

I made it to the university with about five minutes to spare. I turned my bike off, grabbed my bag, and looked at the building. It was made of brick, as tall as a skyscraper, but made in the shape of an H with another H behind it. There were windows, yes, and there was a garden of flowers and grass and other plants surrounding the buildings. Then you had the small gate that was meant to keep the normies out. I'd only gotten through by stating my reason for coming after they'd asked on the other side of the intercom. "Oh, good, you're here." I turned around, finding a man in an all-blue outfit. Blue blazer, blue pants, blue shoes. The only thing that wasn't blue was his white undershirt. His blonde hair had been swept to the side, showing off his Hazel eyes. "You are Shelby Lee, aren't you?" I tisked. "That depends on who's asking." The corners of the man's lips ticked up a bit. "I'm Mr. Weir, the principal of this university." "Along with the one who sent me the envelope." I cut in, standing from my black bike. He looked at it as if seeing it for the first time. "I'd like to show you around. We're honored to have someone with a power like yours to teach. Now, this way, if you please." Then, Mr. Weir walked off, and I followed him, not really given much of a choice. "Our students here learn what they need to in order to become heroes. We teach them how to use their powers, how to rescue someone, how to fight. But mainly how to protect anyone and everyone from harm. That's why they come here, after all. Your lucky to come here at the start of the new year." After stopping in front of the building, he opened the door for me, and I went in, waiting for him to get in front of me to tour me around. The halls were painted white, lined with little, floating square lockers that had names on them. Probably student lockers. I told myself, raising an eyebrow at the technology. "Our classes are divided up into sections based on how well you can control your power. Class 1 is the class with the best control, over there." He pointed to a door with the number one on it in a big, blue print. "Class two is the class that has fairly good control, but still needs some help." I noted that class two was across from class one. "And class three is the class that has the worst control. Based on what we've read on your powers, you'll most likely end up in either class one or two. If you'll follow me, I'll show you where the training room is." I sighed. This was going to be a long tour.


About two hours later, the tour was over, and Mr. Weir dropped me off at the school dorms so I could settle in. I pushed the door open, hoping not to see anyone, but their were about twenty other students who were just hanging out. That was, until I entered, and closed the door. Then, they went silent, and looked me over. "New kid, huh? Well, no problem, we'll do our best to make you feel at home! Won't we, guys?" No one answered. I looked at the person who had spoken-and found it was Connor, that guy from last night. This time, he was wearing jeans, boots, a black undershirt, and a Jean jacket. He also held my helmet in his hands-my helmet. I left it there in my rush to get out. And he knows. He walked over to me, held the helmet with one finger in front of my face. "I think you forgot this last night." He told me, smirking. I took my helmet back, and glared at him. "Yeah, thanks." I turned, and was about to find my room, when some student spoke up. "Let me help you find your room." I turned my head to look at her. She had her rainbow hair pulled up into a bun, and she was wearing something straight out of a hero movie. Her outfit consisted of a pink crop top, paired with a thigh-length, yellow skirt, and some brown boots. Her eyes were an unusual orange color. She came to stand beside me. "I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Lighter. You are?" She started walking down the hall, and I followed her, then answered her question. "Well, Shelby, it's nice to meet you! I can't wait to see what your costume will look like and what your hero name will be and what your power is!" I mentally sighed, already knowing this girl would become my friend whether I liked it or not.