
Chapter Seven

Harry spent the next few days perfecting his design for his latest creation. When the time came, he invited Esme to his rune workshop, to see the item made.

"What is this place?" Esme asked.

"Harry's rune workshop." Tanya said. "It's where he uses machinery from other worlds to create things that can use magic runes."

"He's only let us see the prototype of the new device." Kate added. "I'm looking forward to seeing it in action." she said excitedly.

"There were a few parts from previous projects which came together for this one." Harry said. "With the blood magic, it's got a new methodology, but I think you'll appreciate the results." he said proudly.

With that, he activated the machine and the counterpart was fed with gold, palladium, silver, platinum and one or two other bars he went to fetch from a drawer.

"Where do you keep all these precious metals?" Tanya asked. "We've looked in that drawer. There's never anything in it."

"From the vault." Harry said. "This drawer removes only what I need from my stores."

"You've got a vault?" Kate asked. "Why don't we know this?"

"Probably because I never mentioned it." Harry guessed. "It's nothing special. It contains only metals that I've gathered over the years, and some gems and stuff. On one of the worlds I went to, gold was used as commonly as they use aluminium here. It was still made into alloys, because gold is soft and stuff, but still. It was plentiful and easy to use, so their bronze age was literally called their golden age. They had another kind of development, with crystals that was their most sought after resource. What we call the technological age here, was their crystal age of thought."

"You can tell us about that later." Tanya decided. "What's the machine doing?"

"Well, this first one will be special." Harry said. "I may have decided to make it a little ornamental, for you." he said to Esme.

"Thank you, Harry." Esme smiled. "This first one, what, though?"

"You'll see." Harry said. "Anyway, what it's doing right now, is layering the first runes in the design. Those will do things like maintain the item and make sure it's not abused. The second part makes connections for the rest of the functions. The last part is external and will need contact with the skin. Only a well-fed immortal should be able to use it, even though it won't use your blood for the work. It's like a security feature.

"What you'll need to remember, is that this will still be connected to my stores of blood, but the girls and I recently expanded on the amount of sources we have for that, so stocks are growing rather than diminishing. We'll still need to set up a facility for the storage of the blood, at some point. I'll also need to show you how to check stock levels. I currently have to use my magic to do that, but I don't want to be in charge of that forever.

"The item will have different settings. Everything from snacking to a full meal. You want to be able to choose how much blood is used, because eating might be fun, but you don't want to spoil people either. You can also use it for liquids like drinks and such, but always remember that the transformation is temporary, so you want to use the device on the food and then eat or drink it within a day or so." Harry finished.

"I still don't know what you are talking about." Esme said.

"You will." Harry said. They waited for a while, since the machine had to process all the metals and work with them. When the process was complete, the machine opened up and an arm extended with a large platter with a cover, or cloche.

"Is the item in there?" Esme asked, looking at the platter curiously. Then her eyes widened. The cloche was very pretty, with designs and a few symbols on the handle. "That is the item!" she said in realization.

"Yes, it is." Harry said, smiling. "Come on, we have to test it." He took the platter and cloche and led them from the workshop.

Harry took them to the kitchen and decided to make a bit of lunch for himself. It was a simple sandwich, but it would do for the test.

When complete, he opened up the platter, placed his sandwich inside and closed the lid again. "Okay, so what you do, is turn the handle here, to the correct location and hold it there with your hand on the handle. This setting makes the template." He showed her where to look. It was like a dial, she realised.

"Can you do that now?" Harry asked, turning the handle back. "I want to see if it works."

Esme did as requested. She turned the handle and held her had on the lid, feeling it heat up for a moment. "It did something." Esme said.

"Good, now leave it on that setting for now, and open the platter for me." Harry instructed. Esme did and Harry took out his sandwich and plate. "Now, close the platter and move it one setting on." he instructed.

Esme did that and looked carefully to ensure she didn't go too far. She felt the handle heat up again and Harry nodded at her, encouraging her to open it. When she did, she saw a duplicate of Harry's sandwich, but without the plate. "It's a copy-machine?" she asked.

"That, is a blood-made copy." Harry said, pointing at the sandwich. "The first setting uses very little blood, not even enough for a snack, so it's perfect for experimenting on, or just for a bite or something. You can go up to five, which is a full copy, for actual sustenance. Dinners and the like, but I suspect you'll be using it to copy ingredients and things like spices, for your meals. You'll need to learn how to judge how much spice you'll need so that you don't end up wasting anything. Any food left over will need to go into the drain, or something, because it will turn into blood later, so keep your kitchen spotless. You don't want rotting blood anywhere. I'm not setting you up with a way to return blood, since the way it is kept fresh is removed once it's taken from there."

Esme was looking at Harry like he'd just told her Christmas was here. "You made it so that I can make food without you!" she exclaimed. "You'll not need to spend so much time making us food!"

"Hey, I still like doing that. This just makes it simpler for us both and I'm still the better cook." Harry said, winking at her. "You can experiment all you like, but also go to town and buy new things to try. I also still need to show you how to change what kind of blood and stuff. There are spaces for symbols, if you want, but I suspect with your perfect memory, you'll like to be the only one that knows what is what, so your family can appreciate the forethought, when you cater to their likes."

"You can also copy whole meals." Tanya said. "Harry used his prototype on a meal and had us taste-test the difference between another one he made properly."

"There is a bit of a difference, so for best results, I suggest making the ingredients, but if the family wants to go for take-out, you could use this as well." Kate said. She and Tanya had already discussed the uses of such an item.

"Food tastes better when made with love as the special ingredient." Harry agreed. "Taking your time and making things individually, specifically catered to the needs of the family, will always get you better results. The only problem with that, is that you don't want to let your food get cold, so I suggest starting with meals you can prepare all at once."

"What about soups and things?" Tanya reminded Harry.

"Oh, right." Harry said. "Part of the magic is to look for a container. Ceramic, glass, metal or china. If you put something in here and want to copy an entire meal, remember to add an identical plate. As you can see, that sandwich is not on a plate." Harry pointed at the copied sandwich.

"May I?" Esme asked, also indicating it.

"Sure, it's just a taster for you." Harry agreed.

"Make us copies, please?" Tanya asked, as she quickly fetched three plates. Esme quickly moved her sandwich onto a plate and made two copies, after placing a plate on the platter. She felt a thrill of delight at the knowledge that she was using a magical item, geared specifically for the use of immortals.

"Sandwiches and things should taste the same, since they are base ingredients, unless you want to bake your own bread, or something." Harry pointed out, as she bit into her own sandwich.

"This is delicious!" Esme said.

"Well, I'm sure your 'kids' won't mind being able to bring lunch to school from now on." Harry said, with a chuckle.

