

We share the same name, the rooftop, do we share a sexuality too.... or is he turning me gay? Two sad Williams one gay one in denial looking for a way out of the misery while they get closer to each other

Yuoxi · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


The next day, I was anxious to get to school after the convo with Liam, yeah I didn't care being friends with him but I wanted to apologise, I may have sounded a bit judging which I hadn't intended. I wondered if he'd come to school since he hasn't for three days. I'll know during lunch, I had no classes with him.

He'd either come to the rooftop or try to avoid me like everyone else. I always find a way to ruin my relationship my others.

I was walking down the corridor to the biology class for second period, dragging my leg through the hall tiredly, I wanted the day to be over already. That was when I saw him, as always he was with his freaks, laughing about something I didn't hear, since they were talking in laughs but seemed to understand themselves.

I'd expected him to ignore me and walk past but he didn't, instead gave me that masked, fake smile of his. I wished he had just walked past without the foolish smile, would've preferred that.

I couldn't wait for the break as I sat in class, Liam was basically filling my mind, how I would apologise for last night, even if he didn't come up the roof I'd look for him. Normally, I don't care what people think or feel, but I just couldn't with him. It felt like I'd regret it if I didn't sort him out, though we didn't interact much he was the only one that seemed to understand me. Weird right?

As soon as the bell went, I grabbed my stuff and rushed outta the class before the teacher, heading for the roof top. As usual, no one cared where I was going or why, just the stares of disgust. The class was on the second floor --it was a four story, so I got to the rooftop faster.I expected him to either be sitting by the railings or in his usual spot but what I saw froze me in place.

Liam had a hand in a guy's pants, groping his ass, while the other was on the lad's neck pulling him in. The guy had his, in Liam's hair, tugging roughly. They were kissing frenetically, like they were about to make out any second. The guy --who wasn't in our grade since I didn't recognize him-- gasped, when he saw me, he was facing the door while Liam had his back to me. Ooh I can make him out just fine from his back.

They broke off the kiss and he turned to look at me, with a smug. "Ooh, hi Will." He wiped his lips sexually.

The lad whispered loud enough for me to hear, " What's he doing here? You said no one comes here." With a blush.

"Yeah. Hi. Liam." I mimicked, I forced a smile and turned around, grabbing the doorknob, I added, "Sorry for interrupting." And I left.

I left the one place in school that brought me allay, and I wasn't ever coming back. The place felt soiled. He broke an unspoken rule, we never brought someone up. I didn't have a problem with him kissing some brunette, flabby loon. He just had to do it there, but what was the deal? I didn't own the roof, he could bring as many people as he liked there, at least now he had it to himself.

There was no place to hide, I couldn't go to any other place in the school without running into someone. Ooh there was one place, I might just meet a few lads but that was better. I walked down towards the restroom, thankfully, there were only two guys who didn't care to lower their voices when they saw me.

"Isn't he that senior?" One had said to his friend.

"Yeah, the one that treats his brother like shit. Homewrecker." The other spat.

I walked into one of the stalls ignoring them. I sat on the closed toilet, pressing the occupied button. Thirty minutes in a toilet stall wouldn't kill me. By tomorrow I'd think of another place worth hiding in. I heard footsteps, loud chuckles and the door banged. The loquacious lads must have left.

I sighed, could the day come to an end already? I sat there for about two minutes, scrolling my phone, doing nothing but everything with it. I even took toilet pictures while I was at it. Then I heard a knock on the door, I glanced at the buttons, it was occupied, didn't the bloke know how to read or at least assume from the green light out there or was the shit broken?

Whoever it was knocked again, "Someone's in here." I informed loud enough for the lout to hear, but he must be deaf too, he kept knocking. I snapped, yanking the door open. "What the hell? It's friggin occ__" I stared shocked at Liam wearing a grin, that wasn't common between us, we only shared sad looks until yesterday. "What the fuck are you doing here? Done with your shag?"

"To take a piss? Is that jealousy I smell in your tone?" He snickered.

"Sod off! The only thing you smell is piss from other blokes." He laughed, I could get used to seeing him laugh, I hate to admit it but he looked more purdy when he laughed, I almost forgot the sad boy living beneath.

"So you'd better 'smell that' than watch me kiss the dude?" He made it sound like he was asking for a pencil, all casual and shit.

"Wow, you really shouldn't judge a book by its covers. Who'd think you're interested in voyeurism?"

He chortled, " Ooh, you're quite the judge."

That reminded me of why I'd been looking for him earlier, "Uhm__sorry, about yesterday, I didn't mean to sound judging and shit. I really don't mind your sexuality, I mean__uh__my boss is gay__you know that. Oh shit, I don't know what the fuck I'm saying." I stuttered.

"That's alright man, I get it. Twas my fault, suggesting being my boyfriend outta the blue, I expected worse actually." He smiled reassuringly.

"We cool?" I looked at my phone, the screen was still on, I was playing the solitaire before he came.

"Yeah we cool." He leaned on the edge of the door, crossing his legs.

"If you wanted to take a piss, why'd you knock on my stall?" I asked after a bit of silence.

