
Winds of Change (DxD)

[Long Chapters] – 10k-15k (May exceed this with multiple parts) ************** [Current word count]: 3,786,936 ************** [Please note: This novel follows the LIGHT NOVELS and NOT the ANIME.] ************** [Author's Note at the end] ************** For a more detailed understanding of the storyline, kindly read the Auxiliary Chapter for comprehensive insights into the novel's plot. ************** Synopsis: ************** Floating in the void for an unknown stretch of time, our lost soul is reborn into the realm of High School DXD. With amnesia clouding his personal past and no inkling of the one responsible for his reincarnation, join our protagonist on his journey through this new world as he gradually unravels the mysteries of his own history. Yet, a peculiar incident occurs during his reincarnation, further complicating his already unusual fate. This occurrence binds him to another realm, but the question remains: which one? Follow Jin as he embarks on his second life in the Draconic Deus, forging numerous connections, unintentionally becoming a savior of the world, and constructing a fresh existence for himself. ************** “—I won't protect everything. Although, I will absolutely protect those precious people within arms reach. If it's for the sake of that, I will slay everything.” — Jin ************** “—Everyone deserves a future, many can redeem themselves, but I've also come to understand that not everyone deserves that chance.” — Jin ************** Author's Note: ************** The MC is OP. However, this narrative focuses on his personal growth, delving into his emotional and mental development, his battle against self-doubt, and his relentless journey toward self-improvement. This novel places considerable emphasis on world-building, intricate character interactions, slices of life, and the nuances of romance. Brace yourself for a staggeringly extensive harem, featuring a whopping 90% of the female cast, along with some original characters. (Refer to the Auxiliary chapters for more detailed information on this aspect of the story.)

Fictitiouz · Tranh châm biếm
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285 Chs

Chapter 25 - Part 1 - Fengyun Fudi

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Since Svlalria had become a part of the Resistance and was now orbiting its home planet, I had the luxury of leaving the others to their own devices. Before I departed, I strategically placed several teleportation pads within various buildings on the planet. These pads were designed to facilitate travel to the Resistance's planet and other nearby ones.

At the moment, I was heading towards the meeting room where everyone else had already gathered. Along the way, I sensed a familiar presence nearby and prepared myself for what was coming. When I saw the figure, they turned towards me and walked over slowly, wrapping me in a warm embrace.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, returning the hug.

Lavinia shook her head silently, but I could tell that her recent mission in Etoce Rhirlara had taken a significant toll on her. The strain was evident, and I could only imagine the impact it had on everyone else involved in the mission.

"I don't like her. I can't see her naturally switching sides or being compliant with our questions during this meeting," Lavinia said, looking up at me with a frown.

"Well, I can just force her to answer us if she's less than agreeable. Let's go," I replied. We started walking towards the building, Lavinia clinging to my arm, her expression a mix of sadness and anger.

We eventually arrived at the building and made our way to the meeting room, where chaos had already erupted. The Ueboros member, Taphelis, was laughing while giving bizarre and infuriating answers to everyone present. Eliovan, in particular, was becoming increasingly agitated, looking as though he might punch her at any moment.

"Kill her!" Eliovan screeched, turning to face me.

"...No, we need her for a bit," I replied flatly.

Snapping my fingers, I restrained Taphelis, compelling her to take a seat and bringing a semblance of calm to the room. She looked at me with amusement, her grin widening. "Oh? Mr. Outer God is finally here. We can finally start the show, can't we?" she asked, her grin stretching even further.

"Mmm, let's get started," I said, taking the empty chair with Lavinia reluctantly choosing another seat further away. I turned my attention to Taphelis. "I suppose you aren't going to cooperate?"

She smiled and shook her head. "I will, since you're here. I want to cause as much chaos in this room as I can, even without my powers. I've already managed to piss off Mr. Little Blonde Midget over there," she remarked, provoking Eliovan's anger even further.

"Enough, enough. So, if you're willing to cooperate, I'll start with a vague and general question. What can you tell us?" I asked, fixing my gaze on her while the others followed suit, waiting for her response.

Before Taphelis could reply, Kanami slammed her hand onto the table and pointed at her with accusation. "Why did you conduct those experiments on those people!?"

Taphelis, momentarily taken aback, smiled slyly. "Out of my own curiosity and at Elanor's request. I truly have no understanding of how those procedures functioned. I merely followed instructions, nothing more, nothing less," she responded.

Upon my own examination, the so-called "experiments" mentioned by Kanami were nothing short of horrifying. They were nothing but acts of torture, devoid of any genuine scientific pursuit. It appeared that Elanor had a twisted fascination with testing pain thresholds and natural healing abilities of various species, which ultimately led to the cruel torment of individuals brought to Etoce Rhirlara.

As I gazed at Kanami, I briefly went into her memories. She was recollecting distressing scenes of a group of teenagers, ranging from twelve to sixteen years old, being subjected to extreme torture. Taphelis had selected them, believing this to be the age when most beings began to develop their powers.

They endured unimaginable horrors—some had their skin ripped off, limbs cut off, or even their eyes gouged out, only to be forcefully healed by their natural regenerative abilities. Other experiments were more sinister, involving the forced consumption of various substances to observe how their bodies would react from the inside out. These acts were inhumane, bordering on outright sadism rather than genuine scientific research—traits that seemed to align perfectly with Taphelis' character.

"I see that you deliberately chose those kids' ages, though. Twelve to sixteen—Elanor had no say in that," I stated, my voice steady but laced with contempt. "So, to an extent, you knew or had an idea of what you were doing, didn't you? Not just following notes or instructions. Did you select them out of your own sick and twisted ideas?"

Taphelis' smile remained unaltered. "Well, isn't that an interesting deduction?" she said, her tone mocking. "Yes, I chose that age range. It's when most creatures start to show their potential. But it was purely for the sake of thoroughness, of course," she added, her voice dripping with innocence.

I glared at her, my anger barely contained. "You're trying to rationalize your actions, but it's clear you took pleasure in their suffering. You went beyond mere curiosity."

Taphelis chuckled softly. "Perhaps I did. But isn't that the nature of research? To push boundaries, to explore the unknown, no matter the cost?" Her eyes gleamed with a disturbing mixture of pride and defiance.

"There is a line, and from what I've seen," I said, pausing as I conjured a floating blue screen above us, displaying scenes from the past—scenes of her smiling sadistically while performing the experiments on those teenagers. "You seem to be reveling in the pain you're causing them. What's your excuse now?" I asked, keeping my gaze firmly on her.

She chuckled, a dark sound that echoed in the room. "Fine, fine, I admit it. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I mean, their blood tasted quite good when mixed with those things Elanor asked me to use on them. But you're missing one component from those memories, boy."

She licked her lips slowly, her eyes gleaming with a twisted delight. "I could also get into their heads, their psyches. I could influence them and see the changes I could make to their minds and memories."

Her confession hung in the air, heavy and malevolent. The room was engulfed in a tense silence, the horror of her words sinking in. She had not only inflicted physical pain but had also invaded their minds, altering their very thoughts and memories. The full extent of her cruelty was now laid bare, revealing a level of sadism that went beyond mere physical torture.

Taphelis' smile widened as she watched the reactions around the room, relishing the shock and disgust. "Yes, I broke them down completely. Body and mind. It was fascinating to see how far they could be pushed before they completely shattered."

"People's inner thoughts are sacred. They hold their deepest truths and desires, not meant for anyone else to tamper with, not even those closest to them. These thoughts belong to them and them alone—they have the right to think and feel in complete privacy. Violating that is beyond unacceptable," I stated firmly, casting a disapproving look at Taphelis.

This is why I refuse to use that aspect of my powers. It would betray the trust of my friends and comrades. While they are aware of my ability, they also know that I would never invade their inner thoughts without absolute necessity.

People's inner thoughts are the birthplace of their aspirations. They have heartfelt conversations with themselves, find solace and reassure themselves. In my past life, there were countless occasions where I engaged in internal dialogues, contemplating decisions, reliving memories, and even confessing truths I would never speak aloud. For Taphelis to nonchalantly influence and alter these private thoughts is deeply disturbing.

"To manipulate someone's inner world so casually is utterly reprehensible," I continued, my voice steady but tinged with revulsion. "It's not just inflicting physical pain; it's violating the very essence of their being."

Taphelis' smile dimmed, but her eyes remained defiant. "And yet, you possess the same power, do you not? It's tempting, isn't it? To have that level of control?"

"No," I asserted firmly. "It's not tempting. It's a responsibility—a responsibility that I hold in high regard and would never abuse. Unlike you, I understand the significance of boundaries and trust."

Taphelis let out a mocking laugh, her scornful tone cutting through the air. "Oh, how noble and righteous of you. It's enough to make me sick. Don't you ever tire of playing the hero?" she sneered, her words dripping with venom.

"If striving to be a decent person with morals labels me as a knight in shining armor, then so be it. It's not that difficult to refrain from becoming an unhinged psychopath, to be honest. In reality, there are far too many selfish individuals who believe they are the epitome of everything they aspire to be, when in fact, they fall far short of it, myself included," I replied, meeting her gaze unwaveringly.

I have committed selfish acts and pursued my own desires, initially driven by the selfish wish for a harem. Although my motivations have since evolved, that initial selfish longing cannot be denied.

