
Winchester, Book 1

Rosetta, a young teenage 18 years old girl recently shifted to a small town '' Winchester '' to hide from her past. She felt directionless and lost in life. Her life is like a roller coaster, she wants to study but also wants to earn money for a better future and to move on. But she met a boy who fell in love with her and changed her life completely upside down. Mysterious hot weirdo with his deep secrets loves her unconditionally. That beautiful with soft innocent hazel eyes boy is a pure devil by blood. You heard me... A Devil. That devil broke every single rule of his ''Devil Community'' to protect her even marry her... A human girl. What happened when a well-mannered and sweet girl fell in love with a fire? What happened when she learned about his secrets? Does she still love him or leave him turned into dusk? Love or Traitoring? Humans hate devils but what if they fell in love? The love between a Devil and a human is unnatural and unexpected but what if it really happens... What if they really fell in love by breaking all the forbidden boundaries, clashes, and conflicts? The Cambions Series is all about the best supernatural adventures. Walking away from the deadly past, Rose wants to start a new life but it's not possible... Not after meeting a mysterious family "Snow!" A lot of dark secrets, and chaotic anger is waiting for Rose. She needs to stay put or death becomes her destiny.

Maira_Imran · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Chapter 7


I hate it, like always when my alarm clock starts ringing in the morning. I want to sleep; I'm still tired and exhausted after last night. Chris told me that it was all my illusion after taking a high dose of medicines but I remember that monster who daggered me. I was bleeding, standing in a fire circle watching how Drake killed that ugly beast.

Oh, no not again, why do I keep thinking about him after everything? That hot weirdo is not good for me, no Rosetta please stop thinking about him. I grab a pillow and put it on my face and again like always I'm talking to myself. Those eyes? Dead bodies and his magic powers? I shut my eyes tightly; don't think I can take this anymore.

Was that really my dream? I rub my face with both hands. I don't know what to believe. I just want to know the truth, not lies. I looked outside my window, the coldest and foggy weather. Winchester is known as a cold town. * Phone starts buzzing * I pick up my phone to see. "Come on, not again?" Mr. Walker texted me.

He wants an update about any mysterious thing happening in Winchester. He's seriously out of my thoughts. I don't understand him and I don't even want to.

I sighed, "What should I say to him?" The memory of the last day from the bus incident to ending up in Snow's mansion echoes in my mind like I'm still living in that day. I sighed and shut my eyes, even if it was real. Even if what I saw was real? I'm still not telling Mr. Walker anything.

I start laughing, after thinking to hide the impossible dreamy, deadly truth. Seriously, I'm not even sure so it's better not to tell anyone anything.

I had a serious question for myself; why do I like that weirdo? Why do I care about him? He's..... He's…. as far as I know, he's a mysterious weirdo, that's it. Anyway, I'm getting late so it's better to get ready.

Sometimes I wish that I was dead, I'm broken. After taking a shower and getting dressed it's time to go to school. I know I'm late, I ran as fast as I can. Thank God my school is not far. I looked at my mobile. "Hahh! I'm not late, glad to know."

I saw Drake; he wore a dark blue shirt, the same color jacket, and jeans.

He's so hot I had a crush on him honestly. His soft brown hair, hazel eyes, hot and tall muscular body which every girl dreamt about, little beard, and an iPhone black smart watch on his right hand with the same angry but funny attitude.

"Rose, stop it? You're eyeing him and it's not fair." The cold wind is blowing and it gives me a shiver. "Excuse me, dear?" I turned around to see. It's a woman in a pink dress with yellow glasses she's a teacher I think?

"Sorry, but can you please help me?" She asked very politely.

"Sure, why not?" I said. "Here, it's an assignment of a boy's name —" She looked at the assignment and then at me. "It's Drake's. Do you know him?"

Oh, how is it possible that I don't know him? I smiled as I nodded, "Yeah, yes I know him."

"Can you please give that to him?" I grabbed that assignment file from that teacher and looked at her with a soft smile.