"Ooh, I'll have to start preparing lunches, and maybe breakfasts and I can make dinner for the whole family now." Esme said excitedly. "You will obviously be invited, of course. I'll need to buy the real ingredients after all, so I might as well use them. I'll just need to make your meals along with ours, so that I can match things up. Oh, Harry, this is fantastic!" she finally exclaimed enthusiastically, as she grabbed him into a hug and kissed him on the cheek, taking into consideration his fragile human body, of course.

"You're welcome, Esme." Harry smiled, as he returned the hug. When the hug broke, he said, "I'll likely still be coming over to help you prep and I'll also likely still have dinners at my house, but now that we have school and stuff, I'm finding I have a bit less time on my hands."

"Why do you go to school, anyway?" Tanya asked. "You're thousands of years old, they can't teach you anything you can't give university-grade lectures on."

"I told you, Tanya." Harry said. "It had to do with fitting in, when I got here. Just like the Cullens, I start younger, so that I don't have to start applying magic to look older, quite as soon."

"I think you just love seeing all those girls in skirts." Tanya fumed. Kate was usually wearing skirts, because she'd discovered Harry couldn't keep his eyes off her legs when she did and he tended to leave hers on when he ravished her. As a result, she'd started wearing them more herself.

"It's not warm enough for anyone but Kate to wear them, though." Harry pointed out. "But, I'll not lie and say I don't like seeing girls in skirts. I'm only a man."

"Well, you're finishing early, or dropping out at the end of the year." Tanya said. "We can have someone doctor your records, or something."

"I can do that already." Harry said. "My computer systems were connected to the internet from the moment I arrived here."

"Computer systems?" Kate asked exasperatedly.

"Too advanced to give anyone access." Harry apologised. "They just do things like look for interesting information, do things that normal teenagers do, to leave a paper-trail of standard interests, and forge paperwork for me."

"Harry, while I'd love to hear all about what your computer thinks, or even how, a teenager likes, I just suddenly realised I need to go shopping for dinner." Esme said excitedly. "Would you be terribly disappointed if I run now?"

"Go for it, Esme." Harry said. "Give the family my best."

"Will do." Esme said, as she picked up the platter and disappeared out of his house at a speed that Edward would be impressed with.

"She's really excited." Tanya said, smiling at Harry. "You did a really nice thing for her."

"Wait until she discovers that alcohol she copies, also makes them drunk for a few hours." Harry chuckled.

"You figured it out?" Kate asked.

"I'll go make another platter now, so you girls can get yourself drunk." Harry said, with a smile for her.

He was not wrong. The ladies really liked the effect of drinking alcohol that actually left them tipsy, depending on how much they drank. They also got randy because of it and he'd never complain about that.

Harry received a call the next day. Billy had apparently gotten Harry's number under the pretence of looking into some diabetic food tricks. Charlie had not hesitated to give him Harry's number, since he truly believed Harry was an amazing chef, and he'd specifically mentioned some old family recipes.

Billy had started off apologising, but Harry quickly said it was fine and that he felt guilty as well. He should have shown more patience and understanding. Billy asked him if they could set another meeting and Harry agreed, but requested that they set up a date after the school holiday, since it would give the 'puppies' some time to cool their heads. He did say that he'd invite him and Charlie for a barbeque, first, though. Charlie could be a buffer, while they felt each other out and got their bearings with each other.

With the Cullens becoming more self-sufficient with the food he'd introduced them to, it left Harry with time to work on a project or two. Over the following weeks, he purchased a piece of land, erected a building, set up a facility, which would store their stock of blood, which used the blood itself and runes to stay fresh, and finally showed Esme how to monitor and regulate use. His ladies and he still needed to add more animals, and for every animal there was a different tank, with its own monitoring system.

He also finally finished with the prisoners. Unfortunately there was no way around the limitations caused by the change in mental layout between humans and immortals. They were obliviated of their time in prison and given a similar deal to Laurent. He even had Laurent there, to explain how he'd been living, but they decided to go as far away from Forks as they could manage. James did not survive the first night. Victoria died two days later, when she couldn't help herself. Harry suspected it was out of depression, as much as an inability to control herself. They'd both set themselves on fire, away from people, and burned into ash.

Pretty soon, the summer holiday was upon them. Tanya was ecstatic, because Harry would be dropping out, saying that he was studying through the mail. With the holiday, the plans to go to Florida were solidified. The Cullens and Denali would be staying in a hotel, until Harry had a chance to set up his house, where they'd join him once he was ready.

The vampires would be going in the Chevy, while Edward went with Bella on a plane. All the immortals in their group now wore pendants which allowed them to appear human. It had the soft, warm skin that didn't sparkle, all worked into one stylish design of an arrow-head, with an ability to turn the movable point, which switched off the functions, by taking the runes out of alignment. Harry thought it was best to not limit them to always be as vulnerable as it made them.

Esme obviously took the platter, her prized possession, with her. Harry had assured her that distance wouldn't affect its connections to the facility. That way they could order room service and stay perfectly fed.

Edward and Bella arrived in Florida after the rest, which they found funny. Harry dropped the gathered family off at the beach in Miami, where he'd be setting up his house and they took their time looking around and exploring the beaches, because they finally could, while Harry went to go find a realtor. He didn't want to buy a house, but it was simpler to simply connect something that was there to his house and he ended up purchasing a large one near, but not on the beach-front.

Making the connection to his house was easy, but that didn't mean Harry and his ladies wanted people there, just yet. Tanya and Kate wanted to follow through on their threat to walk around naked for a bit. The property had certain protections and the large pool out back would be welcome, especially since swimming naked was such a fun activity, along with all the other things one could enjoy naked in the pool.

Harry found that, since they didn't need to breathe, they could do all sorts of things to him, while submerged, and often did.

It was 340 miles between Jacksonville and Miami, but they had all decided that claiming to own property there would likely be suspicious. It would only take the Chevy a few minutes to fly between the two places, so that was a small distance to them. Hell, they could go there for the day to spend time on the beach and come home at the end of the day, with little effort.

It was during those first few days that Harry's wards, back in Forks, told him that he had a visitor or seven. It seemed that the wolves had come sniffing around. Harry informed his ladies and they all got dressed, before a set of stairs appeared on the second floor, going up. They walked up the stairs and appeared in Harry's house in Forks.

Harry's ladies felt a thrill at realizing how easily they had just travelled so far, and that they could do so themselves if the mood struck. Perhaps Harry could set up a few more houses, the world over, so that they could travel to their heart's content?

Harry led his ladies into the pool room and out the back, where he'd felt the presences. "Are you going to come out, or am I coming in?" Harry called.