Taphelis' sneer deepened. "So you admit that you are just as flawed as the rest of us. Why bother pretending to be better?"

"I'm not pretending to be better. I am aware of my flaws and strive to improve. That is what sets me apart," I asserted firmly. "I have made mistakes and acted on selfish impulses, but I have learned and grown from those experiences. It seems that this is something you are unable to comprehend."

Her expression hardened, but I pressed on. "You delight in inflicting pain, in manipulating and destroying people. There is no growth, no redemption in that. It is only cruelty and devastation. That is the difference between us."

"Even now, one of the main driving forces for me doing any of this is because I want a peaceful world where I can laze around, flirt, and just do 'nothing' in my life," I admitted, looking Taphelis in the eye. "Even as the ruler of the omniverse, the one who's supposed to watch over it and maintain peace, all I really want is tranquility in my immediate universe and area. Everything else is an afterthought."

I paused, considering my own motivations. "Once I finish everything, I'll focus on my universe alone, leaving various clones and avatars to handle the omniversal problems that arise. That way, I can spend some time relaxing with everyone else."

Taphelis' expression shifted slightly, but I pressed on. "I don't think I'm the epitome of good. I'm far from it. But because of my actions, that's how I'm seen, and frankly, I don't have the energy to constantly correct that perception. So, I leave it to others to mull over."

I could see a flicker of understanding, or perhaps confusion, in her eyes. "You see, Taphelis, it's not about being perfect or pretending to be. It's about striving for something better, even if our reasons are selfish or flawed. I want peace, not for some grand ideal, but for my own desires. But that doesn't mean I'll step on others to get it."

Taphelis' sneer returned, but it seemed less certain. "So you admit you're selfish. That you have your own desires."

"Of course," I replied calmly. "Everyone does. But the difference is how we pursue those desires. I don't inflict pain for pleasure or manipulate others' minds to feel powerful. I work towards my goals while respecting others. That's something you'll never grasp because you're too caught up in your own cruelty."

Sighing, I uttered, "Enough with the moral high ground talk. Let's focus on the matter at hand." I pointed at her and used my powers to compel her to speak the truth. "Tell us everything you know about Infersos."

There was a moment of surprise at my directness, but all attention turned back to Taphelis, who reluctantly began to speak.

"Not many are acquainted with him. He operates in the shadows and only communicates with a select few within the organization. It appears he has his own agenda, and it seems he may be scheming against Lady Phumera and Master Magnum Tenebrosum. However, I cannot say for certain what his plans entail. I have not shared these suspicions with anyone, but I feel compelled to tell Elanor," Taphelis confessed, the color draining from her face as she spoke. Her body trembled uncontrollably.

"Infersos is a shadow within the shadows," she continued, her voice shaking. "He works behind the scenes, manipulating events to his advantage. His motives are unclear, but his ambitions are dangerous. He has a knack for unsettling people, causing them to question their loyalties and actions."

I observed her closely, noting the fear in her eyes. "Why have you kept this information to yourself until now?"

Taphelis hesitated before responding, "I was afraid. Crossing paths with Infersos is not to be taken lightly. Even within our ranks, his influence is feared. He operates on a level that even the most ruthless among us find unnerving."

The room fell silent as the weight of her revelations settled in. The name Infersos hung in the air like a dense cloud, casting a shadow over the meeting.

"Do you know his current whereabouts?" I inquired, pressing for more details.

"No," Taphelis answered, shaking her head. "He moves frequently, never staying in one place for long. However, I suspect he has a concealed stronghold somewhere, a place where he can orchestrate his plans without interference."

Her body continued to shake, the strain of disclosing these secrets evident. "That's all I know," she concluded, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What is your perspective on Elanor? You speak of her with great reverence," Sona asked with genuine curiosity. "We have gathered quite a bit of information about her already, but we are eager to hear your personal thoughts. What makes you hold her in such high esteem?"

Taphelis met Sona's gaze, taking a moment before replying. "Elanor... she is truly a remarkable individual. Her thirst for knowledge is insatiable, often at the expense of everything else. Her pursuit of wisdom is unmatched, and any power she gains along the way is merely a byproduct."

She added, "I am unfamiliar with her origins or the journey she has taken, but there are rumors suggesting she may be of artificial origin. Despite being forthcoming about some matters, Elanor remains extremely guarded about others, particularly her ultimate goals—if she even has any."

"None," I firmly stated, "Elanor's ultimate goal does not exist. Her existence is centered on the pursuit of knowledge and the creation of chaos, whether minor or major, in any universe she finds herself in. She has no overarching purpose because, in her own mind, she already possesses everything she could want."

"So you're saying she does this just for the sake of it, and to acquire more knowledge?" Eliovan asked, his teeth clenched in frustration.

"One could put it that way," I replied. "As for her 'status,' it's similar to that of Esina. Both are artificial beings, essentially artificial goddesses."

Turning my gaze to Taphelis, I stared for a few seconds before posing my question. "Your planet, Etoce Rhirlara, is renowned for its unique blend of vampiric life and cyberpunk-esque themes. Why is that? From my understanding, those cyberpunk elements were infused by your illusionary powers, gradually seizing control over everyone there."

Taphelis sneered, her voice oozing with sarcasm. "Leave it to the outer god to think they know everything without ever stepping foot there. Yes, I use my powers efficiently, but this particular style? I took it from an Eradicator member, rank fifteen, Vehcocia. But, to be frank, she's a weak little thing."

"What do you mean by that?" Latia interrupted, her eyes narrowing as she locked her gaze on Taphelis.

"Vehcocia," Taphelis started, a hint of disdain mingling with grudging respect, "is well-known within the organization. She joined to lift her family out of poverty. But Lady Phumera and Elanor saw her potential in her. After helping her unlock it, her powers soared, propelling her to the lower ranks of the Eradicators. If she harnessed her abilities properly, I believe she could easily be among the top five."

Taphelis casually shrugged. "As I mentioned, she's primarily motivated by helping her family and her planet. She won't intentionally cause trouble for others, but if she's given a mission, even if it involves taking a life, she will carry it out. She's not as innocent as she may appear."

"Her home planet is Bargogul Fyoli," Taphelis added, with a roll of her eyes. "There's nothing particularly special about it, except that after unlocking her powers, she used them to remove the corrupt and evil leaders. She then took charge, bringing about positive change for the planet, as far as I can tell."

Taphelis paused before adding, "That's all there is to say about her. As for the others, I likely know the same as you. I only associate myself with those who interest me and research those who intrigue me. Honestly, I don't care much about most of them. But, one more thing—I do have some knowledge about Faodra, one of the original Umbra."

"He is an inventor and researcher who prefers to keep a low profile," Taphelis disclosed. "He only answers to five individuals: Infersos, Elanor, Phumera, Yve, and Magnum Tenebrosum. Most other people are of little consequence to him, almost as if they don't exist. I know he has a particular interest in mist and similar phenomena, but aside from that, my knowledge is limited. I don't even know where he lives or where he operates from."

As her words sank in, the room fell into a contemplative silence, each of us processing what she had just said. I had a feeling there might be more she knew but considered it unimportant, so I chose not to inquire further. Her revelations, given her inability to speak anything but the truth under the influence of my powers, were undoubtedly authentic.

— ○ ● ○ —

Following another two hours of intense discussions, we brought the meeting to a close. Taphelis was escorted back to her cell, and the room gradually emptied, leaving us all deep in thought after the flood of new information we had received, as well as the insights shared during our conversation.

As I arrived outside, I looked up at the underground ceiling, narrowing my eyes. I knew I had to make my way to Fengyun Fudi soon, so I pushed aside my thoughts for the time being. As I headed towards the teleporter for my next journey, a hand suddenly gripped my wrist.

Turning to see who it was, I found Sona standing there. "Oh, hey. How can I... Oh, is this about the date?" I asked, slightly caught off guard but curious about her sudden approach.

"Date?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion before a look of realization crossed her face. "O-oh, no, it's just… I just want to talk, that's all. But if you're busy, we can do it another time…"

Sensing her mood, I decided to oblige. "Sure thing, lead the way," I said. She took my hand and led me to a nearby café. After placing our orders, we sat in the outdoor seating area.

I waited for her to start the conversation, but Sona seemed lost in thought, staring at the table with a troubled expression. Our orders arrived, yet she still didn't look up. Finally, after another minute of silence, she raised her eyes to meet mine, her brow furrowed in contemplation.

"Do you think the strong should protect the weak by using their strength to enforce rules, or should they use their powers to help the weak become strong, enabling them to stand on their own and grow stronger while the strong keep a watchful eye over them?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

This question seemed to come out of nowhere, but as I studied Sona's face, I could tell she was earnestly seeking my answer. So, I took a moment to reflect.

"Both approaches can be effective," I began, "but the first method, using strength to enforce rules, can make people feel oppressed, deprived of their freedom. The second method, helping the weak become strong, grants them more liberty and aligns more with the path I desire to follow—or perhaps, the path I am already on. While I actively participate in many of our missions, there are times I wish I could just issue orders from afar. Yet, circumstances often compel me to be directly involved."

I looked up at the ceiling of the underground base, pondering further. "To answer your question, I would choose the latter. I believe it's the better approach. However, there are situations where the former method might be necessary initially to establish stability before transitioning to the latter. So, I guess it can be circumstantial, dependent on the specific needs of the location or planet."

