
Witching Souls Series

Part 1 - Complete In a modern world twisted with the supernatural, 17-year-old Lexi grapples with her extraordinary abilities. Feared and misunderstood by those close around her, Lexi's magical potential is locked away. A heavy burden she carries alone as she navigates her teenage years. Everything changes when she meets Leo, a mysterious newcomer. Drawn by an undeniable connection, they embark on a romance complicated by past lives. With the help of Leo, can Lexi break free from the barriers of fear and forge a new path? Part 2 - Complete!! As more memories from their previous lifetimes surface, Lexi and Leo must confront the haunting echoes of their history. Together, they delve into the mysteries of their shared past, seeking to unravel the reasons for the cycle of death they are trapped in. With each revelation, the threads of fate become entwined, leaving them to wonder if this lifetime will differ from the ones before. Stress and frustration mount. Will their love conquer the trials of reincarnation, or will they be forever trapped in a cycle of destiny? Join them on a thrilling adventure where magic, romance, and the heart's resilience collide as they endeavour to rewrite their love story. Will history repeat itself? Part 3 - Awaiting Lexi’s lonely journey has just begun, and Leo cannot stop the dreams that plague him. Even in death, forces seek to keep them apart, threatening to extinguish the flame of their love once again. As Lexi face’s the horror of each death, she must confront the past once concealed by shadows. As Lexi faces the adversary alone, will she find the strength to break free from the shackles that bind them? Is no hope for this lifetime? Will they meet in another life? Join us in a world where magic and love combine. The finale has come.

Maeve_Lindley · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Out Cold

The morphine continued to drip, and the nurse took measurements, speaking to her patient slowly. It had been two days since she had awoken from her coma. The morphine continued to keep her asleep. Today, she would be transferred.

"Lovely numbers. Rupert has done amazingly. Sorry, dear, I know you don't want to be disturbed," she said, placing the cuff on her arm.

Lexi shifted in the bed, rolling onto her side. The nurse sighed out of all her patients over the years: she had never seen someone so loved and quickly recovered from a grim outlook. She was a fighter; who wouldn't when you have a handsome cheerleader?

Lexi groaned in her sleep.

"There, there. All done! Ready to go." The nurse removed her gloves, "I wish you a speedy recovery."

The door opened, her usual visitor. The nurse smiled at him, "Ready to go home?"

"Ah, yes. I hope she will wake up soon. I knew she loved to sleep, but... is taking it too far," Leo chuckled, sitting next to the bed a little chirpier than before.


The non-emergency ambulance moved as quickly as possible on the smooth tarmac of the motorway. The patient it was carrying jostled slightly, and they had a convoy following them to Pendle.

Isobelle hummed lightly along to the tune from the radio as she followed the van. Keiron and Alex are in the back seat catching up from the year apart.

Devan took a bite of the sandwich as Quinn and Seri gossiped in the rear. He moved to the right lane to overtake Leo in the middle.

Tutting, Leo slowed, leaving a gap. As they passed, Lathen stuck two fingers from the passenger seat and called Devan to complain.


When Lexi was settled in a hospital room in Pendle, her morphine wore thin, and she groaned in pain as she shifted into a more comfortable position.

"I don't understand why they gave her that much morphine!" complained the doctor, "reduce it by half," she ordered, continuing her rounds.


I groaned; my head and ribs throbbed. Whatever I was lying on was uncomfortable.

Pain washed over my body as I shifted achingly onto my back. I felt a hand grab mine, and I blinked as the harsh light pierced my eyes.

Leo came into my line of sight, "Hello, sleepyhead."

I groaned and threw an aching arm over my eyes, "Hello," I grunted.

He chuckled and kissed my hand; it felt wet when he pulled away, and I glanced in his direction. Tears ran from his eyes.

"Please don't ever do that again."

I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat, and my eyes watered, too. He got up from the chair and placed his forehead on mine. Although my head throbbed, the touch was comforting.

I took him in more, examining him. With the lock gone, everything felt different. His blue eyes almost glowed with electricity. He looked more... handsome and enticing with his slightly outgrown stubble, if possible. I swallowed; I felt my heart beat faster and my cheeks flush. I felt warm between his slightly rough hands. The connection felt more intense, and I blinked tears away.

'Is this how he saw me?'

I could feel he was hurting but relieved. No wonder he could always tell I was lying or hurting. He could feel it. He sighed as he leaned away slightly, stroking my cheeks.

