
Why Should I Fall In Love If Love Is What Killed Me?

love is stupid!! Especially when its draped in the blood stained flags of a World War... Alexander Phillips, an average height, an average age (18), and average student, never really understood what was the big deal about falling in love. That is.. until a cute girl from his high-school stole his heart... literally. Now a slave in Hell, Alex is determined to destroy the very thing gods and humans alike cherish more than life itself. How will he become a catalyst for this new era of great powers and inter-dimensional conflict?

Andrew_Stephens_01 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The "Reality" is Sometimes Stranger than the "Dream"

Alex sat in front of a mysterious man in a fine suit that made his worn out fatigues look even more worn. Alex sat in silence trying to corral his thoughts.

"Damn this is some shit... not only do I feel half retarded but I am still dealing with a years worth of fucking confusing people and bullshit abor day after day in a blazing hot magic forge". Alex was no fool, he knew as soon as he woke up in a bed within a medical ward on the first floor of the tower that he was in a place beyond comprehension. Alex pictured a blank canvas in his mind and began to occupy its pale completion with the thoughts jumping around in his head. Alex glanced up at the monster across a small coffee table perched comfortably, eyes resting on his own waiting patiently, in the corner of a beautifully decorated office. Alex gathered his mental strength and began to tell his story.

"I know this is going to probably sound cheesy but the first girl to ever approach me romantically ended up being a total bitch and blew a hole through my chest". Saying this was strange, it brought up the memories of that night a year ago and suddenly Alex could taste his own blood again.

"We had met in high-school, she was so beautiful and nice to me that I melted into her web of lies, absorbed in infatuation with her kind words and seductive personality" Alex said holding back tears with every fiber of his being he continued.

"I... fell in love... I mean I had never experienced anything like that..."

"I...". Alex sucked in air as hard as possible his throat felt like it was closing on him.

"I felt as though we were one at different points, always together, she loved my family and regretted not taking me to hers".


"was my everything". Alex whispered

"but in the end..." Alex could no longer hold himself together, tears streaming down his cheek, his nose a runny mess.

"Betrayed Me"!!!

All of a sudden M flinched and though it didn't show, his mind began to race.


Alex felt something snap in his head, everything went black in his mind, the image of the one he saw, sticking her arm through his chest infuriated him to the n'th degree.


The smile on her face, as blood shot out of his mouth, seemed to be one of extreme ecstacy.


Rage swallowed up all the sadness in his heart.


And he felt... happy... allowing his anger to flow forth like a raging river. Alex felt a strange comfort in this and pushed it to the limits. He felt a smile mixed with something similar to a snarel spread across his face. Something inhuman began to scream, it was him.



Alex blinked and focused his eyes, something was clutching him. It was a young woman.

"Enough little one, you are ok to receive our grace"

"I told you, he is an interesting boy, I'm glad you made it in time my queen". M spoke to the woman who had been holding Alex in her arms, pressed with strength to her bosom, Alex began to sob uncontrollably and the woman began to softly coo as if she was lulling a baby to sleep. Alex slipped in to a unconscious state soon after, unable to notice that the office had been blown apart. The curtains were torn asunder and the windows were cracked and broken. The woman holding him gave a long sigh and shot an icy look in M's direction.

"Now I have to buy a whole new office set you jackass"

She scooped up Alex and disappeared instantly, leaving a pale faced M to begin the clean-up in solitude.