
Oh,Hail The Greek God

The room curtain is opened and I feel my heart quicken. A tall muscular man stands before me in the usual doctor's attire.

He has a sharp jawline, and he has pretty electric blue eyes and dark brown hair.

Oh, hail Greek god...

This man is drop-dead gorgeous, it's like he propped off the front page of a magazine or something.

My heartbeat quickens and is in my throat as we make eye contact, I can't seem to pull away from his gaze.

"How are you feeling?" he says in a deep voice.

"I'm fine thanks," I say.

"Are you my assigned doctor?" I ask.

He grins with a shake of his head.

"So, why are you here?" I question.

"You don't know me?" he says raising his eyebrow.

"I'm sorry but I don't think we've met before," I say shaking my head.

He seems anxious for a minute but changes his mood to an expressionless. one

He sighs "I came here to see you".

He cuts me off before I could shoot him with another question.

"I'm not a doctor," he says.

"So what are you doing in a doctor's attire?"

"So that I could see you," he says.

"Why would you do this?" I ask.

"I did this to be able to see you, Emma," he says his mood changing.

Who is he? and how does he know my name, Why does it feel like I've seen him before but why am I seeing him for the first time?

A soft knock is heard after a few minutes of complete silence.

A nurse enters...

"Give me 10 more minutes with her," he says.

The nurse nods without having to argue with him.

He has so much power to control anyone, who is he?

I narrow my eyes at him.

He walks towards me with one hand in his pocket that walk, where have I seen this man before, he carries so much power by the way he talks and walks.

The more he's getting closer the more my heartbeat quickens.

He leans over and places a soft kiss on my forehead tagging her behind my ear.

Sighing I lean my head back, why wasn't I able to fight that back, why did I let him do that without arguing?

"I will come back to visit you" he winks.

I roll my eyes at him "You will be wasting your time" I mutter.

He drew closer to me, aroused by my temper, infuriated by my rejection "It's mine to waste."

Who does he think he is showing up in my room and acting this way towards me?

"Please, leave," I say.

"Not until I want to," he says in a deep velvety voice.

"I meant what, I said mister"

" I heard you but I'm not leaving, not until I want to myself".

He twists a lock of my hair around his finger and released it.

"I will be back to see you" he winks placing a hand on my shoulder.

I feel a tingling sensation in my shoulder where his hand is, his hand also makes a warmth spread throughout my entire body, and he's making me even more nervous than I need to be.

He lets go of my shoulder and walks out of my room but before he could close the door he turns back to face me.

"My name is, Emir," he says making my jaw drop as I look up at him, and as he turn,I swore his eyes dropped into a wink.

Why does his name sound so familiar, have I met him before?

The same nurse that was here a few minutes back is back in my room, with a smile plastered on her face with a boutique of white roses in her hand.

"How are you feeling Mrs. Griffin?" she asked checking at the monitor.

"I'm feeling better now" I smile back at her.

"This is for you Mrs.Griffin," she says giving me the flowers.

" Would that be rude to ask, who they are from?" I ask.

" They came from Mr Gonzalez," she says.

"Who's that?" I ask with a confused look on my face.

"The man that was in here a few minutes ago," She says.

Silence fills the room.

His name sounds familiar like I've heard it before but, I don't know if I've met him before.

"Are you sure you can't remember him?" she questions.

"I don't know him," I say.

"He's a top CEO, Young and handsome too" she blushes.

Must she blush for that arrogance, anyway I don't know why he would send flowered to someone like me.

"You can put them on the window".

Mom and Dad join us in the room, I can see stains of tears on my mother's face, has she been crying all along?

"Mom, I'm okay now" I ensure her.

"Oh, sweetheart, your father and I have been so worried about you" She reaches to touch my hand squeezing it.

"How did you get here?"

"Jessica called us here," she says.


I haven't gotten enough sleep, it's almost turning into an everyday thing but I don't mind it at all. I'm getting used to it.

Emma has been on my mind, she's always been, I just hope what the doctors are saying about her health turns out to be a false alarm. Her losing her memory hurts me, she's completely lost each memory about us together, but on the bright side at least she has forgotten about how much I've hurt her. I need to be there for her and bring nothing but happiness to her, I need to see her smile.

After a long thirty minutes drive, I arrive outside my office building. I make a turn around the curve to get into the parking lot.

Grabbing my briefcase, I walk into my building and everyone rushes to their right full places and others give me a few nods of salutes.

Pressing the elevator, I press to the highest floor, and upon arriving I make an exit and go to my office, I set my briefcase down on my office table.

"Sir, I have news about Mrs Griffin"

"What happened is she okay?"

I ask with my heart racing questions filled in my head. Did something happen to her?