"Sure, I gave that to him, don't worry."

"Dear, thank you so much."

"No problem, ma'am," I said with a soft smile.

"Such a nice girl you are." I smiled at that compliment.

"Thank you," I said, and then she walked away.

"Okay, so let's find Drake now? Where is he by the way?"

I'm searching for him, first in the playground and now in the section blocks. There are so many students where am I supposed to find him? I looked around but no sign of him. At last, I saw him coming out of the classroom.

"There he is," I called his name but he didn't hear me. So, I'm chasing him. He suddenly stops walking but then starts walking again. Again he stopped himself and a few seconds later he started walking again.

"Such a weirdo he is. Normal people don't walk, stop and walk again."

Anyway, I'm chasing him but suddenly a big crowd storms out of the next section and I am stuck between them. After a few minutes finally, that crowd is gone but Drake is missing again like always.

"Damn it!" I looked around to see him then I turned around and oh my God. He's standing in front of me with the cutest hazel eyes. My heart is racing, don't know why. "Why were you chasing me?" I'm shocked at his question.

"How..... How do you know that?" He sighed and slowly moved closer to me. I take a step back but he's slowly coming closer to me. I'm walking backward and he's walking closer and closer. I stopped myself because I can't walk backward further. A wall is behind me and I'm stuck between a wall and the hottest boy on earth named Drake Snow.

He looked down at my lips and then my eyes. "Why were you chasing me?" He asks me and it's like my voice is disappearing. I'm voiceless. "I... I have your assignment. A teacher gave that to me." I gave him his assignment; he first raised an eyebrow then took it. "Thanks." He said with a soft voice.

"It's okay," I replied.

"You okay? After yesterday?" He asked with concern in his eyes, it's like he cares about me.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said and I know I'm lying. I'm really not okay but who cares?

He smirked, "I care that's why I asked?" Drake said. After hearing that, my eyes were wide open, as also my mouth.

"How you—?" I want to question him but don't know what to say.

"What?" He asked. "Never mind," I said because I have no words to explain. "Chris is inside that classroom," he pointed to the right side. "She is waiting for you."

"Ooh! Okay, I should go now." He nodded and then he was gone too. Seriously, how does he know that? Are my thoughts really that loud? No idea? Seriously, I'm shocked to know that he knows what I am thinking; it's just my thought that's all.

I mean, it's possible that he just guessed it correctly. He just wants to stay away from me and I don't know why.

The accident at the aquarium and then the forest mess was that really my illusion just because of medicine or was it real, all of it? I'm still puzzled after every passing second.

I still remember that glowing bloody eyes, warm sensation, and hands made of fire. That whole day haunts me still and gives me shivers whenever I think about it. I sighed, as I looked up at the sky. Same thick and heavy fog, snow everywhere, and brutal cold air. How does he know that I'm chasing him? I don't believe in his excuses.

There's something off and I'm wondering what is going on inside his head. His mood swings within seconds. He treated me like an angry bird and the next moment he showed me his softest side with which everybody fell in love. He's so quiet, weirdo, and mysterious. He doesn't have any friends, just his brother, and his friend-sister Chris.

"Oh, shit! Speaking of Chris, Drake told me that she's waiting inside." I ran quickly and stopped myself in front of Chris who was sitting with a blushing cute face and staring at her phone. I go straight to where she is; "Sorry, I'm late." Chris met her gaze with mine and smiled.

"It's okay, but where were you?"

"I was giving an assignment to Drake."

"Oh, now I understand," she gave me the notorious look as she chuckled. "Whaaat?" I asked.

"Nothing... Absolutely nothing..... Did you enjoy it with him?" Chris asked with so much excitement in her eyes like she was waiting for something..... Flirt. I smiled and I know my cheeks blushing too.

"Chris, it was just an assignment of Drake and I just gave it to him. That's it."

"That's it?" She asked disappointingly. "Yes that's it," I replied.

