
why i in Harry Potter universe?(1,084,170)

Meet Cain Smith, a little child full of curiosity who discovers a magical and mysterious world. He struggles with his forgotten past and his initial interaction with the mysterious Information Centre. When Cain explores the world of wizardry, he is given a fascinating gift that leads him on a quest to learn the truths about himself.

DARK_Kin · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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16 Chs

Journey to Hogwart

The day had finally come for Cain to board the Hogwarts Express, the magical train that would take him to the renowned school of witchcraft and wizardry. King's Cross railway station was bustling with both Muggles and wizards, and Cain's parents stood with him at the barrier that led to Platform 9¾.

As the time to board drew near, Cain couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The magical wall that separated the hidden platform from the rest of the station stood before them, and it was time to take the leap into the world of magic.

Cain hugged his parents tightly, a sense of gratitude and affection filling his heart. He was about to begin an incredible journey, but their love and support would always be with him. "I'll make you proud, Mom, Dad. I promise." said Cain

Jordan replied with a smile "We know you will, Cain. You've got this." then Angelia bow down and hug Cain and said "Remember to write to us and keep us updated on everything, okay?"

Cain nodded, then, with a final embrace as family, he took a step toward the magical barrier. He walked briskly toward it and, with the feeling of passing through a waterfall, he found himself on Platform 9¾.

The Hogwarts Express, a magnificent scarlet train, stood ready to take students to the school. Steam billowed from the locomotive, and the platform was abuzz with excitement. Students and parents bid their farewells, and Cain was no exception. He turned to wave at his parents, who stood on the platform, their smiles filled with pride.

Cain's heart pounded with anticipation as he boarded the train. He glanced around the corridor, looking for an empty compartment where he could sit and take in the sights of the journey. Finally, he found one and stepped inside.

Inside the compartment, he saw a boy with black hair and red eyes who appeared to be about his age. The boy was engrossed in a book, completely absorbed in his reading. Cain thought to himself, "It looks like my soon-to-be friend is quite a smart guy." Cain proceed to ask "Hi, can I sit down here?"

The boy startled and looked up from his book and quickly replied "Oh, of course. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in." Cain sat down and extended his hand. "I'm Cain Smith. What's your name?"

"I'm Zack Walker. You can just call me Zack." said Zack nervously

"Nice to meet you, Zack."

As the train sped away from the station, Cain and Zack began to chat. Cain mainly talked about Quidditch and the excitement of attending Hogwarts.

"Do you know that Liverpond was defeated by a new Quidditch club? If I'm not mistaken, the club's name is Cellsea. They're so strong that Liverpond was defeated with a score of 120 to 40, and no one was able to catch the Golden Snitch!" said Cain excitedly

while Zack was more engrossed in the various books he had brought along. Some of the titles included "How to Unfreeze a Frozen Bread" and "20 Ways to Stop Looking at Stone." he still try to talk with Cain as he replied ""If they could defeat Liverpond, who dominated the Quidditch tournament for over five years, they must be incredibly strong."

As the conversation flowed, Zack couldn't help but ask a question that had been on his mind. "Cain, do you know how to use Alohomora? You know, the spell for opening locked doors?"

"alohomora?" said Cain as he nodded, proud of his proficiency with the spell. However, before he could respond to Zack, the compartment door suddenly swung open, revealing an empty corridor. Startled, Cain got up, closed the door, and returned to his seat. He and Zack burst into laughter. its look like the door was open by Cain when he say the chant.

Despite their different interests, they found common ground and shared a harmonious conversation.

Their discussion was interrupted when the compartment door swung open. A girl with silver hair entered, with blue eye that looking for a place to sit. Cain quickly greeted her.

Cain: "Hi, I'm Cain, and this is my friend Zack, please have a sit."

The girl smiled and introduced herself.

Girl: "I'm Rose, Rose Taylor thanks."

She took a seat opposite Cain and Zack, and as they chatted, Cain was pleasantly surprised to discover how much Rose knew about the magical world. It turned out that she had traveled all over the world with her family during holidays and had gathered a wealth of knowledge about different magical cultures.

As their conversation continued, Zack turned to Rose with curiosity and said "Rose, you mean that during your last holiday, you went to Japan with your family?", Cain also stared at Rose waiting for the answer.

Rose replied with smile on her face "Yes, Japan is very different from London. The wizards, or as they call themselves, shinobi, use hand signals to perform magic."

"Hand signals for magic? Like this?" Cain spontaneously moved his hand in a pattern and enthusiastically said, "Smash!"

Rose chuckled as she watched Cain's playful attempt at mimicking the magical practices of another culture. The magical world was full of diverse traditions, and Rose's experiences in Japan had given her a unique perspective on the ways magic was practiced around the world.

As the train continued on its journey, the three new friends shared stories, laughed, and looked out the window at the passing landscapes. The adventure at Hogwarts was just beginning, and with Zack and Rose by his side, Cain couldn't have been more excited to see what the future held.

The train journey drew to a close, and the students, now dressed in their Hogwarts robes, were ready for the next phase of their adventure. Hagrid, the half giant, was there to welcome them.

 "All right, first years! Gather 'round, but remember, four to a boat." said the giant

Cain, Zack, and Rose, along with their fellow first-year students, carefully boarded the small boats by the edge of the Black Lake. Each boat could accommodate four passengers, lucky to the trio there were the only three student left to ride the boat as other already on the boat, and with a nod from Hagrid, they set off across the waters.

"hey look at that, there were giant octopus?" said Cain while grinning, rose just shock her head and Zack already proceed to lay down on the boat

When they arrived at the castle, a figure of utmost authority awaited them: Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress, and head of Gryffindor House. She was a distinguished witch, and her presence commanded respect.

Professor McGonagall: "Welcome to Hogwarts, first years. Please form a line, and we will proceed into the castle."

The students quickly formed a line, their excitement is still growing, as them enter the castle, they were greeted by all older student and professor.

for Cain he already notice Dumbledore who were looking at him, in response Cain smile toward the head master.


to be continue