
Chapter 11

Tina watched them go, holding Bonnie’s hand. “We have amazing friends.”

Bonnie’s forehead was wrinkled with concern. “DX hates getting misgendered as she. I feel bad. Those TV crews are not going to get what DX is about. I sort of feel like we should stop them.”

Tina chewed on her lip. “Think about it. DX knows, probably better than any of us, what they’re getting into. I think we need to take this as the incredibly generous gift it is and hope we get married before the protesters figure out the trick.”

“Yeah, but the trick is only going to work until my parents get here. I’d hate it if DX put themself on the line like this for nothing.”


Tina jumped at the stranger’s voice. A woman at the front of the line was trying to get their attention. Tina cleared her throat. “Yeah?”

“Do you want to switch with us?”

Tina stared, not quite comprehending what was being offered. Bonnie, however, was quicker on the uptake. “Really? You would do that?”