

"In the opulent world of royalty, Princess Diana has long been suffocated by the weight of her duties and the painful memories of her past. But when she meets Winter, a charismatic and enigmatic billionaire from the outside world, she's drawn to his captivating smile and the promise of a life beyond the palace walls. As they embark on a whirlwind romance, Diana finds herself torn between her loyalty to the crown and her desire for true love. Winter, with his mysterious past and business dealings, seems to be the perfect escape from her suffocating reality. But as their relationship deepens, Diana begins to uncover secrets about Winter's true intentions and the darkness that haunts him. With the royal family's expectations and Winter's demons threatening to tear them apart, Diana must confront the ultimate question: can she find a way to be with the man she loves without sacrificing her own identity and happiness? Set against the backdrop of lavish parties, exotic getaways, and the cutthroat world of high society, this romance novel explores the complexities of love, duty, and self-discovery. Will Diana find a way to break free from her past and forge a new future with Winter, or will the pressures of her royal life tear them apart?" #Romance #mystery #Nigerian #culture #Royalty #princess

Mueeidar · Thành thị
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29 Chs


26th of August.

"Dling dling" my phone rang on the other side of the room while I layed down helpless.

"Don't worry let me get it for you" Winter got up from bed and grabbed my phone.

"Hello" it was a strange number on the phone but I picked anyways, Idar might be trying to contact me through a landline or payphone.

"How dare you try to ruin my life again? Haven't you done enough?" A male voice from the other side roared at me.

"Hello" I said again, no proper introduction no nothing, besides who am I trying to ruin his life... Oh shit.

"Fred?" I said as I gasped, but I blocked him over a year ago, why is he? Wait what?

"Diana I let you have your way the first time, I won't take it liniant on you this time around, don't you dare interfere with my marriage" Fred continued to protest, what? Was I trying so hard to interrupt his marriage?

"I can see you are still hung up in me, your billionaire husband is not enough for you? Stop obsessing over me" this man had brainwashed himself into thinking I was trying to stop his wedding so he won't get married, what a day dreamer. I honestly feel sad for whoever ends up with him, but I'm only trying to help a friend out.

"I am warning you, back off" he continues to try to gete off his back.

"This has nothing to do with you" I said as I sat down on my bed, my entire body was sore from the walking and exploring I did yesterday I think I am coming down with something.

"Oh stop being obsessed with me, so you finally came to your senses now, you finally want a piece of me and my money, shame on you gold-digger" which planet does this clown live in? Definitely not earth because how does he think I want his money when he clearly works under my husband? Although I heard he was been doing well for himself and all but still, is this how bad his delusion is?

"I am warning you, don't you dare do anything stupid"

"Aren't you the one that is..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence as I heard him hang up on me.

"Who was that?" Winter who was getting ready to go to office asked.

"Fred, nothing serious though" I tried not to alarm him as he was having his fare share of stress, I wonder what it takes to run a company, and is the stress, time and dedication really worth the money?

"Take care then, ills see you later" he said as he walked out of the room, my nostrils were killing me, my throat feels a bit dry and my body temperature is a bit risen.

"I wonder what it is this time" I said as I scratched my nose getting up to go take a hot shower, I don't think I can wait for grace to come and get my bathroom ready for me today.

Some hours passed as I was having a slow morning due to the feeling I have in my body, I could bearly walk properly.

"I should speak to gran gran before the day runs out, we have some catching up to do" I said to myself as I gulped down the chicken curry soup grace brought for me.

"Dling dling (Incoming call from gran gran)" my phone rang as I picked it up.

"Hey" I said in a low but clear tone.

"My love, what is wrong with you? You sound tired" gran gran was the best at detecting even the slightest change in my tone.

"Yes, I cought a cold" i replied.

"Well you should be careful okay darling, and I am sure it's the travelling from one city to the next within a short period of time" although it could be true, I do travel a lot on my own, but I guess whenever I travel like this I always go back to ofuland and maybe I'm just home sick, lol.

"Yes ma, I already got some drugs and herbs" gran gran is an advocate for traditional medicine, she always prefers it to orthodox medicine.

"Okay then, well I haven't found any relevant information about the Queen's but I did here they had a birth pack of some sort, I don't know to what extent the rules were but they planned in merging the two kingdoms if one of them had a girl" gran gran just confirmed everything I heard from Lina yesterday, so they did plan that, how low did they have to stub? I always thought the Queen of oyoland was so nice given how she treated me, I never knew she and my mother were just birds of the same feather, and it was all for her public image.

"So tell me girl, what did your mom say to your request?" Shit, I forgot I told her I would get back to her later, well its clearly a no, i don't think I have to call back to tell her no.

"Well she asked for the thing we feared the most, my right to be the next ruler of ofuland"

"Well I don't think that is a good bargain, first of all you would be losing too much for a wedding that has nothing to do with you, secondly your stepping down would be done publicly but I doubt she would call of the wedding before that and if you do step down how do we know she is going to keep up with her side of the bargain? It's too risky and she has an upper hand, besides your throne is not for debating" i love how gran gran saw the world from a realistic point of view, she was never sentimental or emotional when she made decisions, she was just real.

"Okay then, I wasn't planning on doing it either, I just don't think I would be telling Lina about it" even though she is my friend and I do trust her, you can never tell what a human can do in desperation.

"Besides, she is the future Queen and unlike you her mother is not expecting any child, so she would be fine at the end of the day, they won't try to harm the only heir to the throne" gran gran reassured me.

But it was funny though, where are all the men in this stories? Why are they hiding behind the women? Why are they cowards?

Hey guys, I would love to interact with the readers of this novel, fell free to drop your comments and I would reply+_ 24hours.

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