
Why 'The Records' broke

The beginning marks the end. A story untold as it never ended, a story broken as it never got the chance to heal, a story of the stars and a story of the world abandoned by fate. People live by desires, dreams, motivation and undying crave for something. Everybody want something in life, something that they want to achieve no matter the cost. But how about those who don't? How does it feel to not have any dreams? How does it feel to not have a single thing you are interested in? How does it feel to not crave for anything? Life goes just like the flow of the river with nothing so ever happening in your life and meet the Sea as in Death. What would happen if an otaku character travel beyond the Milkyway Galaxy to the world of magic? Rudra the main protagonist travels with the Emissary of the Destructor to the World of magic. Faced with the Trial beyond the limits of his own, Rudra fails to overcome the Trial. But the Destructor grants him another chance because of the transcending power he posses ' Authority'. Two years after the Trial will be held again to test the successor of Shadow God, if he fails to overcome the Trial again then not even Death can save him. Rudra ends up on the planet Seed in the Reedreada Galaxy as per the Destructors wish. There he joins the famous Star Verse Academy to train himself and overcome his limits and face the Trial with everything he got. But will that be it... English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

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44 Chs

First Day at the Academy

As we were walking, I found Evan, Ethne, Erika and snow talking with each other. Evan and Ethne were talking about some stuff, Erika disturbing them with her unique antiques and Snow just looking around, not interested much in their conversation. Others who were with me greeted them, but I didn't do much and just nodded my head.

" Hey Evan, can you come with me for a second?"

" Okay."

Evan and the group came toward me.

" Umm.. can I talk to him personally for a bit?"

" Ohhhhh!"

I tilted my head.

What's with that reaction?

Ethne pulled me and Evan closer by the shoulders, her boobs touching mine and Evan at the same time.

" Rudra, I didn't know you were into men."

" Shut up you dumb head."

I tried to get away from her, but damn she is too strong. I looked towards Snow for help but she turned her head away, there was a faint smile on her face which irritated me to no end.

I looked at Evan for help, but that dude... wait is he enjoying it?

" Hey hey what secrets are you talking about?"

Erika with her short height tried to peek while separating Evan from Ethne's boobs.

" Help me here too Shortie."



Ugh... I think I messed up again.

Erika's face turned red with anger, and I can literally see the vein bulging on her forehead.

Sensing the situation which was getting out of hand. Evan pulled me away from Ethne, and we ran as fast as we could.

" Stop right there you fucker."

Erika's loud shout made us almost trip on the spot.

" Damn, a girl shouldn't curse."

I heaved a sigh of relief after we got away from her.

" You seriously need to stop calling her that."

" What can I do? It just came out of my mouth."

" Just remember that, I won't always be there to save you."

' I know, it's just that old habits die hard.'

We walked slowly around the first year building.

" Umm.. do you know where the cafeteria is?"

" What?..... so you wanted to ask just this."

" Yeah."

" You should have asked me directly then."

" Never mind that."

" Okay, it's on the first floor in the first year building. It's morning time, but the cafeteria here is open for 24/7 so no problem eating whatever and whenever you want. Come with me, I will show you."

We walked steadily without much talking but suddenly my head started to hurt.

" Ugh.."

My head just won't stop hurting.

" Hey, you alright man."

" Suffering from mana exhaustion two times in a single day on top of that I am hungry as hell. Do you think I will be alright?"

" Aah.. sorry about that?"

After a bit of walking we arrived at the cafeteria, most of the first year students were having morning breakfast while chatting around in groups.

As we stepped in the entire cafeteria fell silent. The students hung sown their head without daring to look up.

Evan nudged me on the shoulders, I looked aside. He directed towards a table which was far away from others and also with little decorations to indicate its uniqueness.

We sat in the corner bench away from most of the students. There were waiters working here to help students in maintaining their healthy diet as well as serving food.

I ordered everything which Evan recommended multiplied by 3, honestly I don't know what kind of dishes they are and I don't care. At this point I just wanted to dig in and fill my stomach.

21 dishes arrived in front of me, Evan simply picked up a glass of milk and toast, leaving behind everything for me. Other students occasionally glanced at me as I hungrily devoured all the dishes. But I did my best to ignore them as I was too hungry to care. The entire cafeteria was silent, making the crunching sound even louder.

Krunch... chump....

' Damn, so embarrassing.'

' I know this would happen, that's why I refused to take Erika, Ethne and Snow with us.'

My poker face hid my thoughts away.

" You need to finish everything in 10 minutes, class will start exactly at 7:30 am."

10 minute target was no problem. I was just that hungry.

Chomp.. krunch...


" Let's go."

After hungrily devouring everything I walked towards our class with Evan.

On our way, I saw the same guys who tried to pick a fight with me yesterday. They ran away at the sight of us.

I also didn't pay much attention to them.

' They aren't worth my time, no need to get so worked up over small matters.''

But this situation....

Confused, I focused on their line of sight. Only then did I noticed that they were running away from the guy beside me, Evan.

" Why were they running away from you?"

" Khum.. I am the strongest guy amongst the first years."

" That's not enough of a reason for them to run away like that."

" You will understand later."

' Acting cool huh, never mind.'

We arrived at the front of the class room, Evan pushed open the door and we entered in the class.

Everyone in the class turned their attention towards us.

"" Good morning big brother, little brother.""

A vein bulged on my forehead.

" Who the fuck are you calling little brother."

"" Oh, don't be so angry LITTLE brother.""

' These bastards.'

I walked to my seat at the last bench while observing others.

Now that I notice it, there are more girls in my class than boys and the same thing within the whole academy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HERECTICGODcreators' thoughts