There was silence for a few minutes, before the same man from before, followed by Jacob Black, came walking out of the trees, but they stayed far enough away, so that the wolves that remained in there, could get to them before Harry's ladies could.

"We've come to talk." the man called.

"You know my name. Let's start there." Harry suggested. He turned to Jacob. "Sup, Jake?"

"I am Sam Uley." Sam said. "I am alpha of the pack. You will speak to me. Jacob is here at the insistence of Billy."

"No he's not." Harry countered. "Billy didn't arrange this meeting, or he'd have called me first." Sam's eye twitched at that. He'd been caught out it seemed. "Why are you really here, Mister Uley?" Harry asked.

"He wants to know that you aren't giving our secrets away." Jacob called.

"Silence!" Sam snapped.

"No." Harry countered. "You stay silent. Jacob is at least trying to speak to me. That's all I ever wanted. I showed up to that meeting to find out what was happening to the tribe, to ensure that we weren't hurting you somehow. Billy only confirmed what I suspected, when you broke the peace. The people I brought didn't know that they would be affecting anyone besides themselves with their presence."

"Blood-" Jacob started correcting Harry.

"They are people, Jacob." Harry interrupted. "They want to live in peace. They have loved ones and care for each other. There are differences, of course, but that's to be expected. I would not be protecting them and helping them fit in, if they were violent monsters. Right now, I'm more inclined to believe in them, than a pack of wolves that descend on me, for simply not allowing myself to be used or be dictated to." Harry had called them bloodsuckers, in the beginning, but when he did it these days, it was just as a joke.

Sam tried to speak then, likely to insult them, but he found no sound was coming from his mouth. Jacob realised and Harry could see him put effort into not laughing at the man. "I told you to be silent." Harry pointed out, when Sam stared at him angrily.

"What about our secrets?" Jacob decided to ask. "Have you been telling them?" he said, turning his head to one of Harry's ladies.

"I told them of my own experiences with other tribes that lived their lives as your ancestors did." Harry said. "They had more respect, though. I was even able to help them out, by being a mediator between warring tribes. As a result, the great spirits blessed me and I was made one of the tribes. I was then called… well, their dialect was different. They called me 'He who dwells with spirits'." Harry said it in the tongue of the natives from that world. "For them, it meant that they considered me a seer and messenger of sorts. I honestly have a very small gift for the art of divination, but it helped them out a time or two. I even had an animal then, but it has long since left me."

"You could just be making that up." Jacob pointed out.

"Am I, though?" Harry asked. "Do I smell of deceit, can you hear falseness in my voice, like those from that tribe could?"

"You're doing it again." Tanya spoke up. "You're giving them more than they are giving you."

"They do not deserve to learn from you." Kate agreed.

Sam looked angrily at the women. "I'll warn you now, Sam Uley, if you so much as think of attacking me or my wives again, I will not hesitate to smite you this time." Harry said, calmly.

"The pack was not attacking you." Jacob pointed out, suddenly serious. "The order, then, was to stop you from leaving."

"Not something you have the right to demand, if I didn't trespass." Harry said. "It would have also been a good idea to wait for my meeting with your father. He and I are on better terms than Sam and I."

"Sam doesn't have the patience." Jacob admitted.

"Then replace him." Harry shrugged. "Patience should be a requirement for leadership."

Sam didn't like not being able to talk and turned to the forest, where he likely went to transform. True enough, his wolf came back out and tried to bark at Jacob, but still no sound came out. "I told you to be silent." Harry reminded him again. "You will find yourself quite unable to talk for at least a day. That's what you get for your blatant racism and inability to speak to me with the respect Jacob is at least trying for."

"He's still communicating with the pack." Tanya pointed out. "I can see them converging, but staying in the treeline."

"They all moved at the same time." Kate agreed.

"Interesting." Harry said. "Shared telepathic communication. Probably because they all share one spirit. I've seen similar in the past." he theorised. "Should be useful and keep the pack coordinated." He focussed on Sam, then. 'You will from now on stay at least one mile away from my property. Consider it claimed land, for the insult of making unreasonable demands, while I was only peaceful.' he broadcast into Sam's mind.

Sam's wolf face showed shock. "No, Sam." Harry said aloud, then. "I'm not in your head. I just sent you a message. Going both ways would require trust. Trust we do not have."

"What?" Jacob asked, looking to Sam.

"So, not while you're in human form then?" Tanya said with a smirk.

"Now we're finally learning something." Kate added. Her smile was victorious.

Sam indicated for Jacob to follow, then he about-faced and ran to the forest, trying to keep them from learning anything else from them.

"Feel free to enter my land, Jacob." Harry said. "You are welcome here."

"Your land?" Jacob asked.

"They'll tell you." Harry said, indicating into the forest. "Go, before your alpha shows his displeasure and loses his calm. If you ever want me to remove him from the pack, I should be able to impede his connection to the wolf, temporarily."

Jacob said nothing, but nodded and turned to the forest. Before Harry and his girls left, he activated a ward and added the pack he still felt in his range, excluding Jacob. They'd feel uncomfortable if they entered the mile he had claimed, like there were eyes on them at all times.

Then they went back to Miami, and being naked. Harry was actually happily surprised to get a call from Billy the next day.

"Hey, there, Billy." Harry said, as he lounged in the pool.

"Harry, I hear you had some visitors last night." Billy said. Harry could hear some humour in his voice.

"Yeah, Sam was being grumpy about secrets." Harry said, as he saw Kate smirk and disappear under the water.

"I'm sorry he showed up there unannounced." Billy said.

"He's being overprotective." Harry said, as he felt Kate going for a bit of mischief. She succeeded too. Harry controlled his voice and said, "He needs to learn the difference between offensive and defensive. When someone knows something you don't want to get out, you speak nicely and stay calm."

"He is trying to protect the tribe." Billy agreed. "So, no harm done?" he asked, hopefully.

"Well, I did not like having wolves stalking my property at night, while I am out, so I made sure to take the appropriate… steps." Harry said. Damn, Kate was getting good at that.

"The council has agreed that you deserve your privacy." Billy said. "Whatever you did, made it so none of the boys want to go near your house."

"Between you and me, there's a passive effect that makes them uncomfortable." Harry said. "If you want…", damn, Kate was really getting good at that, "you can tell the boys that there are spirits watching my domain for me, while I'm away. It should fit in with what they… are feeling."

"You're away?" Billy asked, not understanding.

"My friends and I are in Miami." Harry said. "Was last night too. I can be home in an instant if something happens… though."

Billy was stumped at that. Harry seemed to have many secrets. "What's happening? You seem distracted." He'd heard the pauses.

"Battling a succubus." Harry said. "She's got me by the… berries."