I sighed, feeling the weight of the decision. "Ultimately, the goal should be to empower others to stand on their own, but sometimes forceful intervention might be a necessary step towards that end."

Sona pondered my words carefully, her eyes fixed on the food in front of us. Without a word, she picked up her utensils and started eating. I followed her lead, and even though we dined in silence, I could sense that she was still considering my response.

I wondered if she was deliberating on this because of her upcoming role as the head of the Sitri clan, or if her experiences on Etoce Rhirlara had prompted these thoughts. It also made me reflect on how the rest of our team was coping. On the surface, they appeared to be doing well, but who could say what they were truly grappling with internally? I would need to investigate this further once I returned from Fengyun Fudi.

Eventually, we completed our meal, settled the bill, and exited the restaurant. As we walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that Sona's inquiries were just the beginning of something deeper for all of us. The road ahead was uncertain, but we would navigate it as a team.

Arriving at the teleporter, Sona gazed up at me. "Good luck with Fengyun Fudi. But don't forget about our date when you return," she said with a playful grin.

I chuckled in response. "Of course, we'll make it happen once I'm back."

"By the way... who's accompanying you?" she inquired.

"Sairaorg's team, along with representatives from two other specific teams—four of them in total—Aoife, Anran Wu, and myself," I explained.

"Azathoth?" she asked, expecting the former ruler to join us.

"I'm not certain. She only expressed her desire to accompany me to those two planets for reasons that are now clear to me," I replied.

Sona nodded silently, then took hold of my arm, pulled me closer, and kissed me. After sharing a brief, tender moment, she smiled and walked away, leaving me to my thoughts as I readied myself for the journey ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

After about thirty minutes, all the members joining me had gathered: Anran Wu, Aoife, Sairaorg, Regulus, Kuisha, Kuroka, and Shirone.

I was initially taken aback by the presence of only these three members from Sairaorg's team. Sairaorg explained that the others had chosen to remain on this planet to undergo training in new techniques. Upon hearing this, Shirone and Kuroka decided to accompany us instead, which was perfectly fine by me.

"We're not the brightest, nya~ Well, Aaron is a bit of an exception, I suppose~" Kuroka teased before chuckling to herself.

Ignoring her playful comment, I glanced at our assembled group and then reviewed the message Kanzaki had sent me. It was simple: "He accepted. We are now considered honorable guests in Fengyun Fudi."

With this confirmation, I turned to the group. "Alright, everyone. We have been given the honor of being guests in Fengyun Fudi. Let's make sure we represent ourselves well and make the most of this opportunity."

"Nya? That's surprising... unless that Virion person is planning to pull a fast one on us," Kuroka remarked, her skepticism evident and perfectly reasonable.

"It would be best if we stay on alert, Aaron," Sairaorg added, his expression serious. "Even if he is one of the more righteous Eradicators, he is still one of them. And if what you told us before is correct—if ordered by Phumera, he may just throw his principles out the window."

[Right. It would be best to stay alert while on that planet. We may not know how everything operates nor how his subordinates will feel about us,] Regulus chimed in.

Kuisha and Shirone silently nodded in agreement, while Anran Wu appeared troubled, her gaze cast to the side as she frowned.

"Good points, all of you," I said, acknowledging their concerns. "We'll proceed with caution and stay vigilant at all times. Let's ensure we're prepared for anything."

I turned to Anran Wu, beckoning for her to share her insights. "Do you have anything to add, Anran Wu?"

She met my eyes and responded, "Even if Phumera commands Virion to carry out a task, he may choose to defy. He has shown this rebellion on numerous occasions, and while it causes tension, Phumera tends to allow him that freedom."

"Seems like he holds a great deal of power and respect if he's granted so much independence," Shirone commented, to which Anran Wu nodded in agreement.

"That's just who Lord Virion is. His actions have garnered him the respect of Phumera and others, even if they may not always approve of his methods. They cannot deny the impact of his accomplishments," Anran Wu explained, a hint of pride in her tone.

"Lady Raerea tried to emulate his example, but her approach was too gradual. It only serves to emphasize the extraordinary achievements of Lord Virion," she concluded, her expression reflecting her admiration.

"Hmm... well, let's get moving. We can't leave them waiting indefinitely," I informed them before initiating our teleportation out of there.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon our arrival on the planet, courtesy of my teleportation abilities, our senses were immediately overwhelmed by the bustling scene before us. It quickly became apparent that we had appeared in a spacious area filled with bustling foot traffic.

High walls flanked us on both sides, occasionally interrupted by vendors selling a variety of goods. To our right, a vast body of water extended—perhaps a lake or even a sea—its expanse shimmering under an unseen sun. On the left side, beyond the protective walls, lay a dense, sprawling forest that hinted at the mysteries it held within.

Directly in front of us, a short staircase beckoned, leading to a multitude of buildings adorned with architecture reminiscent of traditional Asian designs, their intricate roofs and ornate decorations standing proudly.

Dominating the scene at the very back was an imposing structure, grand and imposing, which I surmised to be the location where Virion awaited our presence. What struck me as particularly peculiar were the clouds lingering above, swirling with an almost sentient grace, as if they were observing the bustling activity below.

"Woah…" Aoife breathed, her voice laced with awe as her eyes took in the captivating surroundings with childlike wonder.

Before we could fully absorb the intriguing environment, a voice called out, "You're here," drawing our attention forward. Approaching us was Kanzaki, his familiar figure bringing a sense of relief. He was not alone; flanking him were Kirino, Aubilca, and Bisusbyu.

"Hmm. So that towering structure is where Virion is, correct?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the impressive building in front of us. Kanzaki nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, that's the one. He's expecting all of us, so let's make our way there. There will only be two other people with him in the meeting, so it won't be too crowded. The Tournament of Strength has been postponed until tomorrow because of your arrival, so you can discuss it with him," Kanzaki explained, his tone efficient and reassuring. I nodded, and we all followed him towards the imposing edifice.

As we approached the grand building, Kirino began to speak, offering a monologue that was both informative and engaging. "This place is quite remarkable. The planet itself is about three times the size of Earth, and a significant portion of its land is under the control of Virion's people. This city, the main hub, is just one of many, each governed by one of his trusted subordinates. If I recall correctly, there are eight of them in total, overseeing various regions. Additionally, the smaller areas are managed by the high elders," she explained, her voice carrying a mixture of admiration and respect.

"Are the high elders just old people?" asked Kuroka, as she and Shirone managed to get some food from the nearby vendors.

"No, they're quite different," Kanzaki explained as we weaved through the bustling food district. "They belong to a unique species. They have an incredibly long lifespan, living for around ten thousand years, similar to devils in the Draconic Deus. Despite their advanced ages, these high elders appear as men in their thirties. The current eldest is about six thousand and two years old. This new group replaced the former elders to eliminate corruption."

Kuisha, clearly intrigued, inquired, "And what's the species name?"

"They're called Honlugongs," Anran Wu replied. "Lord Virion has mentioned them numerous times, and I've had the opportunity to meet a few. Like humans and other species, they have their share of good and bad individuals. Generally, though, most of them seem to be decent people," Anran Wu added, joining the conversation with her own observations.

Our conversation went deeper into the intricacies of the planet, the figure of Virion, and various other pertinent topics as we approached the imposing structure ahead. The exchange flowed effortlessly, enriching our understanding of this new world.

After about ten minutes of walking, we reached our destination. The grand structure stood apart from the rest of the city by a small, picturesque bridge that spanned a gently flowing river beneath it. The water sparkled in the light, adding serenity to the majestic scene before us.

Several sentinels stood guard at the entrance, their expressions stern and vigilant. As we approached, they instinctively raised their weapons, barring our path. However, their demeanor shifted upon recognizing Kanzaki, Kirino, me, and Anran Wu. With a swift motion, they retracted their weapons, nodding respectfully and granting us passage.

We headed towards the large, ornately decorated door. The craftsmanship was exquisite, with intricate designs and carvings that spoke of a rich history and cultural heritage. As I looked around, I noticed various decorative elements adorning the entire structure, invoking a strong sense of having stepped back in time to ancient China from our own universe. The atmosphere was filled with a blend of grandeur and nostalgia, each detail meticulously crafted to evoke a connection to a bygone era.

Upon entering the majestic building, Kanzaki led the way, guiding us through its extravagant halls. The interior, reminiscent of structures from various factions within the Draconic Deus, was incredibly lavish. The ceiling towered high above us, adorned with a massive chandelier that illuminated the expansive space. Smaller light sources added to the grandeur and overall illumination.

The flooring was a captivating mix of rich wood, vibrant red concrete, and luxurious gold marble, creating a visually striking contrast at every step. The building consisted of five levels, with Virion's quarters presumably located on the top floor.

Our journey took us up numerous staircases, each floor offering unique designs and ambiance. The ascent was a spectacle in itself, with each level unveiling new sights and architectural marvels. Ornate carvings, intricate mosaics, and elaborate scenes adorned the walls, recounting tales of history and legend.

As we reached the fourth floor, it became clear that this level posed a challenge, much like those encountered in other significant structures. This floor was meant to test those seeking to proceed further, emphasizing the importance and security of the uppermost level. Despite the challenges, we navigated through, drawing upon our collective experiences and skills.