"Ugh, I ache all over. I can barely remember anything." I closed my heavy eyelids.

He pulled the chair closer to my head and helped me sit up using the controls, "Well, do you remember what happened in the abbey?"

'The Abbey? Quinn was taken... The vampires.'

My memories came flooding back.


I fell to my knees at Quinn's head. My face was wet with tears.

The words from Uncle Keiron's page flashed as clear as day.

I had to; she was bleeding too much, and no healing spell I knew of could save her.

Gulping, my magic rose to the surface.


A circle of fire engulfed us. There was no time to speak the usual chant; I instead asked, "Hecate. Morrigan. Please help."

I felt my magic rise and fill the area; I did not have much strength or magic left. I had to try.

As above, so below.

I am the goddess and the devil around you,

I am the heaven and the hell you need.

As above, so below.

I am the angel that holds and surrounds you,

I am the demon you're afraid to meet.

The symbols rose from the blood-stained ground, swishing and twisting with my magic as I felt empowered. I continued even still as I felt drained; I was getting close to the lock.

I can be your heavenly, or I can be your hell,

I can say a prayer for you, or I can cast a spell,

I will push you to the darkness to pull you to the light,

I can take away your breath and bring you back to life.

As above, so below.

I pushed through, tears and anger urging me forward; she must live.

I could feel the searing pain from the chain holding me back. I had enough.

I watched, intrigued, as her wounds healed and the green grass returned around us.


I felt a sickening snap in my entire body and erupted in searing pain like fire. I screamed out. The lock had been broken.


I collapsed sideways to the ground and rolled my head to watch her, begging her to breathe.

Her eyes snapped open, and she looked at me. "Lexi?"

I felt relief.


"Vitamortum... Did it work?" I dared not look up at him.

"Ask her yourself."

My full attention turned to the door. There she stood, wide, glassy eyes; Quinn rushed in and hugged me a little too tight.

"Ouch!" I hissed as my ribs ached.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she pulled back and paused, "You are a fucking lunatic."

I couldn't help but laugh, then regretted it as my ribs protested.

"I love you, idiot." Quinn hugged me again gently.

"Love you too," I murmured on her shoulder.


After a moment, I asked, "What happened after that?"

Quinn looked to Leo, her face unsure.

Leo explained, "You'll have to thank the security guard. They came seconds later and performed CPR. That's why your ribs hurt."

He leaned his elbows on his knees and focused on the bedsheets.

"You were black and blue, Lex. You had internal bleeding and a haemorrhage; you nearly died again. It was looking rough, and you were in a coma."

I leaned my head back on the pillow. It sounded so familiar, just like her father two years ago.

"The doctor," I trailed, remembering being enveloped in yellow, "He was a witch...?"

"Yes," Leo confirmed, "You would not be awake right now if it weren't for him."

"How long was I out?"

"About a day and a half in the coma. It's been five days, but you've been sleeping from the pain and morphine."

I contemplated the information. I remembered being in pain; it throbbed and burned as I moved around. It was a blur. It only felt like a few minutes to them it was days.

A sharp pain hit my head as I tried to remember more; I grabbed both sides of my head and scrunched up in pain.

"Lexi?" Quinn sounded far away. My vision was spotted as an alarm started to blare.


The words echoed in my head: "Back. Find the truth. Break the wheel. Your fated story must be fixed. Beware the crow."

A palm hit my forehead.


I blinked slowly as the light hit my eyes. It was a doctor looking over me,

"Hello, I apologise. We have upped your morphine slightly. If you feel more pain, let us know."

I sighed in relief. The throbbing was dulled.

"You will be going for an MRI soon," she informed and left the room.

'Beware the Crow?' I pondered.

I remember the night I woke up; I was in the astral... with Leo. He was trying to tell me something before I woke up.


A flask of light hit my eye.

I was cocooned in yellow and my red magic. Blinking groggily, the doctor cheered, "Success! Welcome to the land of the living, Lexi."

"Where am I?" I breathed.

"Whitby Hospital. You have been in a coma. If you weren't a fighter, I would have lost hope... I am Dr. Rupert Clears."

Rupert stepped back, "What's your name?"

I blinked, "Lexandria Langton."

"What month are we in?"

"Erm, July?"

"Close enough. It's August 2nd."

I put a hand to my head, "Ouch," I mumbled.

"You will be put on morphine for the pain."

My eyes drooped, tired and in pain; I lost consciousness.