"One of your ladies, I'm assuming?" Billy asked. Harry could hear the humour in his voice.

"Something like that." Harry allowed. "Sorry to cut this short, Billy. I've got to teach her, her place."

"Be careful that she doesn't hurt you." Billy said seriously.

"I've got my protections." Harry said, as he hung up the phone. He pulled the girl up, threw her over the edge of the pool and proceeded to punish her, the way she loved best. He'd even restrained her in shackles that kept her in position. The previous time, he'd left her like that, so he could enjoy the view, while Tanya and he took things more slowly. That seemed to just turn Kate on more, though, so it worked all around.

"He says that he's got a spirit watching his domain." Billy reported once he left his home, to the waiting pack and elders.

"He's got the protection of the spirits?" one of the elders asked.

"I don't know, but it makes sense, with what he knows." Billy countered. "You've heard of his abilities. He's no ordinary man and I suspect he can keep our secrets, if he's been in Forks for so long and has kept his own."

"He hasn't though." Jacob said. "The bloodsuckers know his secrets."

"His wives are as protective of him, as I'd be of you." Billy countered. "They're a family. Don't ever underestimate what someone would do to protect their family. And yes, he's shared some of his secrets with them, I'm sure, but from what I've seen and heard, he's making them more human, to live like normal people."

"Or to fit in better. To blend in, so they can take advantage of their prey." one of the other elders, Harry Clearwater, said.

"I don't think that's what Harry is about." Billy said. "His wives had the same eyes as the Cullens. I think he's helping the ones that are peaceful."

"I think Bella might know something." Jacob admitted.

"Why?" Billy asked, before he nodded in realisation. "I think you may be right. He's been seen with her and Edward Cullen. Charlie is also a good judge of character. He likes Harry, even after the stories of Harry's… exploits came out. Chances are, she knows and she's keeping his secrets, just like she's keeping theirs."

"Do you feel Bella is in danger?" Harry Clearwater asked Jacob.

"I… I don't think he's a threat to Bella." Jacob said. "If anything, it's good to know he's around to protect her from those monsters."

"He's found a way to feed them our food." Billy said. There were a few wide eyes at that. "I saw it myself. He told me that it's still their kind of food, but in a different form. I don't know how, but he's taking steps to keep them fed, so that they have more control. Everything I've seen so far tells me that he's here to help."

"And then Sam decides to send the pack after him, not only once, but twice." Harry Clearwater said. "First on neutral ground during a peaceful discussion and then at his own home." Sam was just glaring at the old men, not able to defend himself, since he was still unable to speak.

"Harry called him overprotective." Billy said. "Said he understands, but that it's short-sighted. I agree. He could tell us stories of his own time with people like us. People who accepted him into their tribe as one of them. I think it would be best if we treated him and his people as a neighbouring tribe."

"But they're monsters!" one of the pack exclaimed.

"They're people, trying desperately to not act like monsters." Billy disagreed. "Until that changes, the treaty stands. We will not attack them. Harry is linked with our world and he's married into a different tribe, so we should treat them as neighbours, or at least extended family to our neighbour."


Back in Miami, Harry was just finishing up with Kate. He left her shackled, with a blissful smile on her face, as he went into the house, where Tanya was making lunch. She loved the idea of serving lunch to her husband, almost as much as Esme did for her family. Their serving dish was stainless steel, but had a similar design to Esme's. Tanya had quickly learned that things that copied without too much loss in flavour were her favourite, so she made sandwiches and finger foods. Strangely vegetable platters were becoming her favourite.

She'd made Harry a grilled cheese sandwich, and duplicated that for her and Kate. Harry had something the Cullens didn't though. Two large platters with preservation magic, so that they could make things and keep them fresh for if they wanted to eat later. Harry intended to give the Cullens some of these at some point, likely for Christmas or another special occasion.

Harry kissed Tanya as she put the plate in his hand. "Thanks, luv." Harry said.

"Where's Kate?" Tanya asked.

"Oh, she's a little tied up at the moment." Harry said.

Tanya chuckled at that. "She does have a bit of a fetish, doesn't she?" she asked.

"She loves all the different things we do, but she likes her power games the most." Harry admitted.

"What did she do this time?" Tanya asked.

"Billy called to apologise." Harry explained.

"He's at least reasonable." Tanya said. "They should just send him from now on. Intimidation won't work."

"I think they've realised that." Harry said. "Hopefully next time we see him, we'll be able to lay the foundation to a healthy relationship."

"How did Billy calling, lead to playing with Kate?" Tanya asked.

"She decided to distract me." Harry said.

"Blowjob?" Tanya asked.

"She's getting really good at those, too." Harry agreed.

"Well, we can always go make love, while she watches again." Tanya said. "It drives her insane being tied down and watching us for a couple of hours."

Their plan was just unfolding, when Harry received a call. "Enough is enough, Harry." Alice's voice said. "Tell us where you live already. You can be kinky in the bedroom all you like."

Pulling a card from Kate's deck, Tanya proceeded to mount Harry, anyway.

"Um, right now might be difficult." Harry said, as he watched Tanya.

"You're having sex right now, aren't you?" Alice said.

"Yes we are." Tanya said. Harry knew they could hear pretty much everything.

"No fair!" Alice exclaimed. "We don't get to do fun things in these rooms, without everyone hearing. Come on, Harry!" she pleaded.

"I'll finish Harry off, then we'll send you the address." Tanya decided, as she increased her pace. She moaned once, before the phone hung up.

"Have fun with that?" Harry asked.

"It's fun, right?" Kate asked, from where she was watching them with hunger in her eyes, but still smiling.

"The whole family has heard us at it at some point, as far as I can tell, so it's not so embarrassing." Tanya allowed. "We immortals hear all kinds of things from our neighbours, so we tend to live apart, for that reason."

"I'd assumed." Harry said.

"Doesn't help when we hear things nobody wants to." Tanya allowed.

"That's just another thing we love about you." Kate said. "You can give us privacy."

Tanya proceeded to increase her tempo, pleasing her man without a thought of her own enjoyment, trying to get him there faster. She'd heard the frustration in Alice's voice and felt she could stand sharing her space again. Harry didn't disappoint, though, and his magic sped things up for her as much as she was for him.

Afterward, they just lay there for a while, before Harry finally released Kate and they all got dressed for the first time that day.

The immortals went for a walk on the beach and found Harry's Chevy waiting for them in a place they'd met before. Strangely, there was nobody else there. Emmett ran forward and took the driver's seat with a grin. Unfortunately there was no key, but once everyone was in, the car vanished, only to reappear in the new garage.

Grumbling, Emmett got out of the car, but put a hand on her roof. "Don't worry, I'll get Harry to let me drive you one of these days."

