
Chapter 1: My past and that Pasta

"I am really so sorry" She half-whispered and tiptoed walk on the side to avoid the blue carpet spread on the middle of the lobby area to the receiving counter where the building's receptionist is standing still looking more like a palace guard rather a receptionist.

"Gracious, did you got into a mud fight?"

Theresa just smiled on the snark of their receptionist. Sometimes she just wonder what he looks like on his younger years for Good God, what a fine old man is he. She always smile to Mr. Ben even how insulting or sarcastic he greets her all the time. Who gets upset talking to a Liam Neeson look like?

She's always a mess. Most days, she goes home so sweaty like she came out of a sauna making her hair a nightmare she cannot even describe. Always dusty, sticky, so unlady and this night may be on of Mr. Ben's toplist. She came home with all muds on her leather boots, on her blue button down shirt and damn on her Marc Jacobs backpack!

She slipped on a muddy area while on field explaining some of the concrete plans of a new project. Her chief dismissmed her and was too embarassed for her to push through the business dinner looking like a buffalo in mud.

Now she lacks dinner.

She waved her hand dismisively to Mr. Ben to end her disaster and continued tiptoeing half hopping like a stupid kangaroo. His deep, hoarse laugh did not miss her ears as she enter the elevator.


"Oh.my.God what happened to you?" Yeah, it was more of a mockery than concern and cue---that high pitch laugh. Her neigbor was leaning on her door, crossed arms like those supermodels trying to sell some jeans. Huh, occupation habits showed. Katarina Manger, her high school buddy who happened to live next door. Well, next three doors.

Theresa moved on to the door and cackled. She really is used to these disasters so most of the time she was just laughing after being pissed off for a minute.

"Katarina, it is just dirt. Stop it." She opened her door and clumsily drop all her things on the foyer while giving the gist of the mud disaster to Kat and went to the kitchen counter to drink water. Katarina followed, still plastered with that mock grin.

"You never fail to make a show, aren't you Tae? Sometimes I think there is something wrong with your brain, maybe you lack synapses from your limbs to your brain to shout at you "Hey, watch out!" Katarina sat on one of her kitchen stool looking really curious. Her phone chimed.

"Yeah you are doctor, maybe you can find out for me?"

No answer.

She open the fridge and close. Nothing.

"Kat let's eat out, seafood buffet? Steak? Hmmm maybe we should try out that new Italian restaurant nearby. Pasta never letsdown. "So what is it?" she turned to her friend to demand answer who have been busy typing like a warrior on her Iphone. Kat pursed her lips to her bathroom. Okay, shower first then dinner. She went to shower...fast. She's fucking starving.

Normally, they don't see each other on a daily basis. She was busy on her job as a civil engineer in Fidster Constructions Inc jumbling projects from projects 5 days a week and Katarina is a community doctor and never been settled in a clinic and a university professor. Unless there's a gig.

"Andy called me. Georgia wants us tomorrow on her show. She's doing this private show for a textile company I think. I just don't know the details yet but yeah Andy will explain it later, I just want to ask if you are available or you have some work to catch up?" Still on her Iphone.

She adjusted the tie on her black robe and sat slouchily on the recliner near the kitchen and stare at Katarina.

"What?" Katarina looked up from her phone. Still staring. "Fine lets eat pasta."


"Okay!" she tapped on her thighs for a celebratory sound.

Katarina shook her head and managed a small smile with her childish antic. Still on her phone

"So will you be available tomorrow night, Theresa?"

"Of course, I never said no to Georgiee, sweetheart. What time will Andy arrive?"

"In a few minutes I think. She's bringing the clothes." Katarina still typing on her Iphone. I swear her friend is married to her phone.

She just shook her head watching Katarina and her phone.

32 minutes....