
New Girl?

I hesitated before I could take another bite, a big sigh blurted out, I sat there devastated. I thought, "Why is there school? It's not I needed it" my mother interrupted my thoughts as she said "Might as well walk a turtle while you're at it." she swiftly made her way into her room. I could feel my body weakening. Unwilling to go to school, I threw myself on my bed for approximately 5 minutes before I could make my way towards my vanity. I stared at myself, there I noticed my smudged mascara and a faded dark purple under my hazel eyes, to be honest I felt like throwing up, somehow adrenaline was running through my veins, it made me want to scream and run for miles. I brushed out my dirty blonde hair and put it in some perfectly aligned cornrows. My face felt as if a stick of butter had danced on my skin thus leaving me to aggressively clean the oil and mascara off. I snatched my eye curler and gently placed the cold metal on my skin... my eyelashes were lush. Once I finished getting ready I grabbed my bag and made my way to my moms car. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, I pressed the home button and admired my deceased brothers and father, I gently sighed and closed my eyes wishing it was only a dream, unfortunately it wasn't. Sometimes I tell myself maybe if I haven't had stayed home they wouldn't have died but then I notice wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't, didn't change anything. I inhaled and exhaled in a gentle manner, I played with the tips of my hair and sat outside listening to the sweet sound of the birds. My mother rushed outside and got in her car I followed her. I sat down it the front seat and listened to the shuffling of my mother struggling to place her things down, a few minutes after, she sighed and pressed the "push start" button. The car rumbled and we made are way to my new school. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, I felt myself falling down a cliff, a cliff that never ended.

There we were in front of the school, it was called "Tiberwood Creek High School", I started at my mother nervously, "Mom why'd he have to move, I miss New York" I said in a shaky voice, she replied gently and said "Darling everything will be just fine". I made my way into the new school and stared at the ground, I glanced at the administrators as they welcomed my mother and I. "You must be Melody" one of the administration said, I replied in a soft voice "y-yes that would indeed be me", I looked up and there sat an old Asian lady, I read the tag which was pinned on her right side of her shirt, her name was "Yua". She handed me my attendance and accompanied me to my first class. She seemed delicate and yet sophisticated, "So you are the beautiful young lady everyone has been talking about, beautiful indeed." I giggled softly and said "Thank you Yua. I love you're name.", "Don't you worry everyone here should treat you like a queen and if they dare treat you badly, come and let me know.", she knocked on the door and I could see a slight shadow moving towards the door. (Click) The door opened and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.