
With Knowledge Comes Power

Previously called World of the Dead ---- Smashing zombie skulls or picking up babes? I just can't decide which I wanna do more ---- Do note- before you guys leave any other stupid reviews because of 1 thing So let me say it now so you guys don't waste your time... This is a harem...better yet let's say the mc partakes in polygamy since he's not collecting dolls What are dolls for those who don't know.... useless women who's only purpose is giving sexual relief This story contains multiverse travelling but it's in the form of a competition so that means he's not the only reincarnator, don't like that? fuck o.... I mean don't read ---- Do note if people continuing to give low reviews after I write this, when the competition is revealed in chapter 11, I'll delete them. For those who like the book, thank your for your support and I'll always be trying to find ways to improve and better my writing

Master_Livythan · Tranh châm biếm
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129 Chs

Betrayal? Part 2

" it's been a while Michael " said Yamaria as she ignored his question, her eyes scanned his figure up and down before she met his gaze " when we first met, I was sure I could still beat you but now you're giving off pressure only slightly weaker than my father " said Yamaria with clearr appreciation

Her words caused Michael to raise a brow

' the pressure I'm giving off is only slightly weaker than a Tier 10? ' pondered Michael as he thought about his strength ' could be true as I've never had a decent fight since Takashi ' thought Michael before he turned his attention back to Yamaria

" is this your personal will or is it theirs? " asked Michael as he gestured to the hundreds of Titans rushing to the wall only to be blocked by those on the wall

" does it matter? " asked Yamaria quietly as the emotions in her eyes grew even more complicated as she found herself not being able to meet Michael's gaze

" yes it does, it'll determine whether we're friends or enemies " said Michael calmly, though he already had the answer if the emotions wafting off her were anything to go by

" no....it's not my will but it's still my fault, all these people suffer, so many die all because of me....so I would understand if you hate me or want to kill me " said Yamaria sadly as tears streamed down her face as her head lowered even further as if she had already determined Michael's answer

" are you finished? " asked Michael calmly though he was internally speechless ' I can calculate when someone will die based on what they ate last year and yet my understanding of the female mind is still so limited ' thought Michael with a wry smile as he reached out his hand

As if she sensed this, Yamaria clenched the bottom of her dress, her figure trembled slightly as her tears soaked her dress, only to freeze as Michael's large hand rest on her head

" damn, you're older than me, yet you're acting like a wronged little kid " said Michael teasingly as he stroked her hair " If I'm being honest I couldn't care less how many people you've killed as I've killed many more, plus I care nothing about those who died " said Michael calmly as Yamaria raised her head and looked at him with a shocked expression

" so do what you came to do, without worrying about anyone's feelings, anyone I have any feelings for are there on that wall, anyone else can go to hell " said Michael as he wiped her tears before he smiled at her and turned around and walked away

The Titans seeing him, moving from beside Yamaria took this chance to charge at him, only for Michael to continuing walking as if he couldn't see them, after he passed all Titans withing 50 m, fell to the floor, with their heads missing

Staring at his back as his figure disappeared into the Titans caused a memory to resurface in her mind


" Mom!!! " asked a young Yamaria as she came beside her mother who was cleaning a massive sword

" yes? " asked her mother as she raised her head and looked at her daughter with a slight smile

" why doesn't father allow you to partake in the royal court, does he look down on you because you're a woman? " asked the young Yamari with an angry expression, not realising her question caused the expression on her mother's face to freeze before it returned to the slight smile

" to be a good ruler, you need to be intelligent, have to be determined even when making difficult decisions, ruthless to your enemies and kind to your subjects " said Yamaria's mother as she resumed cleaning the blade

" how could I be kind to my subjects if I'd let them all die if need be? " asked the mother, shocking the young Yamaria causing the room to fall silent "


" a good ruler huh, Michaal it seems that you're not one " thought Yamaria with a large smile. A massive abnormal suddenly came behind Yamaria and vomited up countless people before stepping back

" then you shouldn't hate me for doing what it forced me to do " said Yamaria as purple lightning appeared around her body