
Why do I have to relive the apocalypse? Just let me die already

They appeared a few days after the first earthquake. Burrowing through the earth's weakened crust were demons, attacking humans on sight. Along with them came a mysterious virus from beneath earth's crust, a disease that monsterizes humans through uncontrolled exposure. Gideon lasted for ten years before meeting his end. Now when given the chance, how would he relive the apocalypse with the knowledge he amassed over his past life?

ZeTrenel · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Game Over, Restart, Begin

There's no need to try anymore.

This world will eventually come to an end

They just don't stop coming, the waves are never ending.

There is no more places to run, places to hide, even the amount of food left is basically finished.

And the next earthquake, it's already come...

I stand atop at the rooftop of a 40-story High-Rise-Building as the zombies constantly bang on the stairway door, keeping them back. It was only a matter of time, I've run out of places to run to. All my allies are dead and now, I'm all alone. The last remaining person in my own country.

I jump down from the ledge as I brace myself for my oncoming death

Hellfire Inferno - Total Purgatory

A dual spiral of flames appeared beside me, circling my body as I slowly fell downwards. Crashing down onto what seemed like an endless infinity of demans and devils

The devils came not long after the first earthquake, they burrowed through the earths crust and killed humans for fun. Although low in numbers, they are smart and can think as logically as humans. In terms of physical ability, they outclass humans in every possible way. They look and act just like humans apart from their sharp-tipped tail and dual horns.

The demans, they were once humans themselves. When the virus that slowly crept up from beneath the crust, humans that couldn't handle the exposure were slowly turned into monsters, similar to what the zombies you'd see in fps games, just brain dead and attacking people. Although some may evolve and gain intelligence, it rarely happens.

The word 'demans' is a combination of the word 'devil' and 'human' or in other terms, a human who has monsterized completely


April 1 2030

I close my eyes for impact as I accepted my fate.


Slowly, I got up from my desk which was full of drool and stared at the teacher in front of me. He hit the edge of my desk with a cane and raised the cane once more.

In that split second, I quickly slid behind my teacher and took possession of the cane, barely grazing his neck. The teacher, out of fear, placed both hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

It took me a while to realise that I was in class currently. Quickly, I took the cane and slid it into my sword holder.

Dumbfounded, my classmates chuckled at what I just did. It was then I realised how stupid I looked placing a cane into a "imaginary holder"

After calmly collecting himself, the teacher became furious, "GIDEON!..."

"Right right, principal's office" cutting him off, I waved my hand as I walked out the front door, shutting it behind me

The highest ever recorded magnitude for an earthquake, ~9.5, was easily broken past by an upcoming disaster, which shook the entire earth itself. The recorded magnitude of the earthquake on that day, was 12.0, causing widespread disaster across the globe. Leaving half of humanity with either fatal or light injuries and over a billion deaths. But that was not even the worse part. With the earthquake, cracks started to form across the surface of earth, giving way to 'devils' to burrow up from underneath the ground. Attacking those who were still recovering from the earthquake. If there weren't an earthquake of this magnitude, the devils would probably never have woken up or managed to dig through the earth's crust. There were many theories on the earthquake, but this was generally the most agreed on.

These devils brought up a mysterious virus with them from beneath the crust. Causing humans to monsterize. Getting bit by them or getting your bodily fluids mixed with them would result in you becoming one of them if you could not handle viral load contained in them.

Why the hell am I hear again? And it seems I'm still in secondary school (high school). Judging by my attire, I'm in my senior years. I wanted to go out with a bang and now you tell me I'm somehow reincarnated.

I grabbed my phone from my left pocket

It seems to be working fine, the earthquake hasn't happened after all.

On the day of the earthquake, all phones were affected by it and all are out of service. The shockwave from the earthquake short-circuited all phones, deeming them unusable.

Let's see, a photo of my sister as the home screen, I must've been a big sis-con back then. But there's no need to worry about her, she survived the first earthquake after all.

1 April 2030 8.30 A.M



April 1st, the day of the first earthquake

Time of oncoming earthquake, 9 A.M

Simply put it, there's was no time to lose. I need to prepare ASAP. But before that, I rush back into my classroom

"Everyone! Grab everything you need to survive right now, an earthquake is about to happen. Warn your family and get a weapon and stock up on food!" I yelled

With this, everyone in class burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

"Yo bro, what type of sick April fools joke is this?"

I slammed the door shut, but I could still hear them. It's their fault if they didn't believe me.

"Yo guys remember to stockpile food like that Covid sht from Long time ago. We're going into lockdown again guys."

"I met god yesterday. He told me I'd lose my virginity at -"

With that, I took my leave as I hurried down the flight of stairs

"GIDEON WHERE ARE YOU GOING! THAT IS NOT THE DIRECTION TO THE PRINCIPAL's OFFICE!" My maths teacher's face was fuming red as he screamed across the hallway, giving chase but soon letting up after realising he couldn't catch up to me.

Losing him, I walk down to the Design & Technology room and asked the assistant for some stuff.

(D&T is like a crafting workshop class for students)

"Hi, Mr ... told me to grab a steel rod. Like 2 metres thick. Do you have any around?"

"Hold on a Sec"

A minute later, he brought a steel rod over as I thanked him and headed towards the open school field.

Before that, I turned around and said "At 8.59 hide underneath the steel bench, it should protect you?"

Confused, he shrugged it off and waved a goodbye

It would be just a while longer...

As I run towards the middle of the school field, I rested on the ground and jabbed the steel rod into the ground relatively far away from me.

"Yo, look! Gideon's setting up camp"

"His taking April Fools too seriously lmao"

My classmates were piling outside the corridor mocking me from afar

8.59.59 A.M

The first tremor came.