"Seriously, no flirting, no romantic situation or anything that's not fair." Chris saying that and the memory of Drake and me flashes into my mind when I was pinned between the walls and..... Drake. His bright hazel eyes. That memory is pounding inside my chest.

"Rose, Rose?"

"Yeah, I said." Oh my God, I was completely lost in my thoughts.

"Girl, you're blushing and your face right now is pure red." Chris widened her eyes with her mouth dropped open. "Something is confirmed going on between you two? I'm damn sure. Tell me, tell me, Rose?" Chris requested me to say anything and I am just smiling.

I sighed, "Well it was nothing just me and him staring at each other for seconds and he was looking okay."

Chris raised an eyebrow, "Okay? I know, you're okay means flirty, hot, sexy, romantic, and hypnotic. I looked at Chris, with a completely shocked look. I bite the inside of my lip as I start blushing again.

"Awww, honey you look beautiful when you are blushing." I laugh, "Thanks, Chris."

"You're welcome, and don't worry about it. Your secret is saved with me." I chuckle, "thank you, Chris. There is nothing between me and him."

"Hmm, not yet," Chris said while wearing pink lipstick and it looks cute on her.

"What do you mean by not yet?"

"Well, Rose, trust me I don't know but I saw a spark between the two of you. Drake likes you whether he admits it or not because I have known him, since childhood. He's trying his best to hide his feelings."

I laughed, "Chris do you really think that he liked me? I mean, he's not even talking to me properly and he's angry most of the time." Chris smirked at my words but she didn't say anything. Finally, she sighed and looked at me; "He doesn't trust anyone, he just wants to spend time with me and Andrew, he doesn't like friends and he has always liked this since kindergarten."

"But why?" I asked.

"Well, what should I say? It's his nature."

"That's a weird nature by the way," I said and I mean it.

"Yeah, I know but he is always like this."

"Anyway, why were you blushing when I entered here?" When I asked that question Chris' face turned into a blushing face again.

"It was Andrew."

"Now I understand." Chris giggles as she sits back.

"Andrew and I are excited about the wedding and we were planning."

"On the phone?" I asked and she burst out laughing.

"Yes, on the phone. I'm hoping for someday the wedding of you and Drake and I'm imagining myself as your bride of honor. What do you think?" For a moment I took a pause and imagined myself with Drake. I sweep my gaze at Chris, "bride of honor is the best part and it's absolutely possible but me with Drake? I don't think it's possible."

"Oh, come on just keep trying and spend most of your time with him. He just shows you his bad side but if you give time to him he shows you the best of both world sides too. Trust me, Rose."

I saw Chris' eyes, it's like she promised me that day with glitter in her eyes. "I hope so," I said and she smiled. "Don't worry about it. Everything will be okay one day."

"Thank you, Chris, you're the best."

"Aww, I should thank you for being my best friend. I never had a friend like you before."

"Me too," I said.

"It's like we both are on the same page," Chris said.

* Shouting of students * I looked at Chris and she is already looking at me. Chris stops a student and asks him the reason. "What's going on outside? Tell me." Chris asked him with worry in her eyes.

* Student * "There's... It's a fight going on outside, go and see it." Chris and I ran as fast as we could. All students were gathered in front of the swimming pool and….. "Crap! I'm gonna kill them someday," Chris said and I looked at her and then.... Drake.

He's angry, very angry, his one hand is curled into a fist and his left-hand holds a wine bottle. My heart is racing because I know what he's about to do with that ghoulies.

Andrew is standing next to Drake with the same anger. I know what's going on inside his head. One ghoulie takes a step closer to Andrew and pulls him from his collar.

"Andrew?" Chris called his name with a worried voice. I know she wants boys to give up but yeah boys and give up? It's not in his nature.

I am standing a little far, so I don't know what they're talking about. But something that I understand was that ghoulie said " Mom '' and the next thing that I know is Drake hit that ghoulie with the wine bottle. It shattered on his head.

Fresh blood starts running from the ghoulie's head. The voice of the wine bottle stuttering filled almost every corner of the school.

