

The base didn't look like anything a villain would reside in, if I'm being honest. It was just a regular, two story suburben. Or, at least, that's what it looked like. Appearances can be deceiving. Eve and I were on my bike, following after the other heroes and students. He was behind me, arms respectfully around my waist, the both of us wearing helmets. As we got to the gate, I cut the engine, and we both climbed off, walking it up. I kicked the stand down, and we both took our helmets off as the rest of the combat group caught up, placing them on the seat of the bike, putting on our hero masks instead. Oh, yeah-Eve was wearing his costume, which was like a ren-fair cloak. It was colored different shades of blue, like the ocean, with hints of green and accents of gold. It was also paired with brown boots, gloves, and his mask consisted of a bandana with a wave pained on the side of it, which only let his eyes show, the lower half of his face covered. Anyway, the others all came over and we huddled around the fence silently, knowing the recon groups were somewhere close by, ready to give out any sort of information, come up with plans, or step in if they had to. Ms. Violet looked at all of us in turn-me, Eve, Dash, Amina, Nerissa, and a few others from the different classes, along with a few of the licensed heroes, of course-a silent question in her eyes. 'Are you students ready?' We all gave our own reassurances, nods and some quiet 'yes, ma'am's all around. Oh, if only we knew how much trouble this one little rescue mission would cause.