
Chapter 4

“Can’t have been the hair,” Tina replied, kissing the side of Bonnie’s neck. “You already knew you weren’t straight.”

“I wassitting with the president of the Pink Triangle Society.”

“Right, and you weren’t knocked over by herhair. I think she actually had a rainbow dyed into it our freshman year.”

“Must have been something else then…” Bonnie smiled, remembering.

“Or you actually thought, that girl looks weird, and you didn’t fall in love with me until much, much later. Like the first time I came to your dorm room with that Caramel Sutra ice cream you love so much. That’sprobably when you decided I was the one.”

“No, I had that thought way back then. I promise.” Bonnie really wanted Tina to understand this, because she was afraid that what she was about to say would sound sudden otherwise. She didn’t want Tina to think she was saying things she didn’t really mean, or that she’d only come up with this idea because she was in extreme circumstances.