
why i in Harry Potter universe?(1,084,170)

Meet Cain Smith, a little child full of curiosity who discovers a magical and mysterious world. He struggles with his forgotten past and his initial interaction with the mysterious Information Centre. When Cain explores the world of wizardry, he is given a fascinating gift that leads him on a quest to learn the truths about himself.

DARK_Kin · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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16 Chs

Wingardium Leviosa

In the cozy living room of their home, a sense of wonder filled the air. Angelia, Cain mother and also an witch, sat on the chair, Her dark eyes sparkled with excitement, contrasting with the curiosity in the gaze of Cain, a bright-eyed, 5-year-old boy with ruffled hair. Jordan also was there but he just, leaned against the sofa while looking at his wife and son.

Angelia held her wand and with a wave, she chanted, "Wingardium Leviosa," causing a delicate feather on the coffee table to lift gently into the air. It hovered up in the air.

Cain watched as the feather danced in the air. "I need to say that chant?" he asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

Angelia nodded, "Of course, Cain. You'll learn to use magic just like this."

"But," Cain furrowed his brow, "why do you have to say the spell out loud? Can't I just think it, also inst you say when i was an baby i can make toy fly?" Confused Cain as he clearly remember that he can make thing float without saying anything, ops maybe he did make the toy hit his father when he blaber in baby language.

Angelia smiled warmly but shook her head. "Speaking the incantation is important, Cain. It's how we channel our magic and give it direction. Only great mages, like Dumbledore and Grindelwald, can use non-verbal spells."

Cain didn't seem convinced, but he still stared at the feather, and his little brow furrowing in concentration .and chant as his mother want he to do, "Wingardium Leviosa," he muttered under his breath. The room fell silent for a moment, anticipation hanging in the air.

Nothing happened. The feather remained still, defying his unspoken command.

Jordan couldn't contain his laughter and chortled from the corner of the room. Angelia shot him a warning glance, and his laughter died down.

Cain's frustration grew as he tried again and again, but the feather remained motionless. Finally, he sighed in defeat.

Angelia, seeing his disappointment, knelt beside him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Cain, it's a skill that takes time to master. The chant help us focus and control our magic. Try saying 'Wingardium Leviosa' out loud this time, and let's see what happens."

Cain looked up at her, and with a newfound determination, he took a deep breath. "Wingardium Leviosa," he said clearly, focusing all his energy on the feather. To couple amazement, the feather slowly began to float, responding to Cain command.

Angelia beamed with pride, and Jordan's laughter turned to amazement. In that moment, the room was filled with the joy and wonder of a young wizard taking his first steps into a world of magic.

But for Cain, he was thinking

"Do i need to chant thing out loud everytime i was to use spell?, now that is hard, maybe i can secretly training on night... hopefully mom and dad dont catch me"

Unknownly to Cain, he already quite close to his current family, maybe it because he dont remember anything before he was born...

To be continue


Is there any improvement in this chapter?