
Wings Of A Crow

Itachi enters Earthland, enjoy! Itachi will be a blend between his manga persona and my own take on it. Stoic and silent, hard to approach. Don't go in with expectations and you won't be disappointed if it isn't your cup of tea. Have A Wonderful Day!

Vallori · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Consequences Of Ones Actions

On top of the luxurious mansion, Itachi sat and watched the entourage of soldiers walking the grounds; The council had been called to the scene. Nobles had been killed in their home in time for the lost daughter's return. Adele had been temporarily cleared but she was still under careful watch.

"What will you do now?" Itachi needed not turn around to identify the speaker.

"Not sure. The path, I think has been chosen for me already." Itachi glanced at Adele as she took a seat beside him.

"For a killer, you are really soft." She said as softly.

Itachi turned to her, a questioning look in his eyes. Eyes that embraced what seemed like decades of slaughter.

"I-It's a good thing. I've never met a sentimental killer before, it's a little unnerving is all I mean." She said with a bright tone, trying to lessen the tension. She had just seen her family killed, throats sliced and she was still able to smile.

"I understand."

He stabbed his kunai into the roof tiles.

"Your sister and father showed me that no matter the era, humanity doesn't change. We take profit in war and enjoy the suffering."

"Itachi. Would you mind if I kept that?" Adele asked carefully. Her eyes set on the kunai.

"It's evidence. I can't let you have it." He answered with a tone colder than the winter season.

"I get that." She swallowed her fear and nervousness. "But it represents the consequences for my family's actions. It will serve as a reminder of what- or rather who awaits me if I start to go down the same path."

Itachi's gaze lingered on her making her swallow an unnaturally large lump, his ice-cold stare held no mercy. The gaze said it all. 'Stray and I will come for you.' He finally gave her a nod. She picked it up, felt the cold steel of the weapon that killed her father and sister.

"Thank you." He didn't answer nor showed any acknowledgement of her gratitude. For him, this was not a win.

"It's time for me to leave."

"Wait, take this!" Adele presented him with a document, her family's insignia on it.

"What is it?"

"It was in my father's office. It talks about a dark guild. It doesn't say much about them, only the name. Coiling Serpent. A-And one more detail." Adele's voice drifted off, clearly in shame.


"The name of its master is Annita... that was my mother's name."

"Was?" Itachi took the news calmly, he knew William had connections with dark guilds of various sizes.

"Father said she died when I was young, too young to remember. But this... if this is her, I would like to request one last thing from you." Without having to reiterate the speech she had prepared, Itachi took the document.

"I'll look into it. I won't promise anything. Good enough?"

"Of course! Thank you so much! I owe you my life, literally. If there ever is anything I could do for you, just ask." Adele said with great fervour.

"I need to get hold of a Magic identifying tool."

"No problem," Adele answered happily. "Come back here in a few weeks and I'll have it ready for you."

"Good." Itachi's body dispersed into a murder of crows.


After days of travelling, Itachi reached the next location on his journey; Oak town. The town which housed the Phantom Lord Guild. It was a name that popped up in the document pertaining to the Coiling Serpent guild. He was here purely to gather intel.

The newspapers had already gotten the story about the serpentgrip noble family. Their mysterious death, and the disgusting secret they carried. Adele was dealing with an unimaginable amount of blowback from both the public and other guilds, including the magic council.

She was under the watchful eye of the council. Being the daughter of William and the former leader of a band of rogue mages made her a prime suspect. As it looked, she would be cleared, but the stress was unimaginable.

The woman was not a fighter, but she turned out to be one hell of a politician from how she handled the aftermath.

Oak town was fairly large; nothing like the size of Magnolia. But big enough to house a major guild like Phantom Lord. The current guild master was a member of the Wizard Saints, just like Makarov - Fairy Tail's guild master.

Itachi chose to enter in the cover of darkness. His Akatsuki cloak that he had yet to switch out was very memorable.

The town was quiet. Magnolia was a city that never slept, most credited Fairy Tail with that. They often made sure the party lasted till the early hours of the morning. In Oak town, Itachi was the only one out walking. He had yet to even see the glimpse of another person or hear a sound other than the occasional owl hooting into the night.

Around town, there were crows perched on rooftops, clothing lines and a variety of other buildings and or furniture. All were eyes and ears for the lone Uchiha. Since the crows weren't magical creations, they emitted no energy signal unless Itachi directly took control of one. And that was still done through chakra. Itachi had yet to dabble in magic, he would hold off until he had identified what his innate magic or magics was. One person could have more than one innate magic. It was rare, but not unheard of.

After an hour of walking, resting and waiting, one of his crows had finally found something. Through the crow, he could see and hear what the animal perceived. Two people walking in the alley to which the house the crow was sitting on was connected.

Mages by appearance, and the two had the Phantom Lord tattoo visible on their bodies. The undisputed best way to identify a mage was by that tattoo. Every guild had one, and that made it very easy to spot people trying to imitate being members.

"Master is crueller than usual today. You know what's that about?" One of the two men spoke. His tone was filled with apprehension, also a little awe mixed in.

"It's that deal with the Serpents guild. It's about to go down. And don't let anybody know I told you, loose lips aren't a good thing in Phantom Lord."

"Then why tell me?" The first man pulled back a little, in fear of consequences. Information was something that guilds took seriously. What happened inside the guild was for members only, and even then, most members who were not S-class was almost never looped in on anything.

"I don't agree with the master in certain areas. For example, keeping the majority of the guild in that dark about a deal that will determine our future. And also, we've been friends for years, so I trust you. We all need someone to complain to."

"And you can't complain to the master?"

"He would kill me for sure, despite me being S-Class. The one thing he hates most is disobedience. No one is allowed to question him ever, even about minor things. Make sure you remember that." The senior member said seriously.

"Got it. Don't question the boss, not something I was ever likely to do. I'm the 'follow a command to the letter' kind of guy anyway."

"In this guild, that will be your greatest strength. You'll live longer if you know to shut up."

Itachi had arrived and sat beside his crow. He kept listening as the duo kept getting farther and farther away from him. He had already heard what he needed, the domestic intricacies within the guild was a bonus.

There was no need to get in the middle of their deal. Phantom Lord was just a stepping stone to get to Coiling Serpent. Their location was all he wanted currently. After that, he would decide whether to deal with them or leave them to their fate.

Coiling Serpent wasn't quite at the level where they could contest the Balam Alliance, but they weren't far behind. The ultimate goal of William Serpentsgrip was to elevate the guild to join the big three. According to the document, Adele was the final step. Luckily Itachi had arrived in time, and also, fortunately, was Rita's arrogance and how she underestimated him.

Itachi would only have to be present during the deal so he could put faces to the members of the Coiling Serpent. After that, the plan would be altered accordingly to his long-term plans.

His body dispersed into crows and disappeared.

If it isn't obvious already, I am taking certain liberties with Itachi's abilities. The theme of Itachi will stay the same but the abilities may or may not.

Have A Wonderful Day!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Valloricreators' thoughts