We finally arrived at the fifth floor, standing in front of a formidable set of large doors that loomed ahead, signaling our final destination. Kanzaki turned to look at me, giving a subtle nod before stepping back, indicating that it was my turn to take the lead. I approached the doors confidently, placing my hand on their surface, only to be suddenly and forcefully repelled.

"What was that nya?" Kuroka asked, her voice tinged with confusion as she watched me stumble backward from the unexpected rejection.

Kanzaki stepped forward to explain, "You need to prove yourself to gain entry. I had to do it too last night. Use your powers however you see fit to open the door."

A grin spread across my face, intrigued by the challenge. "Interesting," I murmured. Gathering my energy, I decided to unleash a bit more of my power, aiming to demonstrate my worth. However, my control slipped for a moment, and instead of simply opening the door, I accidentally blew it off its hinges with a powerful burst.

"Ah…" I uttered, staring at the now detached doors with a mix of surprise and mild embarrassment. The force of my power had been more than sufficient, and the grandeur of the entrance lay in ruins at our feet.

Upon entering the room, we were greeted by the bewildered gazes of the two occupants. Stalwart and imposing, a towering, muscular man commanded the center of the room. His long hair, a deep blue with lighter blue tips, framed his face in a striking manner. Clad in a simple navy shirt and matching pants, his formidable physique was accentuated. His bright and intense yellow eyes sparkled with a hint of amusement as they observed us.

Standing beside him was a woman of equal allure. Her ethereal beauty was enhanced by the large, elegant white horns protruding from her head. Her long, flowing white hair cascaded down her back, a striking contrast to her captivating yellow eyes, which mirrored the amusement of the man.

She was dressed in a flowing white dress, the fabric billowing gracefully around her as she moved. Traditional geta adorned her feet, adding a touch of cultural elegance to her appearance. As she observed us, she twirled a lock of her hair around her finger, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Passing through the remnants of the shattered door, my companions trailed close behind. With a casual flick of my fingers, I restored the door to its original form before turning my attention to the man I assumed was Virion. "Sorry for that," I said, meeting his gaze directly.

[Partner... was that some kind of power play? Destroying the door and blowing it off its hinges just to prove a point?] Ddraig's voice echoed in my mind, his tone curious and slightly admonishing.

In response, I simply smiled, offering no clear answer, my eyes fixed on Virion. He held my gaze for several seconds, his own grin slowly spreading across his lips. It was as if he were assessing more than just my physical presence; his eyes seemed to delve deeper, examining my soul and personality, a sensation that was both unsettling and intriguing.

"Outer god…" Virion murmured, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and respect. "I welcome you to my home planet, Fengyun Fudi. From today until your departure, you will be our honored guests. Please, make yourselves at home."

He gestured for us to sit, and we complied, sinking into the proffered chairs. The pair echoed our movements, and a weighty silence descended upon the room.

However, it was Virion who shattered the silence, opening the conversation. "I observed your companions arriving in our planet a few days ago. I watched them for a time, but it appeared they were simply scouting. Therefore, I deemed it fit to formally extend an invitation to you," he stated, crossing his arms with purpose.

"Hmm. One of the primary reasons for our visit is the widely publicized Tournament of Strength," I replied, observing as he nodded in agreement.

"Yes, the tournament attracts a significant number of individuals to our planet every time it is held. This year is no exception. However, I must confess, I am somewhat surprised that you wish to take part," he commented, his demeanor reflecting his genuine astonishment.

"I will be the one participating, accompanied by my..." Sairaorg started, glancing at Regulus, who responded with a nod. "My 'tool,' if that is acceptable." Sairaorg clearly found the term distasteful, but he felt it necessary to use in this context.

Virion arched an eyebrow, his eyes moving from Sairaorg to Regulus and back again. "A living tool?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of confusion at Sairaorg's unusual choice of words.

"Yes, he is a 'tool' from our universe. His function has evolved somewhat from his original purpose, but..." Sairaorg nodded at Regulus, who promptly transformed into a giant battle axe. Sairaorg seized the weapon and raised it into the air. "He can morph into this form, as well as armor," he explained, showcasing the versatility of his companion.

"Hoooo? Now that is quite intriguing... As long as you present this to the tournament organizers, it should be acceptable. There are others who employ summons to fight, so using him in this manner will not be an issue," Virion replied, clearly amused and fascinated by the display.

"I see, that's reassuring," Sairaorg responded as Regulus returned to his human form, the transformation complete.

The woman regarded me with a blend of curiosity and doubt. "Well then, what brings you here, outer god?" she asked, her voice steady yet probing. "Ah, my apologies for the oversight. I am Milt, the esteemed general and advisor to Lord Virion."

She greeted us with a warm smile, her eyes lingering as she awaited our response. I took a moment to collect my thoughts before speaking. "I'll be direct with you. We would like you to join the Resistance. Considering your methods and principles, it's strange that you remain aligned with Phumera, unless it is solely for the convenience of your people."

As I spoke, Virion closed his eyes, his expression unreadable as he absorbed my words in silence. Milt, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes at me, her gaze intense but her demeanor controlled. It was evident that she had reservations about my proposal, yet there was a glint in her eyes—perhaps a hidden desire to break free from their current alliance, hindered by unknown reasons.

"I had anticipated that this might be the case, but I must respectfully decline your offer. Given the current circumstances, joining the Resistance would not be advantageous for us. Our existing alliance with Phumera provides us with a stable life, and, as you mentioned, it is highly convenient for my people. Trade routes and other essential resources are intrinsically linked to this alliance," Virion stated, opening his eyes and fixing his gaze on me.

Milt chimed in, adding to his reasoning. "Furthermore, we see little to gain from aligning with the Resistance. From what we know, they reside on a barren rock, an inhospitable place where nothing thrives. They are slowly withering away, and it is surprising that any of them are still alive."

Before I could formulate a response, Aoife interjected with enthusiasm, "Raerea joined us!"

All eyes turned towards her, causing Aoife to blush in embarrassment at her impulsive outburst. Anran Wu smoothly stepped in, maintaining her composed demeanor as she addressed Virion and Milt. "Lord Virion, Lady Milt, the information you have about the Resistance's planet is outdated. Since the arrival of the outer god and his team, there have been significant improvements in the conditions."

Anran Wu placed a small device in the center of the table and activated it with a press of a button, projecting a holographic video of scenes from the Resistance's planet, particularly New Stolonium.

"This is 'New Stolonium,' a city on our planet that has been reconstructed by Aaron. The footage showcases the current state of affairs, with stability and flourishing life for Madame Raerea's people who were saved from imminent death during the crisis on our planet," Anran Wu elaborated. The holographic display depicted bustling streets, thriving agriculture, and advanced infrastructure.

"As you can see," Anran Wu continued, "the planet has undergone a remarkable transformation, from a desolate rock to a thriving environment capable of sustaining life and fostering growth and prosperity." The video then transitioned to reveal other areas of the planet, each scene reinforcing the narrative of renewal and rejuvenation.

"These are various locations across the planet," Anran Wu continued, gesturing to the shifting holographic scenes. "As you can see, it is exceptionally livable. We have established expansive farms in multiple regions, and Aaron ensures a consistent supply of food for everyone. Additionally, we now have four planets orbiting ours, with Svlalria and the species of the Volgendurs being the newest members of our celestial neighborhood."

Virion and Milt focused intently on the video, their expressions serious as Anran Wu detailed the rejuvenation and flourishing state of the planet. It was a stark contrast to its condition just a few months prior. Milt's surprise was evident, her interest in the planet visibly piqued, while Virion maintained a steady, contemplative gaze at the holographic display.

As the video showcased Raerea, a subtle smile tugged at the corners of Virion's mouth. He appeared almost proud and visibly relieved to see her thriving. When the video concluded, a heavy silence settled over the room, all eyes turning expectantly to Milt and Virion, awaiting their response.

Milt began to speak, but Virion interjected, cutting her off. "I will consider your proposal, but I am not entirely convinced just yet. Therefore, allow me to suggest an alternative," he said, looking up at us with a mixture of hope and mischief in his eyes.

"And what might that be?" I asked, my gaze fixed on him, curiosity piqued.

"Participate in the upcoming tournament," Virion proposed. "Even if it's just one of you, reach the final. I will be your final opponent. If you can defeat me, I will ensure that our entire planet joins the Resistance. You have my guarantee," he declared, a confident smile spreading across his face.

Milt, seated beside him, stared in shock at Virion. Words seemed to fail her as she processed his bold declaration. After several moments, she finally found her voice. "Are you out of your mind!?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"I have the final say in this matter, Milt," Virion declared with an authoritative tone that left no room for argument. Milt seemed to shrink back, acknowledging his dominance in the discussion. In that moment, he embodied true leadership, far removed from the casual appearance his attire might suggest. Though, admittedly, I often present a similar demeanor, usually laid back about most things.

Closing my eyes, I mulled over Virion's proposal. Sairaorg and Regulus had already expressed interest in joining the tournament from the beginning, drawn by the challenge it presented. However, glancing at Anran Wu, I considered the possibility that she might also compete. If she did, it would almost certainly lead to a clash between our own in the tournament.

"Alright, we accept your challenge. You better keep your word, Virion," I responded, a grin spreading across my face.

"I always keep my word. Rest assured, outer god," he replied confidently. "However, if by chance you do not succeed, what then? I doubt any of us can truly resist you if you chose to use more forceful means," he added, his gaze fixed intently on me, probing for my intentions.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let's keep things straightforward," I replied. Turning to my companions, I asked, "Who else is joining the tournament? I know Sairaorg is already in."

