Azrael turned around and faced Anaine, who had silently approached, revealing himself in the aftermath of the battle.
"Dragon Scale Bat. So, this bat is a mix of a bat and a dragon. Are these creatures common around here?" Azrael inquired.
Anaine shook his head, correcting the misconception.
"They're neither common nor a hybrid of dragon and bat. What they are is essentially a distinct species of bat that traces its origin back to time immemorial. A primitive species, where the only evolutionary adaptation is the development of scales, aiding them in surviving harsh climates and formidable adversaries."
"They're intelligent and cunning creatures," Anaine stated.
Azrael, scrutinizing the fallen bat, remarked, "It doesn't seem that intelligent at all."
"That's a baby. Just a pup."
"A pup?! Then how big is the adult?"
"About the size of an adult elephant."
"Fuck. This is a baby?!"