There were tropical drinks and snacks already waiting for them, when they entered the kitchen from the garage. This one was on the same level, but this house was larger and had more rooms. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper only stayed long enough to be polite, before they went to claim rooms, all protected and private. Irina and Laurent soon disappeared too, leaving Harry with his ladies, Eleazar, Carmen, Esme and Carlisle.

"We hear there's something going on with the tribe?" Carlisle asked, as he sat back and enjoyed his drink. He stopped, though, when he saw Kate and Tanya each lighting up a cigarette. "Really? Why did you have to make those too?" Carlisle asked.

"It always looks fun in the movies, to light one up after sex." Kate said. "And we've had a lot of sex." she bragged.

"We know, you don't have to brag so much." Esme chastised.

"You do know where those other six disappeared off to, right?" Tanya challenged, after a drag from her own cigarette. Harry had done something special with these, too. Not only was it blood-created, but it was a copy from a conjured pack of cherry-flavoured cigarettes. Harry had apparently been a smoker in the past and had a favourite. Not for the nicotine, but for the taste. He also liked the way it made a room smell. With his kind, it didn't even smell like smoke, and it tasted amazing.

Carmen got up and asked for a cigarette as well. She'd always wanted to try, but this was her first opportunity to actually try, and enjoy, one. Eleazar shrugged and got his own. Harry looked at Carlisle, who shook his head. "I've seen what those do to humans." he said.

"These won't do that and even have a calming effect, all without nicotine or the other poisons and pollutants." Harry pointed out. "Just, remember to smoke those down-wind from me."

"Wouldn't want it to turn into blood particles on, in or around Harry." Tanya agreed.

"I can clean myself, but still prefer not to breathe what is basically bloody smoke." Harry said, lighting his own, just because the majority of the people were. His was a cigar, though. "And yes, Billy called. We had an incident with the wolves again, but we were able to talk rationally."

"After Harry silenced their leader." Kate said. "Billy's boy, Jacob, seems to have a cooler head, now."

"Better than the first time we met him." Tanya agreed.

"Anyway, Billy wanted to apologise for their actions and I told him it's fine." Harry said.

"He claimed a mile around his house, as a precaution." Tanya reminded.

"Put up a bit of magic to dissuade snooping." Harry said. "Told them it was my land now."

"It's probably for the best." Carlisle allowed. "We can't allow them to think you are an enemy, but at the same time, you aren't their friends until there's some sort of understanding. You spend too much time with our kind, for them to ever trust you fully."

"How's Edward doing?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

"He's apparently enjoying himself." Esme said, touching her own pendant. "These are a very welcome change of pace for us. We have gone shopping, hiking and to the beach."

"It does feel good to interact with humanity in such close proximity again." Eleazar said, after licking his lips. The cigarette left a flavour he was finding he quite enjoyed. "I didn't even know I had missed it."

"The only problem is all the smells." Carmen said. "Humans don't realise how easily they carry smells with them. Everything from drug use to menstrual cycles and body-odour."

"And then there's the overuse of perfumes and cologne." Kate agreed. She'd recently spent a lot of time around humans. Teenagers seemed to be the worst, too.

"Why is it that you never smell, Harry?" Tanya asked. He'd spent vigorous times with them and he'd never smelt anything but lovely, to her.

"I'm certain I do." Harry said. "It's just that I've got magic up to keep me from offending people with odours. In some of the worlds I went to, I smelled like everything from a meal, to rotten to the senses of the locals. I had to adjust quickly and came up with a protection from it."

"Is that why Jasper never struggled around you?" Esme asked.

"I honestly don't know." Harry admitted. He had a thoughtful look, though, as his cigar vanished. "Hand me your pendant, Esme?" he asked.

Esme instantly took it off and handed it to Harry, who walked off to the house.

"Aren't you going with him?" Carlisle asked his ladies.

"We aren't his servants." Tanya said. "He can look after himself. He'd let us know if he was doing something dangerous."

"We're also trying not to crowd him." Kate said. She had a guilty look on her face.

"What did you do?" Carmen asked.

"I was just wondering where he was going and followed him into the bathroom, when he needed a human moment." Kate said lamely.

"Ah." most of those present said. Vampires didn't need to ever use the facilities.

Harry went to the rune workshop and went to work. With everything on the pendant and place left for expansion, it wasn't difficult to add another function. It took him about twenty minutes and by the end of that he'd even updated the template on the machine.

He went back outside and handed Esme her pendant back. "There you go. That should limit the amount of odours you have to suffer through." Harry said.

"That quickly?" Esme asked, impressed.

"I'm intimately familiar with this magic. I just inverted my own use of the magic. Anything outside a certain range of you will have a dulled smell at least." Harry reported. "Let me know how it works out, so that I can modify it, if necessary."

"How does it work?" Carlisle asked, in interest.

"Blocks microbes and stuff on a certain level." Harry said. "Natural smells, like the ocean, or a field of flowers, should come through normally, but dulled, while strong smells, like body-odour that come from a single source should be mostly negated, unless you get close enough. If you want to smell something like you normally do, just go within a meter of them or so."

"You can just fix anything you try, can't you?" Eleazar asked.

"Well, there are advantages to being an ancient immortal being with experience, powers and technology." Harry smirked.

Esme was already testing the pendant. She walked to where the smoke was wafting and sniffed. "It's cherry," she said, "but it's very faint."

"Well, those would smell different", Harry said, pulling his still burning cigar out of the air. "This one would be more offensive to your senses." he said as he took a puff and blew it in her direction.

"Oh, I see what you mean." Esme reported. "Still, it's bearable. It's not overwhelming at all."

"I can dull it down further." Harry said. "Just let me know if I need to, after your next outing."

"Thank you, Harry." Esme said, as she pulled him into a hug. "You keep on doing things for us and we might end up adopting you."

"Aren't I a little old?" Harry smirked.

"Isn't Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett or Jasper?" she countered. "The point isn't physical age, it's about family. You're definitely family."

"Technically, we should be adopting you." Tanya said. "Then you can join the Denali coven as our children."

"Wouldn't you rather have children of your own?" Esme asked. "Harry is able to do that, you know."

"Let's not go crazy, now." Harry objected. "I've had enough children and I'm still enjoying my time with my ladies, without complicating…" he trailed off, when he saw disappointed looks from both his wives. "You want children?" he asked.

"We never discussed it, but I would like at least one child, yes." Tanya said.

"Many of them!" Kate agreed. "I want all the babies I can handle and then a few more."

"We'll discuss your need to be overwhelmed at another date." Harry said. "But seriously, I've not had children in a few thousand years. I couldn't stand to leave any more families behind."