"I was looking for you." He raised a brow, looking at me like I was the dumbest person to walk on Earth.

"Looking for me? Why?" I dared to ask.

He held his chin, rubbing slightly as if thinking, "I can't drown in my sorrows, If you ain't there."

I wanted to make a comment that it was his fault I wasn't there but instead, I looked up at him, his coif was disheveled, not in the cool, hot way, in a shaggy way. His lips were bloody too. "Your hair looks bad and your lips__" I shook my head.

His brow perked up, then he ran the nimble of his fingers in his hair, trying to fix the mess which only made it worse. "That lout was rough."

"Shouldn't have kissed him." I blurted before I could mull it over.

"Was tryna piss u off." He retorted with a smug while I scoffed a laugh.

"You're just a little prick." Before his comeback I asked, "How'd you even know I'll be here?"

"It's the only other place a geek like you would go. I doubted it for a sec, but you proved me right."

I rolled my eyes, "What'd you have done if you weren't? Search the entire school?"

"Ooh you really shouldn't judge a judge a book by its covers, you're curious as hell." He snapped rubbing his forehead, that had a few strands of hair flailing on it.

Before I could snap back, I heard close footsteps and a few chuckles. I guess I panicked, pulling him into the cramped stall and shutting the door. Liam stumbled in shook, hadn't been expecting it, falling on my chest, I held his hand tightly.After I relaxed did I notice what a weird stance that was. He pulled his hand outta my grasp, I helped him stand upright, feeling like a fool.

We twisted and turned trying to find a more comfortable position but seemed impossible, the stalls were made for a person. We ended up in a less or more awkward pose. Our legs between each other's, my back facing the toilet, hand on the wall to keep me steady and him, sandwiched between the wall and me.

"What the hell was that?" Liam yelled in a whisper.

"Some lads were coming in." I hushed even lower.

The pose was more comfortable and more awkward. Our faces were barely an inch apart, that was so weird. I'd never been that close to anyone, I normally kept people at an arms length.

We were so close it was hard not to look at him. His eyes, nose, lips, chin. He had a subtle black spot on the bridge of his nose, I hadn't noticed it before. I had to pick between the three organs to keep eyes on, his eyes, nose or lips. I choose the nose. His eyes were too enchanting, I always got lost looking into them. Staring at a fellow's lips was weird for a straight guy, but my eyes couldn't really rest on his nose, darting to his lips every now and then. I was marveled at how a guy could have such cute lip's, he had a natural pout, those were for girls. Men were supposed to look fierce not cute.

Our relationship was progressing too fast. Less than a week ago, we were just two lads sharing a rooftop and name. Now we were cramped together in a toilet stall, after he'd asked me to be his fake boyfriend and I saw him kiss a guy.

Doesn't that make his a player? Making out with someone after asking to date another.

"So what? Is being seen with____" He was a bit loud and I hushed him earning a glare.

"Did you hear that?" We heard one of the guys outside ask, his voice so clear and close, I just knew he was standing by the stall.

"Hear what?" Another asked.

"Someone's in there, I heard him talk."

"Min, you're as dumb as ever. It says occupied, obviously someone's in there. Just take another stall."

I waited, heard nothing from them and whispered, "Yeah, being seen with an ostracized geek like me isn't really good for you." My voice was so low, I wondered if he heard me, but considering our pose he did.

"Ooh__" he sighed quietly, "Well, who says I mind being seen with you? You're incredibly handsome." He smirked.

That had to be the sweetest thing I've heard in months, I smiled, looking down in-between us, causing my leg to twitch slightly, grazing something hard, my eyes widened when I saw it.

"You_you_you're___" I couldn't find the right words to put it.

"Oww__I'm what?"

We heard the door out shut, indicating someone either left or cane in, but when the chattering stopped, I assumed those guys left, but we didn't move, I was glued to the ground.

"You're hard." I finally said, shyly looking away from his crotch. "Oh shit, you're hard__" I realized what it meant then, freaking out and falling to the toilet, talk about more awkwardness. I was sitting, he was standing, his bulge staring right at me. I suddenly felt claustrophobic.

Liam opened the door to create more space for us, "What'd you expect? I'm gay, squeezed in this small stall with a cute ass guy. That's normal reaction. You should be thankful it considers you cute." I wanted him to just stop talking already, normal reaction my foot. "Besides, you're the one who hit my dick."

"Please, shut up." I scrambled up to my feet, moved him outta the way and left the stall. I didn't need to look back to know he was smiling at my flounder.

I guess he couldn't hold it anymore and burst into laughter, "God, you should've seen your face. Like some virgin. Ha." I shot him a glare, "Wait you are" It was more of a statement to a question. I ignored him, walking to the door, "Wait, wanna hang out later?"

I paused, turning to look at him, "I have work later."

"Oh yeah," he pondered over something, "maybe I should ask Kav to give you the day off?" The bell went before I could ask why he'd think Kavien would listen to him. "What 'bout tomorrow? It's the weekend."

I found myself nodding before he walked past me outta the restroom, just like on the rooftop. He always left first.


Kinda rushed this episode , I'll edit it soon till then enjoy!!

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