
Chapter 1 : Will you come to my apartment?

I am taking about my teen when I have completed my school and I have entered my college (yes in same city because of financial issues).

College was good and it's in the morning and I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON.

I was always late and always feel sleepy but still college was fun. After my 1st year exams my father left us. I love him the most in our family.

My family includes off-course my mom she is sweet , very shy, kind hearted person and very fair like snowwhite skin. She has long black hair and a very beautiful smile.

Father is also very handsome, 5.10 ft. tall a good build and very stubborn man.

Stubborn because he want a boy, it's not like he don't want girl but he want a boy so he can carry his name but God has given him four gals (yeah exact opposite) that is why we are four siblings and My name is Sarra.

I am the third one not much love by my parents but as beautiful as my mother and stubborn as my father.

My father was a tall and dark man so my other sister are dark in looking but they are beautiful too.

After my father past my sisters always told me that you are very rude and very stubborn never think about anybody else feelings.

That was true also I have never considered anybody's feelings.

I don't want to depand on my sister's so I have started working in construction business were I was a small assistant. My salary was very low as I was not eligible but they took me I don't know why, but later I got to know.

I am a fighter 19 year old gal good looking so staff use to flirt with me. They are very shameless people always have dirt in there mind.

I remember one day, one of my colleague Andy ask " Will you come to my apartment today. "

"Why? is there any party?" I asked

"No, just you and me." he said.

"No, we should at least call your girlfriend." I said very seriously.

"No darling, just you and me the whole night."

he said with a mischievous grin.

"okay, but I am busy tonight some family function." I said

"Okay next time." Andy said and left

I was going in parking where I heard the same thing Andy was talking with some other colleague Nata and he lied that everybody are coming, Nata was very simple minded person never think some thing was wrong so she agreed because she likes him but he just want to use her.

So I decided to do something,

Next day Andy took leave and he didn't came but Nata was there.

"Hey Nata."

"Hey Sarra, thank you so much for calling me yesterday, you know what happened you were right, there was nobody and he want to use me but your plan was successful." Nata said with compliment.

"What happened exactly? I gossip

" Oh yeah he already has a girlfriend no no had a girlfriend, she found this and beat him, you know she is very rich and beautiful but he was doing all this behind her back." Nata told everything.

" This was not his first time he has done this kind of things before, she told me to get out because he's not worthy and she know that I was the victim, she hired some detective and she knows everything."

"But I doubt nobody's know about this so how did you find out and told his girlfriend." Nata asked.

"Oh he invited me first." I said

She laugh out loud..

These is one of the thing that happened, afterward Andy just disappear I didn't saw him ever.

I was neglecting my studies, I have started my job and earning money so I think why to study.

But my some friends told me you should at least complete your current studies.

I was doing computer applications course.

Thank God I listen to my friends that time.