As I anticipated, Anran Wu raised her hand. "I will join," she declared firmly. "I have participated in the past, and I will do so again now." She then glanced at Sairaorg and added, "If we meet in the tournament, don't hold back."

Sairaorg nodded, a determined expression on his face. "Naturally," he agreed, accepting the challenge with ease.

I then looked at Aoife, silently encouraging her to join. However, she shook her head, reminding me of her earlier words about wanting to take a break from fighting after being involved in several recent conflicts.

The rest of our group remained silent, showing no interest in participating. So, I concluded, "Then it's settled. Anran Wu and Sairaorg, along with Regulus, will participate. That works, right?"

Virion nodded in agreement and elaborated, "We will delay the tournament by an extra day to accommodate these changes and allow participants to opt out if they feel uncomfortable. Typically, the tournament spans four days, starting with numerous matches on the first day, followed by the preliminaries, and culminating in the main event."

"That's perfectly fine. We're not in any rush," I replied, and we went into a more detailed discussion about the tournament and what to expect if and when they decide to join the Resistance.

Ultimately, the meeting proved to be productive. We were also informed that many of Virion's generals were not present due to their supervisory duties in various regions, but we were welcome to visit them if we wished to discuss matters further.

— ○ ● ○ —

As we exited the large structure, a young girl hurried over to Virion and wrapped her arms around his waist. She had short, wavy black hair, bright yellow eyes, and wore a light blue dress adorned with gold stars.

"Dad, where...huh?" she began, then paused as she noticed us, her eyes widening in surprise.

"You have a kid?" I asked, taken aback by this revelation.

A solemn expression crossed Virion's face as he nodded. "Yes, my one and only daughter, born to me by my wife. Her name is Xie Qiu. Xie Qiu, say hello to them—they're from the Resistance. And be especially mindful of that man; he's an outer god. I've explained this to you before, haven't I?" he said, gesturing towards us.

Xie Qiu stared at us with her bright yellow eyes, her curiosity palpable. After a moment, she seemed to collect herself, releasing Virion and bowing deeply.

"I...I am Xie Qiu. It's nice to meet you!" she exclaimed, nearly shouting, which elicited chuckles from both Milt and Virion.

"Aaron Toole. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Xie Qiu," I responded, offering a warm smile as she gave a nod in my direction. Her gaze then swept over the rest of my group, eventually settling on Kuisha, who appeared puzzled by the attention. I quickly discerned that Xie Qiu's focus was on Kuisha's ample bosom, a realization that elicited a chuckle from me.

Kuisha, noticeably flustered, instinctively wrapped her arms around her chest, attempting to shield herself from the unwelcome scrutiny. She turned away, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment. Meanwhile, Xie Qiu's smile lingered as she redirected her attention to Virion, inquiring, "Will the tournament proceed as usual?"

Virion's expression turned serious as he shook his head. He began to outline the forthcoming events, detailing the modifications and how they would unfold. Xie Qiu listened intently, her expression one of focused concentration, before she finally nodded in understanding.

"I understand. I'll go and inform my friend who's participating; I'm sure they'll be pleased with these changes. See you tonight, dad!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm before sprinting off, her departure marked by a burst of energy.

"She's certainly full of energy," Kuroka and Kirino remarked simultaneously, exchanging a knowing glance. It was almost as if they shared a silent agreement about the boundless vitality they had just witnessed.

"She inherited that enthusiasm for life from her mother," Virion elaborated, his voice tinged with a subtle emotion. The comment was brief but laden with unspoken meaning, and we all sensed the weight behind his words, choosing to remain silent out of respect.

Clearing his throat with a gentle cough into his fist, Virion redirected his attention towards me and then to Milt. "Milt, please take it upon yourself to give them a tour of the city. Ensure they are well accommodated, and rest assured, I will cover all expenses."

Milt acknowledged the request with a nod, her tone efficient and brisk as she addressed us. "Understood. Please follow me. I'll make sure your hotel is conveniently located near the tournament venue for your ease." Without waiting for any further response, she began to walk away with purpose, prompting us to quickly gather our belongings and follow her lead.

— ○ ● ○ —

She guided us to an area bustling with activity, teeming with people who were clearly excited about the forthcoming tournament. Everywhere we looked, stalls were laden with a wide array of souvenirs celebrating the event. There were plushies, t-shirts, toys, and various other items adorned with images of Virion, the generals, and past tournament champions, transforming the place into a vibrant hub of merchandise.

"This area functions more like a vendors' district rather than a traditional shopping district," Milt began, her voice carrying over the din of the crowd. "None of this is officially sanctioned merchandise, but we permit it because it attracts a large number of tourists and keeps the local populace content. Lord Virion, understanding its benefits, chooses to overlook its unofficial status. Some generals and high elders express their discontent, but they tolerate it out of respect and loyalty to Lord Virion."

After a prolonged silence, Kanzaki finally spoke up, his curiosity piqued. "What kind of security measures are in place for the tournament?"

Milt fixed her gaze on him for a few moments before responding, her tone firm and reassuring. "The security is of the highest caliber. This tournament invites participants from all corners of existence, so we cannot afford to be lax. We employ state-of-the-art technology and our most skilled guards to ensure the safety and security of the event. Every precaution has been taken to maintain a secure environment."

"So, if I were to attack it right now, they would respond immediately?" Kanzaki asked, his tone deadly serious as he fixed Milt with an intense stare.

Before Milt could respond, Shizuka Kirino intervened in a flash, delivering a swift smack to Mitsuya's head before wrapping her hands around his neck in a mock strangling gesture. "I'm sorry! He's just... well, he's stupid! And terrible at talking to people, please don't take him seriously!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of frustration and apology.

Milt, slightly amused by the comical scene, shook her head, effectively brushing off Kanzaki's provocative question. Her expression softened as she turned back to address the group.

"Answering that young man's query, and considering his... unusual powers," Milt began thoughtfully, "I can assure you that our security forces are exceptionally responsive. If the subordinates of the outer god possess formidable strength, it could indeed pose significant challenges. In such a case, we would likely need to call upon our most powerful fighters to confront the threat together," she explained, casting another glance at Mitsuya, who was still staring at her with an unyielding gaze.

"Hey, are you in love with Virion, your leader nya?" Kuroka blurted out suddenly, causing everyone to stop and stare at her. She seemed puzzled by the sudden attention and simply tilted her head in confusion.

Milt, whose expression remained stoic, sighed softly and shook her head as we continued to stroll through the bustling area. "No. Many have speculated about that due to our close relationship and my involvement in caring for Xie Qiu. However, there is nothing romantic between us. Lord Virion is deeply devoted to the memory of his late wife," she explained, a touch of sadness creeping into her voice as she mentioned Virion's wife.

"How did she die, nya?" Kuroka inquired again, prompting Shirone to pinch her side with a look of disapproval. "Ah, w-well, if you don't want to answer, then I'll understand!" she stammered, her previous boldness giving way to nervousness.

Milt paused for a moment, her gaze growing distant as she recalled the past. "It's a painful memory," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Lady Aelin, Virion's wife, was a remarkable woman. Her death was a tragedy that struck us all deeply. She fell during a fierce battle, defending our land against an overwhelming force. Her sacrifice saved countless lives, but it left a void in Lord Virion's heart that has never been filled," Milt recounted, her eyes reflecting a profound sense of loss.

"A battle?" Sairaorg echoed, his interest piqued by the unfolding tale.

"Have you ever heard of the Byramites?" Milt inquired, scanning our faces for any signs of recognition. Most of them shook their heads, unfamiliar with the name. "The Byramites are an invasive species that travel from planet to planet, consuming everything in their path. They leave behind nothing but desolation. They visited our world once, a long time ago. Due to the destructive nature of the Byramites and their association with a bygone era, we've taken great care to ensure they are not mentioned in contemporary records. The Byramites are led by a fearsome entity, the Saerstial known as Yighoghazya, the Devourer of Worlds."

Milt sighed, her expression heavy with the weight of history. "However, like the other Saerstials who disappeared after the Old Era, Yighoghazya also vanished. No one knows his whereabouts or the fate of the others. They could have been killed or gone into hiding. Despite Yighoghazya's disappearance, the Byramites continue to exist, though in a much-weakened state. This diminished strength is why they seldom appear now. Nonetheless, the threat remains, and we stay vigilant, always ready for their possible return."

"Wait a minute, how was Xie Qiu born if Aelin died a long time ago?" Kuisha asked, her curiosity piqued as the timeline seemed incongruous.

Milt fell silent, her gaze fixed on the ground as if she were grappling with whether to reveal a deeply guarded secret. After a moment of contemplation, she closed her eyes and sighed. "I can't divulge all the details, but... for Xie Qiu to be born, both Lady Aelin and Lord Virion had to make significant sacrifices. Lady Aelin was infertile. Though Xie Qiu is indeed their biological child, she was conceived through... unconventional means."

"Doesn't sound like adoption," remarked Bisusbyu, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Was she created in a lab? I recall a similar case with the daughter of Callorahine, the queen of the Volgendurs," Aubilca chimed in, her voice filled with curiosity.

