
Wish fufillment system (Lust system)

this is a fanfic,with plot somehow man dies man meets god man get system from gods man becomes femboy (willingly) man gets strong with femboy magic idk what to write here

Ineeddrink · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs




That's all what Micheal remembered,the noise of fear and screams all around echo in his mind

His soul floating in the void, surrounded by other souls who seemingly had different stories to tell and lives to see

Then a light appeared,a being of great mass came into view but Micheal and all the other souls didn't panic,they don't know why but the being felt like a missing piece to them

"Greating dears"

A fatherly voice echo through the void,heard by all but none could speak,their mouths nonexistent

"I know this can be of shock but all of you are dead,and today is where all of you shall be judged"

The being announced,transporting the souls into a meadow,the sun shining down apon untouched and pure land

"Lay to rest children,this will be your resting place while your souls are judged"

And so then,the judgement began,some souls cry out in fear as they disintegrated,turning to dust due to them being sinners of the highest grade

Murderers and rapist send to a dark hole where the distant echo of the devil's laugh sounded as they were dragged to the pit

Some of the souls watched in awe and fear at the sight,some of them can be heard cheering or quietly sobbing as they passed their judgement,having earned their place to rest in heaven and live the rest of time in peace and bliss

Some could only sigh as their souls were either to young or had bad enough karma to reincarnate and right their wrongs





Only a few souls remain now,one of them being Michaels own soul,his fear rising as he debated that he'd be like all the others that dragged were to hell or ascended to heaven while others had to repeat the life cycle again

"God lord- oh fuck please"

He whimpered out,his soul trembling as it feared for it's demise

Soon enough he was next,the mass being seeing through his life,watching his ups and downs and even actions that lead him to be here

"You have bad karma dear child" the fatherly voice said,it's power becoming soft in it's aura for Micheal to stop fearing

"You have been very horrible to many,thinking that they do not deserve any kindness due to your upbringing" the being tutted,it's hold on Michael's soul still stronh

"But yet you still make sure the ones close to you and have earned your trust are of high spirits,and that alone has made me decide to put you in reincarnation"

The words of the being made Michael's soul relax,the feeling of it real to him as he felt relaxed that he had passed

With courage he spoke up "s-sir god may I please request something off you?"

"Yes dear child what is it?" The being hummed,letting it's busy time be hold to make sure Michael feels to not worry "go ahead"

"I-i wish to be reincarnated into my favorite animes please..." Shame brought itself when Micheal heard his words,fearing that he embarrassed himself he tried to explain "i-i it's just I wanna be in my dream worlds and- and be like the cool person in all the self insert stories I keep on reading-"

"No worries child" the being chuckled "no need for embarrassment,it is your dream and wish after all,and I shall grant it"

The being hummed creating light out of its mass and the lights embraced themselves into Michael's soul

"There,now you can travel to other worlds or go back to the previous ones"

Micheal was amazed feeling something mix with his soul,he looked up at the being once more "can I uhh...can I have a system? Please? Sir?"

The being shook his head "no my child,that can come at a price"

Micheal was disheartened but determine all the same "sir please i-i really do want a system-"

The being can only sigh at Michael determined mind "I can't child,it is like a gamble of what you will have as your system,it can be good but it can turn out evil in the end"

Micheal once more was determined"I will not fail like others sir,please just give me a chance"

The being was not impressed but decided to humor Micheal

"Very well,but on one condition"

Micheal was confused but did fear for he wanted to experience life once more "I shall do what you wish"

The being hummed "very well,my condition is that you must always do what the system tells you to do"

The being said,nodding at the condition it placed "no matter what,even if it is inhumane,cruel or moral breaking you will do it understand?"

Micheal paused,not knowing what to say "i-i" he hesitated,yes he wanted to live in his favorite worlds but he didn't know if he will even enjoy the fact that the system might dictate his life

A few moments passed by and just like Micheal will he nodded "yes sir- god I accept your conditions"

With a nod Micheal affirmed himself for his short time bravery before bowing to the being "please....I really do wish to live and enjoy my life this time sir...I know I might seem desperate but I am"

Micheal paused breathing in deep "please grant me this request of mine sir god"

As Micheal pleaded bowing on his knees to the being,the being can only sigh

"....you human truly are one of a kind.."

And with that,the being picked up Michael's soul and nodded "very well child,I shall grant you the system,but be warned I have no control on what it shall be"

Micheal nodded determination growing "thank you sir god,i will not let you down!"

The being only chuckled and spoke up once more "dear child no need to be so faithful,I am just doing my job"

The being hummed making a motion with their hand and creating a summon circle "but before I send you to your new place I shall grant you one last favor,your words before have you he'd me young one and for that I shall grant you another wish"

Micheal was suprised but pleased,his nonexistent heart thumping "r-really?"

"Yes child" the being spoke back smiling "now go ahead and think of your last wish before I send you to your new plain"

Micheal was estatic,he didn't think his words could touch a gods heart but it did and now it gave him an opportunity "c-can all the people that I like be males?"

Micheal pressed shyly "i-i really like how boy characters are and i- Im...gay..."

Micheal's voice was barely a whisper,slight shame in his voice "b-but- I mean you don't have to do that- i-i just really like it if you made them all boys because-"

Micheal was rambling,shame on his soul as he tried to reason what does need anything to reason with

"...child why so nervous?" The being spoke up "you have no reason to despair,this is my domain and no injustice will ever come into my plain"

The being hummed frowning at the way Micheal became so nervous

"I-i just-..." Micheal stayed quiet not wanting the being to know of his shame,the being knew this but wanted dto heat it from Micheal himself "go on child,speak your mind"

"I-i just really like them..b-but...I only like men..." Slowly Micheal spoke up "I mean- the girls are lovely- in fact I would love to be their friend but I like men and I reallyw ant to date them and i-"

The being cut Micheal off,humming "I see....you like the same gender yes?"


"..." The being only chuckled "favor granted"

And with a wave of it's hand Micheal's soul was taken to another world

And what Michael had in his mind only were the words

"Thank you"

I just really like boy pussy

so femboy

Ineeddrinkcreators' thoughts