
Why is he interested in me not her?

Saim_S · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 (Day Dream)

Ahren opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar place. It was a room he never saw, a strange and unfamiliar place, feels like it's a foreign place he never read about or heard of. He was sitting on a table next to a bad. (he tried to observe the situation calmly) He tried to move and look around but he wasn't able to move an inch. Then he realized this body wasn't his.

"Huh? What is this? This body isn't mine...

Am I dreaming right now?" Ahren thought.

This body seems like of a boy who is in his twenties. He then again tried to move but failed again. This body he was in it was staring at a book that was kept in the table. Had very big smile in face.

"Finally I bought it! The original copy of 'Lady with her holy sword'. I cant believe it that it's on my hands." The boy spoke to himself when his face was full of excitement. "Male Lead and Female Lead both looks soooo gorgeous" the talking was heard again.

Ahren looked carefully at the books cover, he saw a boy and a girl standing next to each other while holding swords. The girl had shiny silver hair and purple eyes and the boy had Black hair and Golden eyes.

"It was a very beautiful bookcover indeed, in human sence." Ahren thought.

"But what is this strange dream?" Ahren thought as he was still staring at the book cover.

As he started to think about the situation,the book was opened slowly but the moment the book was opened, Ahren realized his surrounding started to get dark. he couldn't see anything in the book because of the darkness. Soon it became pitch black all around him.(his face was still calm as ever)He felt like he was floating in a Dark space. He wasn't able to hear or see anything. After a while he saw that he was standing in a library, and it was his body. It was the dukes family library. He started to look around ,Then he thought he was dreaming all along. He was lost in thoughts for a moment and then he started walking. suddenly As he started to walk he saw the floor cracking. Ahren thought an earthquake was happening suddenly.

He tried to run away from there but he couldn't. He fall into endless darkness through the cracks. He closed his eyes and started to scream very loudly (his face was no longer emotionless , fear could be seen in his face)

He then opened his eyes he saw the ceiling of library, he was on the library floor. He realized that he fall from his chair. He started to look around if anyone was there. He saw the librarian was running towards him(the librarians face looked so worried). Ahren was sweating so much. He stood up and while wiping his face with his sleeve.

"What happened young master?" Asked Lance the librarian. Lance was a 25 years old librarian. Lance had long orange hair and orange eyes.

"Nothing, I just fall from the chair ,You don't need to worry " Ahren said.

But lance kept looking at Ahren with a worried face.

"Dont tell anyone about what happened today " Ahren said to lance while looking at him coldly.

"I won't " lance said while bowing.

After that Ahren went out of the room and went to his bedroom.

To be continued.....^-^