
Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

Crossing over to the alien world, he became a fallen noble lord. But with the help of the proficiency panel, he started to gain EXP through his family's Knight Breath Technique and followed the footsteps of an ancient and mysterious sorcerer step by step. Thus began a mysterious journey.

Tian Li · Huyền huyễn
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1275 Chs

Maximum Undying Bird! Legendary Physique! (4)

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Levi calmly took out the corpses of the Rock Troll couple, Green Ghost Carter, Kane, and Little Octo from his storage bag. Little Octo was the nickname Levi gave to the swordsman from the Sea Clan.

Apart from Little Octo, Levi had covered the five living dead with a layer of alchemy armor made of a mixture of brass and mithril. Assembled them tightly to strengthen their defense. In addition, there was also an isolation spell that Levi had asked the Tower Master to solidify on these armors. It could block the spiritual power of low-level wizards. This way, no one would be able to see the original appearance of the five living dead.

After injecting the Core of the Undead into the bodies of these living dead, the five living dead, who were comparable to First-Circle Wizards, stood up. These were the five generals of the living-dead family, Levi's Cyberpunk version.

"Very good. All of you find a place to hide," Levi muttered to himself.