
Why am I Still Alive!?

On her first day of university, Lay runs across the highway, hoping to get hit. “Truck-sama!” she mutters, The first thing she sees when she awakens, is a “god” who tells her she will be reincarnated in a fantasy world with the reasoning of “You should have lived longer!" Follow Lay as she tries to live happily (???) in this fantasy world. --------------------------------------------------- Hii, this is my first time writing a long novel so I hope you enjoy!

UowoU · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Burden

"Lay" - (?)


"Lay, wake up" - (?)

"ugh go away" - Lay

Let me sleep, what's up with this old man, didn't I die? Frick, just let me rest in peace or pieces, either way seems fine to me.

"LAY!" - Old man

"WHAT?" - Lay

Dang it old man, do you really wanna start a fight HUH?! I'm pretty good at fighting, ya know? I could take some pretty heavy blows, ya know? I'm pretty used to getting beaten up ,ya know? I know it doesn't sound intimidating but in a fight its goddamn important to be capable of taking blows ya know?!

"Ahem" - Old man

"What is it?" - Lay

"I would appreciate it if you could stop glaring at me, Lay." - Old man

"Who wouldn't glare at a creepy old man, who, for some ungodly reason, knows my name and I will be frank with you old man, no one really cares about my name. I would also APPRECIATE it, if you introduced yourself." - Lay

This old man is getting on my nerves, if he doesn't get to the point, I'll just beat it out of him.

"Kids these days always so impatient." Mumbles the old man. "As you can see we are in a different plane compared to Earth" He says while gesturing towards the vast emptiness around him.

Now that I think about it, I haven't sized up my surroundings. As I look around, all I can see is pitch black, an emptiness that never ceases to end. The only thing in here it seems like, is me and this creepy old man. The creepy old man has a long beard and eyebrows practically the same length. He is wearing a simple white dress, similar to what ancient greeks wore but modernized?

Just when I thought he couldn't get worse.

"Now, it seems like you are finally ready to talk." continues the old man while smiling benevolently.

"I am what your people might call 'god'. I wanted to firstly tell you, you will be reincarn-"


Oww that hurts more than I thought it would, frick. This crazy ass creepy old man.

"Spouting nonsense and waking people up. I don't care if you are god or whatever but I finally died. I finally did it. AND NOW, YOU WANT TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME? Do you know how much I have wanted to just rest and sleep or disappear?" Frick, what did I do to deserve this.

"Lay, I know you don't want to but you have no choice, you never did before and even now. Maybe if you grow stronger but until that time comes, these are not things you have a say in" - 'God'


"Sadly we don't have much time, so I will run you over with a few things and then you can ask questions. In your previous life, your death was unplanned for, to compensate your early death you will be reincarnated into a fantasy world called Ostin. You will also be granted a system to help the transition and stay in the world. You will be reborn into a noble family and here is the fun part, you will gain her memories of the future. How you will use it is up to you. Now, any questions?" - 'God'

There is no point in trying to stop this, I will just hurt myself. Ain't I the best at just going with the flow? Just numb those feelings, feelings are overrated hahaha.

"A few questions; If there were any injustice or hatred the noble had, would I have to help her get revenge? Are there any expectations from you? Is that all the benefits I would be getting?" - Lay

"No need to get revenge, no expectations from me and I can grant you one ability." - 'God'

Hmm well I suppose I'll see how things fare. Then for that one ability... Isn't it obvious? Of course I'll go with,

"Increased learning ability." - Lay

"Ho Ho Ho, people would usually say the "ability to learn all types of magic!" or "indestructible body!" but I suppose this would do. Now, off you go."

The stinky old man waved his arm, suddenly I see a white light below and I'm falling?

Wait, WAIT. I did not sign up for this, damn stinky old man you could have at least warned me about the fallll...


UGH I feel nauseous. I feel like puking. I'm tired. Maybe I'll just go back to sleep. Yeah that seems nice...

"%^#!&^#^#!$%&!" - (?)

Who? Why do they sound so distressed, I can't understand what they are saying but they seem to be in panic? I slowly open my eyes to see people with facial features as a blur and their bodies too, everything has the texture of a blur... I forgot I'm a baby, weren't babies nearsighted until 3 or 4 months? They're still murmuring in the background, The language feels so different from any other I have been exposed to before. I tried moving around my arms and legs, good thing I seem to have both, probably no disabilities, next,

"Aau, aauu, wahh" - Lay

Vocal chords check,

"@%$&#***!%@^*#%$^!8" - (?)

Te voices seem to be in more disarray, I wonder why? I try and open my eyes but the lights are blinding. I wish they would pull down the curtains or turn off the lights.

I can see a bit of the features the person holding me has. She seems to be in her late 30s from the bits of wrinkles here and there, she seems to have more of a western face with large and blue eyes plus a tall nose, her hair is golden but tied up I think. Her clothing feels soft and silky but have the characteristics of a maid uniform. I don't think she is my mother in this life. She doesn't seem to have much affection from me, I'm not basing this off just because the creepy old man said I would be born a noble, it is because her face looks upset and she is standing rather than laying down. I can also see a blurry figure laying down in what seems to be a bed. The maid(?) is taking me somewhere else, oh, I'm being put inside a crib? I don't even get to see mother or be held by her? Does mother not want me? Even though I reincarnated, I guess no matter where I am, I will always be a burden.

No need to think Lay, I should just sleep, I'm tired anyways.