
Windah Verse (Second Verse)

This story is a fantasy story taken from Greek-Hebrew-Christian mythology. and this story is fiction! , it's not the same story from the ancient Greek-Hebrew-Christian Mythology era! Thank You

TaejoSensei · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

CHAPTER 1.5 : It's been a long time...

"It has been a long time since we have fought a war that would risk our boundaries with him," Herod said to the nine gods.

Then Poseidon replied "Of course, we have transcended our limits, the gods are no longer bound by all aspects, all concepts and drawing abstractions themselves. be it Physical, all elements and even space-time we have transcended all since we finished fighting "Him".

Then the Buddha replied to the assumptions of the two beings "indeed the great "he" who exceeds even the infinite Cardinal and from the Large Cardinal to the barkeley cardinal, "he" is truly the Great One who has liberated beings like us who are created from various feelings of emptiness arising from within himself, because he is truly empty, truly a good great being, our essentialism in the story bound by him has been released so that we are not bound by the story he made. in fact, he frees any story we will make, as long as it does not disturb him who is the greatest."

Hades continued his conversation and loyalty with him "you are right my friends, he has freed very sinful beings like us maybe my very bad place is a reflection of the things I have done. he is truly a great being who is not based on any logic, he is beyond logic. Because he is so great he "Exists" as a bright light that gives way to each of us and "Does Not Exist" as an emptiness that we cannot understand, because Cardinal he exceeds all existing logic both from the smallest Cardinal like 1 to the largest Cardinal, the Barkeley Cardinal."

Gabriel denied the perception or figure of Him according to Hades "You are wrong my friend, you certainly do not know anything about Cardinal and Mathematic Number what you imagine about him, he is really very great if only the Buddha did not accompany and directly teleport my true form in his home of Nothingness, really that place is so dark that it makes my eyes blind, even though my eyes are created from infinite Light even beyond the word limited, my holy eyes are still lost to the effect of the void of the most majestic region of the creator and author of this story, the way to enter this Nothingness I must take permission from him, you are certainly very unfamiliar with his voice because it has been several hundred centuries since that era ended, but I still remember because I almost every time accompanied him in the void that could not be counted because it was beyond the logic of the Zermelo-Fraenkel Choice, his transcendent nature transcends any great cardinal boundaries known or imagined, you misinterpreted it, my friend Hades"

Hades refuted "Therefore my poor and cute Cerberus was downgraded to 0 Absolute existence cannot be changed back by the addition of dimensions of existence, now I can only see the cerberus who is trapped in nothingness which is absolute emptiness, hahaha" cheered Hades because his pet was deliberately hit by the downgrade of existence because it made him very angry.

Gabriel denied, "Your pet should just stay locked up in the Hademuv so it doesn't escape to make the Great One angry."

Raphael said something good for the gods "My friends, we gods have transcended causality, are not bound by Law, Fate, Possibility, Elemental, Physical, Story, Fate. In fact, we have a new power given by the new Supreme Being that can reduce existence to 0 dimensions, add dimensions to infinite dimensions. the Supreme Being added our Cardinal Units which became sequential according to the power of implementation and our strength at the time of that era, as the object of our skills I have a very sinful angel in my territory (raphasv) who wants to reduce his dimension to absolute 0?" asked Raphael enthusiastically.

Zeus said "Let me try this ability". In 0 seconds after activating this, he first magnified the existence of the creature so much that Zeus could not magnify this. Zeus was shocked "Seriously, if it weren't for raphael's Absolute Light Prison that creature could be a little above our level and could have caused us trouble" at the moment when his existence was above the gods, not only zeus but his ninth ability immediately activated within 0 seconds. they aggressively got a creature whose existence was higher and immediately lowered the existence of the hostage or object to 0.

Herod wondered "What was that"