Milt's eyes narrowed as she studied the two, her gaze settling on Bisusbyu. "Were you from our planet by any chance?" she asked, her tone probing.

Bisusbyu met her gaze, his expression unreadable. After a few moments, he shook his head slowly. "No... I'm not from here, unfortunately," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.

There seemed to be more to Bisusbyu's connection with this planet than he was letting on. Anran Wu's occasional glances at him only deepened my curiosity, and then there was the enigma surrounding Xie Qiu's birth. How could she be Aelin's biological child if Aelin hadn't given birth to her? The evasiveness surrounding the topic piqued my interest even further, and I found myself resolving to ask Virion about it when the opportunity arose.

Our journey eventually brought us to an imposing building, its grandeur undeniable. The structure boasted a predominantly red and black roof, intricately tiled and adorned with numerous golden ornaments and marble statues that exuded an air of opulence.

"This is the Uipium," Milt began, her voice taking on an informative tone. "Here, we auction off items of great value and significance. The origin of the items—whether from our planet or another—is irrelevant as long as they are highly regarded. For items from other planets, detailed information must be provided. We conduct thorough research for a few days to verify authenticity. If the item is genuine, it will be auctioned; if not, it will be rejected and returned to the owner," Milt explained, her words underscoring the meticulous process that ensured only the most coveted items were sold here.

Judging by the surroundings, this section was clearly distinct from the previous area where the unofficial merchandise was sold. This new location exuded an air of opulence and affluence, a marked contrast to the bustling vendor district we had left behind. The lavish décor and sophisticated atmosphere spoke volumes about the wealth and prestige associated with this part of the city.

As we stood there, Shirone approached me, tugging at my sleeve with a serious expression. I met her gaze and nodded in silent understanding. It became apparent that we were being watched, a fact that seemed to register with everyone else in our group. Yet, we all chose to ignore the prying eyes, maintaining our composure and focus.

Breaking the silence, I asked, "Is it open?"

Milt responded after a brief pause, "The Uipium operates on a biweekly schedule to allow time for thorough research on the items. The next auction is in two days, so if you're interested in observing, you can certainly attend. However, if you have something you'd like to sell, today is the final day to submit it for our evaluation process." Her explanation underscored the meticulousness with which they curated their auctions, ensuring only items of verified authenticity and value were put up for sale.

I nodded and pulled out a Phenex Tear from my pocket. "How about this?" I asked, presenting the item to Milt, whose interest was immediately piqued.

"And what exactly is this?" she inquired. I proceeded to explain the nature of a Phenex Tear, emphasizing that I had modified it to prevent replication or copying. "Hmm... If it's from another universe, our usual verification methods won't work. We'll need to find an alternative way to authenticate it."

"Me, me, pick me!" Kuroka suddenly shouted, bouncing over with enthusiasm. She covered her finger with touki and gave herself a small cut. I sighed, giving her an exasperated look before handing her the modified Phenex Tear. She drank it, and the cut healed instantly, demonstrating its efficacy.

Milt watched the demonstration with keen interest. "Impressive. This should suffice for our verification process. We will proceed with the necessary research to ensure its authenticity, but I am confident it will be accepted for the upcoming auction."

"We don't often come across items like this, so they will undoubtedly fetch a high price. How many are you planning to sell?" she asked, her excitement evident.

"Twenty," I responded, producing a small box filled with the Tears. I hadn't asked Ravel for help on this; I had made them myself. The idea of selling them in a legitimate auction sounded enjoyable, so I went ahead with it.

I also believed the Phenex Clan wouldn't mind. Once I connect the four universes of DxD, CxP, ExE, and Tensura, items like the Phenex Tears and my Slime Pills would be in high demand. I also planned to collaborate with the Phenex Clan to streamline the production of these Tears, as their creation was a time-consuming process.

Handing over the box to Milt, she accepted it with a discerning gaze, carefully examining the contents. After a moment, she looked back at me and asked, "May I try one?"

In response, I extended my hand and conjured another Phenex Tear for her to test. She returned the box to me, then took the newly created Tear. To demonstrate its efficacy, she summoned a single petal from thin air, imbuing it with energy, before making a deliberate cut on her wrist, allowing blood to flow. She then applied the Phenex Tear, and within moments, the wound began to heal, bringing a satisfied smirk to her face.

"Thank you. I needed to ensure it would be effective for the inhabitants of this universe. It will definitely be included in the auction now," she declared. She retrieved the box from me once more and made a subtle gesture. Instantly, a man dressed entirely in black appeared, took the box from her hands, and vanished just as swiftly.

"Now then… how about I treat you all to lunch? There's a nearby restaurant that's quite well-known. Come with me," Milt suggested, her voice warm as she began to walk ahead of us.

The two nekomata sisters, clearly pleased by the offer, quickly followed after her, chattering excitedly about the local cuisine. The rest of us fell into step behind them, maintaining their brisk pace. As we walked, I felt Sairaorg's hand come to rest on my shoulder. Turning to look at him, I saw his eyes squinting slightly in Milt's direction.

"What do you think about this world so far, Aaron?" he asked, his voice low and contemplative.

"…Just like with any other world, it has its own set of mysteries and problems, despite being part of Phumera's alliance and organization. However, relying purely on my instincts rather than any supernatural abilities, I sense that there are several complex issues brewing in Fengyun Fudi. Resolving them all in a single day seems an unrealistic goal," I explained. To ensure our conversation remained private, I discreetly cast an invisible bubble around us, preventing any eavesdroppers from overhearing our exchange.

"The tournament, Xie Qiu, Virion, his generals, the Honlugongs species, Phumera, Elanor, the unrest, and whatever else may come into play—it feels like there's a lot brewing beneath the surface, doesn't it?" Sairaorg mumbled, his gaze distant as he mulled over the various complexities.

"Exactly. Each element is intricate and driven by its own motives and ambitions. Achieving a resolution that satisfies everyone will be a challenge. It's unlikely everyone will be content with the outcome. However, as Team [DxD] always strives, we'll do our best to reach the best possible result for everyone involved, even if it means some may suffer in the process," I replied, feeling the weight of the responsibility. The others around me nodded in agreement, sharing a collective determination.

"Are you confident you can pull it off?" Mitsuya asked skeptically, casting a sideways glance at me, his voice dripping with incredulity.

I smiled at him. "Yes. Even with minimal use of my powers, I believe I can guide everyone toward the best possible outcome. But using my powers to their fullest extent... will that truly grant everyone the future they desire? Or would I merely be using it to control them?" I pondered aloud.

Sona's words before our departure resonated in my mind. She had inadvertently posed a relevant question to me, which I found quite amusing. Her question had sparked a deeper contemplation within me, shaping my approach for both the near and distant future. The conversation with her had undeniably left a lasting impact.

Mitsuya continued to scrutinize me for a few more moments before averting his gaze. Kirino, on the other hand, seemed a mix of nervousness and hopefulness. She had confided in me before that she trusted my decisions and judgment, even though I wasn't the "Issei Hyoudou" of our universe.

— ○ ● ○ —

After lunch, where we indulged in the unique culinary delights of this planet, everyone was pleasantly surprised by the flavors. Kuroka and Shirone, in particular, had eaten quite a lot and were now visibly exhausted and full.

"I will leave you to your own devices," Milt announced. "As Lord Virion mentioned, the tournament will now take place in two days instead of tomorrow. Please ensure those participating are prepared. You are free to explore the planet as you wish; we have informed everyone about your and your group's presence, Aaron." With a respectful bow, she took her leave.

Turning to my friends, I asked, "What do you want to do now?"

Sairaorg was the first to speak up. "I'm going somewhere with Regulus. I talked to Milt about it, and she said it was fine." He gave my shoulder a reassuring pat before departing with Regulus.

"We're going to do more scouting," Mitsuya said, his tone serious. "I don't trust this planet, especially after you mentioned there's unrest somewhere." With that, he walked away, accompanied by Kirino, Bisusbyu, and Aubilca. Their cautious demeanor reflected the unease we all felt.

Aoife grabbed both Kuisha and Anran Wu by the arms, cheerfully announcing, "Anran Wu is going to show us around. Do you want to come with us?"

I hesitated, looking at the ground for a moment before shaking my head. "I have… somewhere I need to be. But I'll join you later, if that's alright," I replied, meeting Aoife's gaze.

She seemed to scrutinize me, perhaps trying to decipher my reasons, but eventually, she smiled and nodded. With a lighthearted tug, she led the two girls away, leaving me with the two exhausted and overstuffed nekomata sisters.

"Somewhere… we're going somewhere…?" Kuroka asked, clinging to me from behind. Her voice carried the unmistakable tone of someone who regretted overindulging at lunch. Meanwhile, Shirone, who was nestled in my arms as I carried her, simply groaned in protest.

"It's a short trip. I'll handle all the walking and moving," I reassured them. "I'll also cast a spell to help you feel better." I quickly cast the spell, ensuring they wouldn't get sick too easily. Despite this, I hoped they would reflect on their actions and try not to overindulge in the future—if they could manage it.

— ○ ● ○ —

"…What is this place, nya?" Kuroka asked, her voice tired as she looked around after our teleportation.

Shirone, who had been resting her eyes, opened them wide in surprise at the sight before her. She sat up a bit straighter, wrapping her arms around my neck and taking in the scenery of the town.

"Huaqi Yunmeng," I said, "a small town filled with cherry blossom trees, or whatever they're called here, as it's the equivalent of that."

