
Chapter 1534: Flash Marriage and Deep Affection: CEO's Secret Lover

Winter in North City

The night, made especially quiet by the sudden snow, saw the sound of speeding cars and horns disappear. The blanket of snow covering the entire murky world made North City seem particularly eerie tonight.

The heavy curtains shut out the snow-white light completely from the spring-like warmth of the presidential suite, leaving no trace of the romantic scene of snowflakes dancing outside.

In the room, the palace-style gauze lamp emitted a soft, warm glow. The changing shadows shimmered brilliantly with the music of high mountains and flowing water.

Surrounding the waterbed in the luxurious room were torn shreds of formal dresses and chiffon.

On the circular waterbed, entwined silhouettes rose and fell. The trembling skin shimmered with a pearly luster, like a piece of warm jade - crystal clear and dazzling...

Nina Ainsworth felt as if her whole body was on fire, unable to think. When the pain deep inside hit her, a tear slid down her cheek and fell onto the black hair spread over the white bed sheet, disappearing instantly without a trace.

Outside the window, snowflakes danced wildly. Inside, the light and shadow changed romantically. The woman's mournful moan harmonized with the heavy panting of the man, accompanied by the enchanting feminine scent that filled the air...

This night was drawn out for one, yet fleeting for the other...

Nina gradually woke up, her body aching as if crushed by a heavy object. Moving just a little would be unbearable.

Biting down on her teeth, she got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Standing under the shower, the hot water washed away the tears welling up in her eyes.

In the mirror, she saw herself - her fair skin covered in countless love bites.

Had she encountered a beast last night?

Not knowing the growth period of plants in the four seasons?

Strawberries were a summertime fruit, so why did he plant them on her body during a cold winter night?

More importantly, last night she had been taken out by Celestine Bell to drink, and ended up drunk. All she could remember was running out of Dick Ryes' room with an intense headache.

But who she met later, who took her away, she didn't remember at all.

Her luck was indeed bad. Last night, she escaped Dick Ryes' wolf's den, but ended up in someone else's tiger's lair without knowing who it was.

Just thinking about it made her nose sore, tears uncontrollably sliding down again.

It was just then that the phone rang, startling and piercing in the silent room.

Nina hurriedly wrapped herself in a bath towel and ran out, grabbing the mobile phone from her bag. It was from Celestine Bell.

"Nina, I don't care where you are. Get back here in one hour!"

Celestine hung up without giving her a chance to speak.

As Nina put down the phone, she noticed a neatly arranged set of clothes on the bedside table.

She didn't have time to think about where the clothes had come from. She quickly changed into them, put on her own down coat, and rushed out.

As she ran out of Sky Hotel, she saw the vast expanse of white outside. Thick snow piled up by the roadside, its dirtiness, darkness, and filth all hidden by a white cover, making the world seem exceptionally clean and eerily unsettling.

Tears quietly approached and flooded her face...

Dear friends, Qiao Mai's new pit "Flash Marriage and Thick Love: The CEO's Secret Lover" has started. Everyone is welcome to step in the pit, thank you!