"No," Chris said with a low voice and I placed both hands on my mouth because of that shock that I received again from the boy I know Drake Snow.

My heart is pounding and my hands are cold enough to hurt the tip of my fingers.


I know what I did to that ghoulie was too much but seriously he deserved that.

Anyone? Anyone, who ever try to hurt my family? I swear, I will burn every inch of them. It's a promise of the burning hell. The rest of the ghoulies attacked us and we started fighting in the pool.

* Ghoulie * "What were you thinking that night? Do you really think that just winning a car race makes you a leader? No, I… am the leader and I know that you created that night. You… somehow killed my car engine, that's why you won."

I smirked at whatever that cow said to me. I glance at him. "Really? Do you think that I created that night? You threw an innocent kid in front of my car and I stopped my car. You're the one who created that night, not me. And if you are talking about the car puncture incident? Well, that was your damn luck."

"My damn luck? Oh well, let's fight again. Right here, in this pool, in front of the whole school, and see who's a winner?"

"Drake, no." I heard the voice of Chris. She knows how bad it could be. But… I won't give up. I don't want to lose the fight. The ghoulie came closer to us but I threw them in the pool. God, that talkative girl named Rosetta distracted me again with her presence.

My heart, my mind, and even my soul were hypnotized by her. I know she is somewhere around that place and I don't care about her, at least not now. I have a bigger problem to sort out now. One ghoulie grabbed my neck from behind. I twisted his arm to the opposite side where that arm bone can easily get broken. Fighting inside the pool is dangerous and I love danger.

"Ahh," it's the sound of that ghoulie. Very painful but I like it. I saw Andrew who is busy too with the ghoulies.

It's me and that ghoulie who challenged me and also the one who threw that kid in front of my car. I curled my hands into fists. When he was about to punch me I punched him and he fell on the water. His nose is bleeding. I'm proud of my fighting skills, really. * Cheers and Whistles * we are surrounded by students who are watching us and cheering us on.

*Students* "Come on Drake, show them what they deserved." I smirked.

Help? Drake….. Help?" I turned around to see Andrew who was asking for help. I saw one ghoulie; his hands are on Andrew's head which is under the pool.

"Andrew," I shouted his name. My brother is drowning, that's it, no more mercy for them, not anymore. I moved towards them and punched that ghoulie with all my strength. He took a step away as I punched him again. Andrew pulled out his head from the pool.

I saw Andrew, he is breathing heavily. My anger now is strong enough to burn all of them. I place my hand on that same ghoulie's head and put it under water. He almost tried to kill my brother.

That ghoulie moved his hands and tried to come out of the water but no mercy. "Drake, it's enough, leave him," Chris said.

"Yeah, brother, leave him." Andrew, Chris, and other students begged me to leave him but I want to kill him, I swear.

Chris and Andrew place their hands on my arms to stop me but I won't until his death. * leave him * "He is drowning. Drake, leave him." Almost everybody is begging me; my eyes are on that ghoulie who's still trying to come out of the water. His head is still under water.

Someone placed a hand softly on my shoulder and I shivered. My heart stops beating. It's like my heart is sinking and my brain is aching. My eyes, I can feel it; it is almost burning. I don't know who that person is? I grabbed her hand very tightly and threw her into the pool with all my strength.

That girl fell into the pool very badly upside down. She's underwater; I don't know who she is? I leave that ghoulie and other ghoulies to take him with them. Everybody is now leaving that place one by one. That girl slowly comes out of the brutally cold water….. Slowly. My heart is still racing very badly. She's—

You gotta be kidding me? She's Rosetta. Full wet, dark red hair, sapphire eyes, and baby pink cheeks and lips, she's hypnotic. She's looking at me and I'm looking at her. She looks innocent more than anything.

She took a step towards me and I took a step back, I know if she ever touches me again I again lose my temper and get out of my own control.

Chris and Andrew staring at me silently. I finally came out of the water and left that place with Andrew. Chris helped Rose.