"You should discuss this in private." Carlisle said, as he made to get up.

"No, Carlisle, stay." Harry said. "We can discuss this later."

Tanya nodded at that. "We've got time."

"We still need to sort out the other immortals in this world as well." Harry pointed out.

"Do you have a plan yet?" Eleazar asked. Everyone was betting on Harry to sort that mess out, because they didn't have the power to do it themselves.

"Well, right now I'm planning on trying to be nice." Harry said. "Maybe set up a platter system for them that draws from a big pool of prisoners. People that are on death-row and such. Convicted murderers and evil men. I can set it up so I don't have to do anything and the blood is extracted and pooled. Then I enforce my plan by placing a geass, as Laurent called it, on a few prominent members. Once one or two of them decide to ignore the threat and kill themselves in plain view of the rest, the others should start playing ball."

There was silence after that, but Eleazar was smiling from ear-to-ear. "That's you playing nice?" he asked.

"That's tame." Harry said. "I could use mind-control on them to force my will on them, or I could also just out-right start killing all of them until they give up and become my servants. I then put Carlisle in charge and have him make the rules. The efficient, brutal, ways are often the easiest ones as well."

"Why not just do that?" Carmen asked.

"My job is to enforce good and stop evil." Harry said. "Evil, would be a chaotic, unstoppable army of immortals taking over the world and treating humans like cattle. I've seen similar in the past. The Volturi are technically pretty mild, if what you've told me is true. A bit of manipulation and enslavement of people against their will is not so bad in the grand scheme of it all. We'll put a stop to that, of course, but in the meanwhile the Volturi are doing a good job of keeping people in line with fear. It's what I'd do."

"You'd rule with an iron fist?" Carlisle asked.

"That's why I never rule." Harry said. "I'm the sword. I can't be that, and the pen."

"The pen is mightier than the sword." Carlisle said in realisation.

"How difficult would it be for you to take over a world?" Kate asked, a bit of hunger in her eyes.

"Last time I did it, it took me about fifty years." Harry said. "It was a world with war-like people. They didn't understand diplomacy, so it would have been pointless to be nice about it. Strangely, on that world, it was the women who were considered the dominant sex."

"Where they more primitive?" Carlisle asked interestedly.

"They looked like normal humans, but they used more primitive tools and such." Harry admitted. "The women also didn't really care much about appearance. It was all function and strength with them. Their most popular were big, ugly women with lots of strong men in their households. I've never seen so many women walk around topless, nor with so much body-hair."

"Sounds like a strange world." Esme admitted.

"Oh, I've seen stranger." Harry said. "But not many quite as savage."

"So, you took over their world?" Tanya clarified. Harry nodded. "And what did you do once you had it?"

"Started a cultural reform, where the mind was more important than strength." Harry said. "I don't know how that turned out. I only had a few years there, after that, before I was moved on."

"How did you do it?" Eleazar asked. "Start the reform, I mean."

"Put rules in place for treating people as you wanted to be treated. Built up an army of enforcers and got them all to swear loyalty, enforced by magic, which would carry on through the generations." Harry said. "The idea is always to create a lasting change, which continues after I leave, which is also why I don't want to be connected to whatever system we end up using. It needs to function without me, or at least be self-sufficient. I will one-day disappear from this world, so it needs to work before then."

"I don't want to think about that day." Tanya admitted. "We will need to figure out how that works. If you are forced to leave, I'm coming with you."

"And any children we have?" Harry pointed out.

Tanya was silent at that. She wanted two opposing things. She'd need to decide which is more important, before they decide to have children. Harry's current plan would make human offspring. If the idea to take advantage of the fact that their bodies didn't have a heartbeat actually worked, they'd need to leave the kids, or turn them, but that didn't take into consideration the next generation, either.

"We take them with us, too." Kate said easily. "I have faith that you will work it out, Harry."

"You know, there's a high likelihood that my family might decide to go with you, if you can arrange it." Carlisle said.

"To explore a new world once a century does sound like it could be fun." Eleazar said.

"Hold your horses, people." Harry said. "Let's focus on the matter at hand first. I'm here for a reason. Let's sort that out first, before we consider something impossible like creating a system for something I don't fully understand."

"So, when are you starting with your plans for the Volturi, then?" Tanya asked, putting her troubling thoughts out of her head for the moment.

"I'm thinking, after school starts back up again." Harry said. "That way I can spend a few days or weeks ravaging my wives, before I need to start acting like a spy again."

"Spy?" Carlisle asked, even as Harry vanished from sight.

"Where did he go?" Esme asked.

"I'm still here." a voice whispered from somewhere off to Esme's right. "Or am I here?" it asked from above them. "Or here… or here… or here." Harry's voice said from different locations. No matter how hard they strained their ears, they couldn't hear him moving. They couldn't hear his heartbeat or breathing either. Then Harry appeared again and sat down. "Spy." he said again.

"They won't see you coming." Eleazar said, a thrill running up his spine.

"Or leaving, apparently." Carlisle said. "And you can already hide your scent. They'll think you're a ghost or something."

"Or a poltergeist, or something else supernatural and malevolent." Carmen said, also smiling.

"It's not even all that difficult." Harry said. "Hardening my body and increasing my strength takes more out of me."

"So, invisibility and flight is not so taxing?" Esme wondered.

"I know how you may think that that's what I did," Harry allowed, "but I actually just slipped between dimensions for a bit. It's a trick of changing my own perception of reality that allows me to do that. The world where I learned that, they employed it for things like traffic control and for the flight capabilities allowed to you by the zero-g there. You can have twice as many vehicles in the air in heavily trafficked areas, if only half of them are in the same physical dimension."

"So anyone can learn that?" Tanya asked excitedly.

"It still requires power." Harry apologised. "I need to use power to both enter and exit. I should be able to take someone with me, but they will be unable to exit without me."

"So you can imprison someone there?" Kate asked. What a perfect solution to their enemies.

"If you want them haunting you until they die from hunger." Harry said. "Also, I'd need to teach them the trick, so it's not a quick and easy method to get rid of people you don't like. On the other hand, by using part of the principle-" he said as he floated off the chair, "I can manipulate my own weight and propel myself around with a thought." he said, as he started flying through the air around the place. "Maintaining the connection like this, does take more power though." he said as he landed on the chair again. "It's easier to just go there completely and fly around."

"Teach me." Kate insisted, her eyes wide. "I want to fly."

"I was going to take you and Tanya with me when I go check out the Volturi." Harry said. "I'll need to teach you this, and we'll have to practice the mental communication, because, as you saw, you can still hear people on that side."

"What's it like?" Carlisle asked.