Surrounding us were countless cherry blossom trees, their pink petals creating a picturesque landscape. A large bridge spanned a significant river beneath us, and floating above were transparent, jellyfish-like lanterns, casting a soft glow. In the far distance, several mountains loomed majestically, and the quaint town lay ahead, inviting us to explore.

"Why are we here, nya?" Kuroka asked again. She got off my back, standing beside me though she still clutched her stomach in discomfort from her earlier overindulgence.

"I wanted to show you this place," I said, looking around at the serene beauty of Huaqi Yunmeng. "It's a peaceful spot, perfect for relaxing and recuperating. Plus, I thought you might appreciate the beauty of the cherry blossoms. And I have some business here with someone else…"

Kuroka glanced around, nodding her head, her discomfort slowly giving way to appreciation. "It's beautiful," she admitted, her eyes softening as she took in the tranquil surroundings. Shirone, still perched on my shoulders, nodded in agreement, her earlier groans forgotten as she marveled at the scene.

"Let's take a walk," I suggested. "The fresh air and scenery might help you feel better." With that, we began to stroll through the charming town, the cherry blossoms gently falling around us, creating a moment of serene tranquility.

As we crossed the bridge, something peculiar caught our attention. Beneath us, in the clear waters of the river, we noticed fish swimming with what appeared to be… fur. These creatures were about the size of regular sharks from our universe, making the sight all the more astonishing.

"Nya?! Why does that fish have fur?! We don't have anything like that back home!" Kuroka exclaimed, grabbing onto the bridge's parapet railing in disbelief.

Shirone turned her wide-eyed gaze towards me, clearly expecting some kind of explanation. I chuckled at their reactions. "Actually, Kuroka, we do have fish with fur," I began.

"Huh!? What?" she responded, clearly taken aback by my statement.

"There's a legend about a creature called the fur-bearing trout or furry trout. It's found in American and Icelandic folklore. According to the tales, this trout developed a thick coat of fur to maintain its body heat in frigid waters. These stories date back to the 17th century, and there's also the 'shaggy trout' from Icelandic folklore," I explained.

Kuroka's eyes widened even further. "But… those are just legends, right?"

"In human folklore, yes. However, in the supernatural world, such creatures are quite real. What humans glimpsed were actually supernatural beings, but it was vital for them to remain hidden from human eyes, which is why they were rarely, if ever, seen again after those initial sightings," I continued.

Noticing a bit of drool trickling from her mouth, I added, "Yes… they're edible here and are considered a delicacy. This town is known for making special dishes with them…"

Despite being stuffed from lunch, Kuroka's stomach let out a loud growl, soon echoed by Shirone's. I was utterly baffled by their sudden hunger.

"Weren't you two just complaining about being too full? How are your stomachs even growling?" I exclaimed, still in disbelief. This comment made both nekomata sisters blush deeply and avert their gazes.

"Hahaha! They seem energetic!" boomed a familiar voice, prompting us to turn to our left.

There stood Virion, with Xie Qiu beside him, nibbling on a small chocolate-covered apple. I had sensed their approach earlier, so I had decided to distract Kuroka and Shirone with the peculiar fish and a few interesting facts—those fur-bearing fish were indeed real, but they typically didn't come out during this time of day. They usually appeared at night or in the early morning.

"Kuroka and Shirone have boundless energy, it seems," I said, smiling at Virion.

He chuckled. "It's good to see such enthusiasm. How are you finding Huaqi Yunmeng?"

"It's beautiful," Shirone replied, still looking around in awe. "The cherry blossoms and the fish... it's like a dream."

Virion nodded. "This town is one of our hidden gems. Not many outsiders get to see it."

Xie Qiu looked up at me, curiosity shining in her eyes. "Did you know about the fish before, Aaron?"

"I did," I replied. "They're part of an old legend in our universe, but seeing them in person in this universe is something else entirely since the size different is a lot too."

Kuroka, seemingly over her initial embarrassment, stepped closer to the edge of the bridge, peering down at the water. "Can we try some of the dishes made from these fish?" she asked, her previous hunger apparently reignited by the sight of the unique creatures.

Virion laughed again. "Of course. There's a restaurant nearby that specializes in them. Shall we?"

As we followed Virion and Xie Qiu through the picturesque streets, I couldn't help but marvel at the serene beauty of Huaqi Yunmeng. The floating jellyfish lanterns, the lush cherry blossoms, and the tranquil river all combined to create an atmosphere of enchantment and tranquility. It was a stark contrast to the bustling vendor district we had visited earlier, and I found myself appreciating the change of pace.

We soon arrived at a charming little restaurant with a thatched roof and walls covered in blooming vines. The aroma of exotic spices and freshly cooked meals wafted out, making even my mouth water despite our recent lunch.

"Welcome," greeted the hostess with a warm smile as we entered. "You're in for a treat today. We have several dishes featuring our famous furred fish."

As we sat down and perused the menu, I noticed that Kuroka and Shirone were already engrossed in deciding what to order, their earlier discomfort completely forgotten. Virion and Xie Qiu engaged in light conversation, clearly enjoying each other's company.

I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this town and its mysteries, but for now, I decided to simply enjoy the moment and the company of my friends. There would be time enough to delve into secrets and unravel the complexities of this world. For now, a good meal and pleasant conversation were exactly what we needed.

Our food arrived soon enough, and it was an impressive spread. I turned to Virion and asked, "Does the normal currency of this universe work here too?"

"Of course," he replied, digging into his portion. "That's one thing Phumera hasn't touched; the currency system was well-established since the Old Era."

Nodding at his words, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a substantial amount, likely more than needed. As the hostess approached, her eyes widened in shock. "I'll pay with this, and you can keep the rest," I said, handing it over to her.

"T-t-thank you very much for your patronage!" she stammered, practically sprinting away.

Virion gave me a strained smile. "This was meant to be my treat, but I appreciate it, Aaron."

"Don't worry about it," I replied, then turned my attention to Xie Qiu. From my pocket, I pulled out a small bag of sweets that Ophis favored. "Would you like some? These are sweets from a different universe."

Xie Qiu's eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement. "Really? I'd love to try them!"

She took the bag from me, peering inside with a mix of wonder and eagerness. Virion watched her, a soft smile on his face as he continued his meal. The nekomata sisters, now fully recovered from their earlier indulgence, were happily diving into the new dishes before them, their tails flicking with contentment.

"This place is truly something else," Kuroka said between bites, her ears twitching. "I can't believe how good the food is here."

"Right?" Shirone added, her eyes wide with delight. "It's so different from anything we've had before."

As we enjoyed our meal, the atmosphere around us remained peaceful and welcoming. The gentle hum of conversation from other diners, the soft clinking of cutlery, and the occasional laughter all blended into a soothing symphony of daily life in Huaqi Yunmeng.

Virion leaned back in his chair, looking content. "This town has always been a special place to me and my daughter. It's a refuge from the complexities and turmoil of the world beyond."

I glanced around, taking in the serene beauty of the town once more. "It's a perfect place to relax and gather our thoughts," I agreed. "Especially with everything we have ahead of us."

Virion nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed."

We continued our meal, sharing stories and laughter, the bonds between us growing stronger with each passing moment. Despite the looming challenges and uncertainties, this respite in Huaqi Yunmeng provided a much-needed sense of peace.

— ○ ● ○ —

A few hours had quietly slipped by, and I remained in the charming town alongside Virion, Xie Qiu, and the two nekomata sisters. At present, Kuroka and Shirone were being shown around by Xie Qiu, leaving Virion and me to explore on our own.

We took a different path, heading up a hill towards an enormous cherry blossom tree that stood majestically in the distance. The tree was surrounded by delicate waterfalls and smaller cherry blossom trees, creating a serene and picturesque landscape. Our walk was silent, a shared, unspoken understanding that words were not necessary for this short journey.

Upon reaching the base of the giant cherry blossom tree, Virion halted and turned to gaze at the panoramic view behind us. I followed suit, taking in the sight of Huaqi Yunmeng spread out before us. The tranquility of this place was palpable, the only sounds being the gentle rustle of the wind and the soft murmur of the flowing river.

The town below looked idyllic, bathed in the soft, warm hues of the late afternoon sun. The floating jellyfish lanterns cast an ethereal glow, mingling with the pink petals that occasionally drifted down from the cherry blossoms. It was a scene that could have been plucked from a dream, a stark contrast to the often turbulent and chaotic world we were used to.

"I first met my wife here...all those years ago," Virion began, his voice tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia as he spoke about his past. "We were young, and our first encounter was far from ideal. She punched me in the face because I startled her, and immediately after, we fought each other," he recounted with a sad chuckle, the memory both painful and cherished.

He clenched his fist, his gaze drifting to the large cherry blossom tree behind us. Slowly, he walked towards it and placed his hand on its rough bark. As I followed his gaze, I noticed two names carved into the tree, surrounded by delicately etched cherry blossom petals. The inscription read: Virion x Aelin. The sight of it made me chuckle softly, appreciating the tender and personal mark left on the tree.

Virion stood there, his expression a poignant mix of sorrow and longing. The carved names seemed to hold the weight of countless memories and unspoken words. I remained silent, giving him the space he needed to continue.

