cancer, I was devastated that I started making cure for all diseases such as cancer,HIV etc.

But when I found the cures some people wanted to kill you because you sold it at cheap prices, one day I was sleeping and was killed by my girlfriend.

°where am I°

^Hello little one^

°who are you°

^I'm the ruler of all omniverses ^

°so where are we °

^We are in the void^

[so am I gonna get wishes like in those fanfiction]

^yes little one ^

°But why me °

^Because you find cures of all the diseases in you world so you a lot of karma^

°how many karma°

^Aproximately 2000000^

°So what's gonna happen to me°

^You are gonna be reincarnated in a world of you choosing with 3 wishes^

°so what are the restrictions°

^Not any but except for having the same power as the author ^

°can I have some time to thing about them°

"Two hours pass"

°So here are my wishes°

1 a system that has everything

2Unlimited systems points

3unlimited wishes

4 same power as you

^granted but the fourth one you have to train for at least ten years^

°OK I want to be reincarnated in daily life of immortal king right after the end of s4 episode 12,I want to be like same age as Wang ling after the death of my parents, I want to look like sun jin woo from solo leveling°

^ok little one enjoy your life^

°Hello system are you there°

{Yes host}

°where am I°

{Your current location host is in your mother's grave}

°OK show me my status°


Name:Ryan musk






Soul power:5



Charm:89(average human 12)




°Okay system may you please buy everything in the store for me° {yes host it will cost 999gigaplex system points}

°okay buy them,hey system may please teleport me to Wang long {OK host}

Wang long POV

Just right after I helped the sword saint three days ago when I was in my room reading then a person appeared


Just right after I appeared right in front of Wang long he tried to see my power but could not because he was to weak OK here is Wang lings status

Name:Wang long

Race :human

Bloodline: universal human

Titles: this multiverse's strongest

Power: infinity

Speed: infinity

Stamina: infinity



Skills: universe reversal,universe annihilater,ultimate repair

Wang ling POV

Who are you °oh my name is Ryan i'm the the one second to the author the one who created every thing in existence,he is the man out of every thing such as existence

So I can annihilate you from existence but that's not what I'm here for,I came to help you ,so you have three wishes with restrictions like unable to wish for more wishes, can't have the ability to destroy multiverses ,can't wish for copying anything for example my power° okay so first wish for the ability to control my power to my will 2 I wish for the ability to create universe's, lastly the ability to give some one the power compared to half of my power °wishes granted°so just like that °yes but you have to train universe creation to the be able to create anything to multi verse level ° okay thank you very much ©®¢©®©®©<©©©¢ ° oh I forgot that you can't pronounce my name because are still weak so just call me R.O.A.(Ruller Of all Omniverse's)° okay thank very much now shall take leave< p>


After I left Wang ling I asked the system whether there was anything interesting in all Omniverse's { no host but there is a massage from the author} oh open it {Oh hi Ryan this is your lovely author I have some missions for you first one is that you have to go to marvel omniverse and help the avangers in fighting kang also erase all kang variants accept for who he remains,second mission for I want you to go to the fiction Omniverse's, last mission make a mall with every thing that the person wants will appear also make it that any one who causes trouble will be erased from existence, okay done please also train because you haven't reached the level of the one who reincarnated you.


I wish for a time chamber that is able to hold my full power and I'm able to change its settings like time ratio and gravity also make it that its on my left hand as a tattoo of infinity and that I cannot get hunger while in there so <wish granted>.

Open the time chamber make it 1 millisecond is one trillion years inside after I entered the the time chamber I started training for 10 hours of outside time which is 1000000000000000000000milliseconds which is 891gazilion years so I mastered everything known so here is my new status

System she me my status { yes host sorry host system level is to low} OK system what is your current level {host it's omniversal origin system} okay system you may upgrade to the highest system level {But host it will take 2% of your power} okay system upgrade {thanks host system upgrading 1% 2% 31% 75% 89% 99% 100% the system is done upgrading the system is now omniversal ruller of all system's in the omniverse}.

Okay system show me my status.

Here is host status

Name:Ryan musk

Race:Omniversal Creator GOD

Bloodline:author's blood essence

Title:strongest,one abovconcept,possibility, non possibility,existence,nothingness,end,biggining,fiction and reality and author's favorite

Strength: able to sneaze ten omniverse's

from existence

Speed: run at the speed of 500t light years

Per 0.000001 speed of sound

Stamina: above infinite

Soul power:infinite

Power:above everything



Wishes: infinite


Skills: everything

Word count:1017

sorry guy's if it's boring or not good it's my first time writing so please supportCreation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Kyle_Makhuyanacreators' thoughts