"It looks like you are all just sitting there, unable to see me." Harry said. "There is no physical contact with the ground, though, because that's also in a different dimension from me."

"Is that how you teleport?" Carlisle asked.

"No, that uses a different principle again." Harry said.

"We'll have so much to tell the others, when they take a break." Esme said.

"They can hear us fine." Harry said. "We just can't hear them."

One of the upstairs windows burst open and Emmett fell through it to the ground. "You knew?" he asked.

"Set it up myself, didn't I?" Harry said. "That way if you're busy hammering away at Rosalie, you can still hear your mum call you down for dinner or if something important happens."

"Dinner is important." Emmett argued, not complaining about his pretty accurate description of what he had been doing until all the interesting subjects started popping up.

"Speaking of which…" Esme said, getting up. "I noticed your fridge is stocked and I want to try my hand at curry."

"I'll come help." Harry decided. "I've got a lovely recipe for-"

"You'll sit back down and enjoy yourself." Esme said sternly. "I want to cook for you, for a change."

"Yes, mum." Harry joked for her tone, sitting back down.

"Good." Esme said, as she walked away, a small smile on her face as she went.

"You're as good as adopted." Rosalie said, as she walked out the door, as opposed to jumping out the window like Emmett had. She slapped him on the arm, though. "You shouldn't let him talk about us like that." she reprimanded.

"But I was-" Emmett said.

"Don't!" Rosalie said dangerously.

Harry chucked and ran toward the pool. "Last one in's a beached whale!" he yelled as he jumped for the water.

Rosalie, Tanya, Kate, Jasper and Alice were quick to follow. Harry hadn't even realised they were coming down, too. When Harry came up, Emmett was sitting next to the pool, shaking his head.

"Tried to jump in the water with your shoes on, didn't you." Harry chuckled.

"You set me up." Emmett growled as he shoes came off and he dove into the water, chasing Harry as he propelled himself through the water, faster than Emmett could follow, laughing all the while.

"At least you're not beached anymore!" Harry taunted, as he continued on his way, subtly sending his magic at Emmett. Emmett slowed down, until he stopped. The others stared as they looked at a small, but unmistakable whale, which had been Emmett shortly before. The whale floated there for a minute, before it sank and it stayed under until the transformation wore off.

When he surfaced, he was smiling, though. "Always wondered what echo-location was like." he said.

"Yeah, being a whale is nifty that way." Harry agreed.

"You can turn into animals too?" Tanya asked, incredulously.

"Used to be able to turn into all kinds of things in this one world, but usually I only have one animal in any given world and it takes time to find it." Harry said. "I can turn others into animals though. It's both a feature and a limitation of being a magical."

"Make me a bird!" Kate said quickly.

"You really like the idea of flying don't you?" Harry asked.

"Just do it." Kate said.

"Do you know how to fly? How to use your wings and tail to stay in the air?" Harry asked. "Do you even know how to land?"

"But, he could be a whale and use echo-location!" Kate objected.

"Hold my breath and make a sound." Emmitt admitted. "I went to the bottom because I didn't know how to move properly. I couldn't figure it out quickly enough."

"Some things are easier." Harry said. "I didn't turn him into a shark either, because they have predatory instincts I didn't want to expose him to."

"Turn me, into a bird." Kate insisted. "I'll figure it out."

Harry shrugged and turned her into a seagull. "Let me know when you figure it out. The transformation should last only ten minutes or so."

"Could she be hurt in that state?" Tanya asked.

"Until the transformation wears off." Harry said, nodding.

"So, she's mortal?" Eleazar asked.

"Yes, I can turn you human for a short period, but it's a physical change only, not mental, and it's temporary." Harry said, knowing where that line of questioning was leading.

Eleazar deflated. "You've answered this question before, I take it?"

"We've asked." Carlisle agreed.

"So, you can't maintain it for longer periods?" Eleazar asked.

"I could, but there's no real benefit to you." Harry said. He closed his eyes and focussed on the man. His skin became less bleak, his hair lost its lustre and his senses dulled. "There. Tell us how you experience being human."

Eleazar stumbled as he made to walk. "I'm weaker and I can't see properly. I feel strange. Is this what being human is really like?" he asked. He couldn't remember it feeling like this.

"Likely." Harry said. "You've grown used to so many things that being human is basically a downgrade. Besides the inability to procreate, with what I've provided, the only downside I see is the need for blood."

"And you've basically got those sorted out already." Rosalie added, before she pulled Harry under the water and swam away.

What followed was basically a game of tag. There was laughter and joy, friendship and comradery. They talked, snacked, drank and were merry. When the food was done, Esme appeared and called her family to the dinner table, where she'd already set places and dished up.

As they ate the excellently prepared meal, they discussed the upgrade to Esme's pendant. Emmett suggested a floating addition, which made sense. Alice suggested a tanning modification, which technically also made sense. Laurent suggested Harry do something like that for himself and that got a few good laughs. Harry was pretty pale.

Rosalie suggested changing their eye-colour. That was definitely a good suggestion, to Harry. All these functions would go into the pendants, but it would end up putting a strain on the use of blood, for the magic. Harry didn't know how much, either, but suggested that they turn the pendants off when they were not in use or needed, if he could add all that, if he couldn't get the runes to cycle the power.

It was during this dinner, that Rosalie made an announcement. "Emmett and I are dropping out of school." she said.

"Really?" Esme asked.

"Any particular reason?" Carlisle asked.

"We've decided to become parents." Rosalie said, smiling softly at her husband. Emmett smiled brightly at her.

"There will always be reasons not to do this." Emmett agreed. "Since we don't need school and we can provide anything our kid needs, we're doing that as soon as Harry can arrange it."

Harry smiled at them. That was the right attitude to have as parents. "Congratulations, guys." Harry said. "We can start on that this evening if you want?"

"Tonight?!" Emmett asked, suddenly looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Babies take months before they are born, you know that, right?" Harry asked.

"So, you can't just grow a baby overnight, like you did with James?" Jasper asked.

"Babies work differently." Harry said. "The process I used, used James as a template and would have taken his, already developed mind, to a new body. That says nothing about the soul, either. A baby needs time to develop naturally. I could speed things along, but it could affect natural development."

"We can wait nine months." Rosalie said instantly. "We're not risking anything. We want a healthy baby."

"Good." Harry said. "So, do you think you'll be able to have a house ready and set up by nine months?" he asked.

"Your house seems child-friendly enough." Emmett said, smirking. "Wouldn't want to leave uncle Harry out of the kid's life, would we?"

"Oh, you can bring them over whenever you come and visit." Harry said. "If you're having a kid, you're the ones with the headaches of crying through the night, mothers insisting on going to the hospital at unreasonable hours and not being able to have sex because the kid crawls in with you at night."