After a few moments of quiet reflection, he resumed speaking. "This tree... it's a reminder of our journey together. We carved our names here after one of our many adventures, vowing to return every year to see the blossoms. It became our tradition, our little secret sanctuary away from the world."

He paused, his fingers tracing the carved letters with a gentle touch. "Aelin was my strength, my guiding star. Her laughter, her fierce spirit... she brought light into my life in ways I never imagined possible. Losing her was... it felt like the world lost its color."

I watched as he took a deep breath, composing himself before continuing. "But even after she was gone, this place remained. It became a symbol of our love, of the life we built together. Coming here brings me peace, even if it's bittersweet."

I could feel the depth of his emotions, the love and the loss interwoven in his words. The cherry blossom tree stood as a silent witness to their history, its branches swaying gently in the breeze as if to offer comfort.

"I often come here to remember her, to feel close to her," Virion said, his voice now steady but laced with a quiet sadness. "This place holds our memories, our promises. And though she's no longer with me, I find solace in knowing that our love is etched into this tree, into the very fabric of this place."

I nodded, understanding the profound connection he had with this place and with Aelin. "It's a beautiful way to honor her memory," I said softly. "And to keep her spirit alive in your heart."

He smiled faintly, the sadness in his eyes tempered by a glimmer of gratitude. "Thank you," he replied.

"Will you share this place with Xie Qiu in the future?" I asked, my gaze shifting from the tree back to the town below.

Virion hesitated, his eyes lingering on the carved names. "...When she is ready, I will tell her everything about her mother, the significance of this tree, and..." He paused, uncertainty clouding his expression.

"And how she wasn't conceived in the usual way?" I finished his thought for him, watching as he turned to me, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. "Milt mentioned it briefly, but she didn't go into detail. We deduced that Xie Qiu's birth involved considerable sacrifices," I elaborated.

Virion looked at me, processing my words before sighing deeply. "I see, so she mentioned it somewhat..." He walked towards me, standing beside me as we both took in the serene landscape.

"Yes," he began, his voice soft but steady, "Xie Qiu's birth was not straightforward. Aelin and I... we faced many challenges. Aelin was infertile, and we sought every possible means to have a child. Ultimately, we turned to an ancient and forbidden ritual, one that required immense sacrifice from both of us. We wanted a child so desperately that we were willing to do whatever it took."

He paused, as if reliving the weight of those decisions. "The ritual demanded a piece of our essence, a part of our very souls. It was a dangerous and uncertain process, but we succeeded. Xie Qiu is our biological daughter, but her existence came at a great cost."

I listened intently, understanding the depth of their sacrifice. "It's a heavy burden to bear, but it's clear that you both loved her enough to make such a sacrifice," I said quietly.

Virion nodded, his gaze distant. "Yes, we did. And when the time is right, I will tell her everything. She deserves to know the truth about her origins, about the lengths we went to bring her into this world. But for now, she's still young, and I want her to enjoy her childhood without the weight of that knowledge."

What truly captivated my curiosity was the "ritual" Virion had mentioned. He didn't go into the specifics, which only heightened my suspicion. Driven by my curiosity, I decided to investigate immediately. What I discovered was unsettling. Ironically, the location where this ritual took place was directly beneath this very hill, hidden in an area known to few.

I turned to Virion and asked, "You do know the real truth behind this 'ritual,' don't you?"

Virion remained silent for an extended period, the kind of silence that suggested he was grappling not with new information, but with an old, painful truth he had long since accepted. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he nodded his head, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Yes, I am aware of its truth now. Even then..." he said, his gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that spoke volumes, an unspoken declaration that he would not shy away from the repercussions. "I love my daughter, and I am certain that Aelin will agree with me on this—that the sacrifice we made was worth every single bit of it."

Closing my eyes, I dared to ask, "Even if it means sacrificing your life, your soul, and your very humanity?"

He chuckled softly, a sound filled with a complex mix of emotions, and responded, "All of that holds no significance to me. As long as my daughter remains safe and well, all those sacrifices...they are trivial in comparison. You may not grasp it now, but once you step into the shoes of a parent, you'll find yourself ready to forfeit anything and everything to ensure your children have the best life possible."

"I kind of know," I replied, causing him to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "Before I found myself in this universe, I encountered a young devil girl. She had endured unimaginable suffering. Her entire clan had been eradicated, and she had been captured, subjected to relentless torture, and robbed of her innocence by those depraved monsters. I couldn't just walk away from her. So, I took her under my wing, and I devoted a significant amount of time to her before we ended up here.

"I didn't want to leave her behind, but circumstances forced my hand. However, she, along with my mother, keeps in touch with me regularly by sending letters. I understand all too well what it means to be willing to do anything to keep them safe and happy—that's precisely what I want to do for Vivi, my adopted daughter, as well as for my friends and lovers. I'd..."

I trailed off, the weight of my emotions making it difficult to continue. There were unspoken thoughts, perhaps too dark to voice, but I knew Virion understood exactly what I meant.

"Hmm... I see, so you have a family to protect as well," he remarked, and a contemplative silence settled between us for a few moments.

Breaking the silence, he shifted the conversation and said, "The Elder of the Honlugongs wishes to meet with you during your stay here. I would recommend visiting their residence; it lies to the west of this location. Their home is markedly more advanced than ours, primarily because Phumera utilizes them extensively for missions."

Curiosity piqued, I inquired, "The Honlugongs, what exactly are they?"

Virion responded, "This may sound peculiar, but they are humans much like us. However, they possess unusual tails that resemble the bodies of fish and have gills on their necks, although they breathe normally like humans. Their home is a colossal sphere filled with water, significantly larger—perhaps two or three times the size—than the main city on our planet."

"Hmm? Filled with water? Then how are we supposed to visit it?" I asked, perplexed. "Do they have some unique technology that allows regular humans to enter without needing... gills?"

Virion nodded. "Indeed, they do. To be precise, their species has two distinct groups, and their sphere-like home is divided accordingly. The western side is inhabited by a new faction eager to broaden their horizons. They've advanced their technology significantly, removing the water from their part of the sphere. They live like the rest of us and frequently venture out from their home.

"The eastern side, however, adheres to the traditional ways of the Honlugongians. They reside in a water-filled environment, relying on their gills to breathe and their fish-like tails to navigate. While they do permit outsiders to visit, the inhabitants of this side are generally more reserved," he explained in detail.

Nodding my head, I responded, "Sounds like you're trying to warn me about something. Is there trouble there?"

Virion fell silent, not answering my question directly. His closed eyes and the rest of his demeanor made the answer quite obvious. Sensing the underlying tension, I pressed on, "If we win the tournament, will you seriously consider changing sides to ours?"

He sighed deeply and replied, "As I said, I guarantee that I will. Whether the rest of the planets I oversee will agree is another story. If they don't, this planet may be the only one to change, and we may need to sever ties with the rest," he said, squinting his eyes in worry.

"You're not entirely sure that the ones here will want to join, are you?" I asked, probing further.

He shook his head, the uncertainty etched across his face.

"Even though the planets I govern may appear to be in perfect harmony with one another, that's far from the truth. With every planet, every species, every society, there is always some degree of strife, even when you strive for near perfection. Unrest is an inevitable companion unless you impose the 'peace' you seek, but even then, can it truly be called peace or unity?" he said, his words almost framed as a question directed at me.

He's not the first to voice this sentiment, even if it wasn't specifically meant for me. Azathoth, the Satans, the Seraphs, Azazel, Penemue, and countless Gods from various pantheons, along with other faction leaders, have all conveyed to me that a perfect world is a myth. And now, hearing it from Virion again—it really makes me ponder whether such a world is even remotely achievable...

I'm not yearning for some bizarre dystopian reality but rather a world that's at least 90% peaceful. A world where we only need to 'fight' against the remaining 10% that resists this peace. Yet, I can't help but feel that I'm merely dreaming of a fairy tale, far removed from the harshness of reality.

After a brief pause, I finally responded, "We'll just keep striving for it, even if it takes billions or trillions of years. Keeping them confined doesn't seem enjoyable for anyone, but releasing them only to see them perish within hours, days, or months is equally unappealing. So, I want to assist them, give them the encouragement to keep striving for something greater, inspire them to improve themselves... so they can discover their own happiness and an 'ending' they are content with."

Virion laughed and shook his head, a mix of amusement and disbelief evident in his expression. "That sounds even more challenging than what I have accomplished, outer god. Yet, from the words you're speaking, I detect something peculiar within me that wants to agree with you." He looked at me and smiled, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "I do hope you achieve it. A world—or perhaps a multiverse like that—sounds truly wonderful."

"Words are only words, after all... anyway, I'll get going and give you some space," I said, starting to walk away. After a few steps, I halted and turned back, "Are you certain about this path you've chosen, Virion? It's not too late to change, you know. I can help you with that."

There was a brief silence before he replied, "I won't stop, I can't stop now. All I can do is move forward with the choice I've made."

I nodded silently, unable to offer any further words. This man had fixed his gaze on a goal and would not retreat until he had pursued it to the very end... even if it meant being erased from all of reality.

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To view images of specific characters, kindly check the comments in the chapter.

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Due to some changes in my personal and professional life, my upload schedule will be a bit irregular and might take longer than usual. I began this project during the COVID pandemic when I had more time to dedicate to writing, but things have changed since then. Rest assured, this project is not abandoned, and updates will come, though not on a consistent schedule. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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