

Connor, Eve, Elizabeth and I were grouped together, at the gates with everyone else, including the other classes. They had already gone over the plan, and I'd made sure to commit it to memory. Ms. Violet was also going around, class to class, probably passing out the comms we'd use during our mission. "Alright, is the plan clear?" Mr. Chan asked, his voice cutting through the sky. Mr. Chan was another teacher of ours, the reading teacher, and he was one of my favorites, really. He had dark hair, and brown eyes, and was wearing his own hero costume, which was a bodysuit. He was witty, sarcastic, and sometimes more of the stoic teacher, but I still liked him, somehow. Anyway, everyone nodded or responded with a quick 'Yes sir', which seemed to sastify him. "Good." Mr. Weir, the principal, then stepped forward. "Students. I take it you all understand the risks and dangers you all are putting yourselves in by helping us on this mission. But it is still crucial that you listen to this next part. First: None of you will be alone during this. You will have your classmates, and you will have us, the staff, as well. Second: Don't try to be the lone hero. You can't do everything by yourself, and everyone needs some help sometimes. This would be one of those times. Third: Try to keep close to the teams you have been assigned to. If you lose sight of your team out there, then join another one. Fourth: Do not, and I repeat, do not turn your comms off. We need to know everything that's happening, such as if someone is heavily injured and can no longer fight." Ms. Violet then came up to us, and handed us what looked to be an ear piece, which we put in without any problems. "And, finally: Do your beat to ensure that no harm comes to the child. We're there to save them, not hurt them. Understood?" Everyone nodded, and a chorus of 'Yes, sir's could be heard as well, to which the principal nodded. "Alright, then. As long as everyone here sticks to the plan, we have a way to succeed. Now, let's get going." Ms. Violet then stepped up, one hand in the air. "The groups that were separated into the combat category, you'll be following me!" Mr. Chan stepped up a few feet away from her, his hand also raised. "The recon groups will follow me." The four of us looked at each other. Eve and I had been assigned to the combat group, while Connor and Elizabeth had been assigned into recon. Their powers weren't the reason they'd been assigned to recon. It was just that they were better at stratigizing than physical combat. We hugged, wished each other good luck, and went on our way. Eve and me headed over to Ms. Violet, and Connor and Elizabeth went over to Mr. Chan. Then, once everyone was in their groups, we were headed off to the base.