"No sex?" Emmett asked, with a look of dawning realisation. "Maybe we should-" he started.

"You shut your mouth." Rosalie said. "If my child wants to climb in bed with me, he or she's more than welcome and you can wait till they are asleep before we do what we want."

Harry just chuckled at that. He knew too well about how attached children could get. "Good luck with that." he said. He looked at Emmett then, "Have fun for the next nine months, because after that, it's going to be the baby first, for a long time, depending on what kind of parents you turn out to be."

"Oh, I've only got nine months!" Rosalie said then, worry crossing her face. "I've got to study up on proper care methods, developmental stages, growth… Wait, what about nursing?"

"You can purchase formula." Harry said. "Wait, that's a thing here, right?" Some worlds didn't have such developments, but mostly it was universal.

"Yes, we have formula." Carlisle smirked. "There's also donor milk, hiring a wet-nurse or other methods."

"I can also set you up with something else for that." Harry said. "Your body won't be producing it, so we'll need to synthesise it with everything a mother's body does for the baby, from enzymes to antibodies, but I've done that before, so I've got it down if you'd prefer."

"How does that work?" Emmett asked.

"Lab grown breasts." Harry said. "It's like a clone thing, but with natural human functions and stuff."

"So you can clone body-parts and keep them healthy and functional?" Carlisle asked.

"This would be one of those things I can't share." Harry said. "The product, maybe. The parts, no."

"So, you'd have a clone of Rosalie's boobs floating in a tank somewhere?" Emmett asked, with a frown.

"Her human breasts, yes." Harry said. "Trust me Emmett, boobs are only boobs when they are on a woman. Hanging there by themselves in a machine, they look kind of sad, really."

"Not Rosalie's boobs." Emmett argued.

"They wouldn't be mine." Rosalie said. "They'd be the baby's."

"Exactly." Harry said. "But if you want, I'll promise not to fondle them too often." he smirked.

Emmett wanted to smile back, really he did, but he had pictures of Harry fondling his wife that he didn't want. "We'll go with another alternative." he decided.

"You do realise if he really wanted to he could conjure a copy of her body to do with it as he pleases, right?" Eleazar said. "He's proven he's more than capable, after all."

"Oh, that's not half of it." Kate said. "If he wanted, he could turn me into her, and I'd happily let him defile me." she smirked devilishly at Emmett.

Harry chuckled at that. "While it may be possible, I'd rather defile you as you are, thank you."

"You are so sweet!" Kate said, as she leaned over to kiss him.

"Thanks, Harry." Emmett said.

"Not a problem, pops." Harry said. "Have you decided if you want a boy or a girl?"

"I can choose?" Rosalie asked. "How do I choose? What if I choose wrong?"

"Rosalie, you can have more than one." Harry pointed out. "People tend to like one of each, usually a boy first, so that the girl can have an older brother to threaten her boyfriends with."

"She'll not be having boyfriends." Emmett said, firmly.

"Not even a dad yet and you're already overprotective." Harry said. "I may have been wrong. Rosalie, you should have your fun, while you can. Emmett's going be around his daughter's little finger the moment she's born."

"Girls are different." Emmett argued.

The conversation carried on for a while, but by the end, everyone left for their rooms, so that Harry could play mad scientist with the aspiring parents. He, Kate, Tanya and Rosalie and Emmett went up a flight of stairs and came to a lab. This was another clean-room environment, so they went through decontamination and Harry put on a lab-coat and disposable rubber gloves. He led them to a station, where he asked Emmett to sit in a chair.

Harry placed his hand on Emmett's arm and concentrated. "For this part of the process I need access to your DNA." Harry said, as Emmett's arm regained colour. "As you know, this is temporary, so I have to put it through a process that undoes the changes to your DNA. For that, I need two things." he said as he produced a needle.

It was a surprise to Harry, when Emmett looked nervous. "What? It's just a needle. You can't be afraid of a little prick, can you?"

"Shut up, Harry." Emmett said, as he looked away. Harry still chuckled as he took a sample.

"Now, I'll need some of your venom." Harry said, handing him a vial. "And I do mean venom. That was not some sort of euphemism for you extracting your DNA from down below."

"Why not use that?" Tanya asked.

"Won't work." Harry said. "I'm going to use his real DNA to synthesize human sperm cells. Unless you want a half-human, half-vampire kid?"

"Human is good." Rosalie said. What would that even mean, half-vampire?

Emmett put the vial to his mouth and gave Harry the sample. "So you can use those, to counteract the change to the DNA?" Emmett asked.

"Exactly." Harry said. "I was going to try and turn James back human using a formula my systems developed, but discovered the problem with the mind, before I could finish the work." He placed the collected samples in a machine and they were taken away, into the machine itself.

Harry then did the same with Rosalie.

"Okay, so, the machine will work on the DNA until proper samples are available." Harry said. "We can select the features and things now, though, if you want?"

"Features?" Emmett asked.

"Whose eyes, whose nose, whose hair, what sex? You know, features." Harry said, shrugging.

"Um, could we go with random?" Rosalie asked. "I'm thinking that will feel more natural."

"Did either of you have any allergies, bad eyes, skin, mental issues?" Harry asked.

"Not that I'm aware of?" Rosalie asked, looking at Emmett.

"Bad joints." Emmett said.

"Yeah, but you're basically half-bear." Harry chuckled. "If your joints weren't affected, I'd be surprised."

"Any issues in your family?" Harry asked. "Something like genetic pre-disposition towards cancer or mental disease?"

"I had an uncle, who was submitted to an asylum." Rosalie said.

"What was wrong with him?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." Rosalie admitted. "It wasn't talked about, back then."

"Fair enough." Harry said. "I'll just have the system run a full battery of tests for any signs of DNA that is predisposed to mental disorders. It will make process take longer, however."

"How much longer?" Rosalie asked.

"A day or so." Harry said. "DNA is very complicated. Even with a full database of information, it's like finding a hair in a haystack, for my systems."

"Needle?" Rosalie asked.

"No." Harry said. "Hair. A needle is pretty damn easy to find in a haystack. All you need is a strong enough magnet."

"Never thought of that." Rosalie admitted.

Harry was typing away on a control-panel, looking up at a screen as things popped up in a language they couldn't read.

"What's the red, flashing notifications say?" Emmett asked.

"Human cloning was illegal." Harry said. "The system is warning me that it's informing the council that I'm playing with illegal experimentation."


"Not in this world." Harry said, absently, as he finished up. "Okay, so it's all set. We can come back tomorrow and fit you for the belt and then do the insemination."

"Belt?" Rosalie asked.

"You'll see." Harry said with a smirk.