
Witches of Mirabu Valley

During a time of chaos an reincarnation the witch Adara is born. Witches see liberation from the humans, vampires and werewolves as they settle in the valley of Mirabu. The reincarnation comes with a past for some, hope for the witches but for most it poses a threat they didn't anticipate. however the four races have no idea that the reincarnation of the witch Adara bears an even bigger threat to all for races.

Mimie_97 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


The Nanata kingdom had ruled for hundreds of years. They controlled the territories that surrounded them. Witches had kept the balance of nature, kept the vampires, the werewolves and the human in check since before civilization. They had power that was beyond control and this had angered the other vampires and the werewolves who manipulated the humans to work against the witches. The human king Peli reached out to the vampires who had seven heads and the five alphas of the werewolves to take control from the witches. Peli asked the vampires and the werewolves to help him get rid of the witches. The werewolves and the vampires had bad blood but the witches were a common enemy and they would be willing to do anything to help get rid of them. Varsui the oldest vampire didn't trust the werewolves. "How do we know the wolves here will not go back running to the masters and sell us all out?" He accused the wolves. The five alphas were offended by this and they all stood up from their chairs. Hansu the Golden clan alpha stood right in front of the wolves. "We have suffered much at the hands of the witches. Bound to turn only on the full moon! A lifetime of misery!" He defended the werewolves. The human's king Peli raised his gold staff and said. "Then we neutralize the witches. All I ask of you is the blood of your leaders. We have created a weapon that will hold the witches down. Their magic will be neutralized." He was boastful when he told the vampires and the werewolves. They were all skeptical and suspicious of the human king. "We don't know if we should trust you! Maybe the witches sent you to trap us. Why would humans side with our kind?" Reeva the one of leaders of the vampire clans asked. They all echoed in agreement and Peli signaled to his guards. They brought a cage that was covered by a gold cloth. They vampires and werewolves all waited to see what was beneath the cover curiously. The guards pulled the cover off the cage and there were two powerful witches that sat there in chains. They all marveled at the sight of this. Peli stood from his chair and walked right round the cage. "Helpless and powerless! They were so powerless and we can control them. Join me vampires and werewolves in this and we shall never fear the witches again!" Peli told them and they all stood in agreement. Five hundred years ago this unholy alliance amongst the humans, vampires and the werewolves was formed against the witches and they went all around Nanata kingdom capturing the witches and enslaving them. The world was chaotic once more and king Peli's descendants with the help of the vampires and the werewolves kept the other kingdoms in check. For five hundred years this carried on and the witches forgot how powerful and meaningful they once were.