The door opened once more, snapping me out of my memories. My mum greeted me with a bright smile.

"How are you doing sweetie?"


"Okay. My mind is jumbled, however... I keep hearing Grandma's voice."

"Which Grandma?" she chuckled.

"Dad's mum.."

"Ah, well, you have been through a lot. You found comfort in her when you were younger."

I nodded in agreement and hugged my mum as she approached the bedside.

"I am surprised the Coven is not bombarding me."

She chuckled, "I made them go home and get themselves sorted. Don't worry; they will be here pretty soon."

Her smile fell as the silence grew; I fiddled with the wire draped over my legs and braced for her following words.

"What were you thinking?"

I looked up guiltily, "The thing is, I wasn't thinking," I replied honestly.

She examined me, "Why that spell? How did you know it?" she cut into her question.

"Quinn had channelled while we were away. It was a picture. I bet they still have it... I took it to Keiron, and he told me about it. I glanced over the page. I did not even read it properly, but it came to me clearly in the moment, and I went for it."

She took a moment, "Once you start the spell, you will not stop until you are drained completely. Meaning, your lock was broken because of the spell."

I nodded in understanding, "I did not know that."

"It is not noted in many books, and I know for sure the book you are probably referring to did not have the spell written in it."

My eyebrows furrowed, "I – No... They were. I am sure of it. I didn't get it from where else..." I trailed off, trying to think; I groaned and touched my head.

"Hey, it's okay. I believe you. It seems something else is at play here. I don't know what. But you are here, and you must be careful."

Mum's hand covered mine in reassurance and traced a protection sigil over my hand.

"I must get back to work. Here is your charger and phone. Call me if you need me."

I nodded and kissed her cheek goodbye as she left through the door, only to be replaced by nurses to take me for an MRI.


I strolled, with a nurse's aid, back to my room. I insisted I needed to walk. My legs felt numb from lying too long, and I desperately needed a shower.

I waved away the nurse from helping me into the bathroom. Her protests were disregarded as I shut the door. After a hot shower to soothe my aching muscles, I opened the curtain to find a fresh gown and towels, but the door was locked.

Of course, they would have a key...

I sucked in a breath and dried, stretching a bit too far; I felt a sharp pain and a pulling at my side. Looking in the mirror, I finally saw my reflection.

My normal pale skin was covered in green and yellow splotches, my sternum was purple, and an incision about 3 inches long curved up the left of my belly button. I assumed it was to get to the internal bleeding. The wound was already scabbing with Dr Clears's help. I counted five different teeth bites from Cornelius' teeth, and a couple of human teeth bite marks. As they feed, their teeth change; it is slow, painful and gradual for both parties.

Moving slower now, I changed and retreated to my room. The nurse waited outside and stood beside me as I limped back to the bed. My mother had dropped off some homely items when she visited.

A knock at the door made me pause, brushing my wet hair. I smiled at the visitor.

"Hello, stranger," I greeted.

"I heard you gave the nurses a hard time," he mused.

I feigned innocence, making him laugh.

My expression softened, "I heard you didn't leave my side."

Leo looked behind him, and closing the door, he entered further, "I did not dare to leave you alone," he admitted, pulling the privacy curtain to hide us.

"I would say I'm sorry..."

He shook his head, "I know. You won't regret doing it," he sighed and sat beside me, "I' m just glad you're here."

He reached out, putting a hand atop my head. I leaned sideways into him, and he kissed my temple.


"Do... you remember our last visit to the astral?" Leo asked.

"You mean the one we were in for about 5 seconds?" I countered.

We were laid on the small bed. I cuddled into Leo's side.

He let out a huff of laughter, "You mean you were awake for a whole five seconds."

I looked up at him, "What else happened?"

He began to recount his encounter with his mother, "I don't know what her plan is; she kept going on about a cycle of death in our past lives."

I thought back to the words circling my head earlier, "You are not going to like this..."

A hand pinched his brows.

"No, listen..." I urged, pushing his hand away, "When... When I died," I swallowed, "My grandma came. She also mentioned something."

He searched my eyes, "Go on."

I recited, "Go back. Find the truth. Break the wheel. Your fated story must be fixed. Beware the crow."

"Crow?" Leo looked away, "In the Astral, there was a raven I followed... Was it a raven?"

"Well... It doesn't make any sense to me. When I have recovered, we should try to find out more."

"Hm, agreed..."