

He sure loves marking whats his...I thought, looking at myself in the mirror the next morning. My neck looked completely purple, thanks to the hickeys he left, and it was a bit sore. There were also some spread out across my chest and shoulders. Thankfully, adding a bit of concealer helped. I made sure to leave at least two or three, so that way, anyone who didn't know me could see I was taken. As I was cleaning up, I heard a bit of rustling, and some quite grumbles. I smiled fondly to myself, because I knew who it was. "Morning, babe." Yeah, thats right. Connor had stayed in my dorm last night. After our little moment in front of the door, we had cuddled the rest of the night, and sweet talked until he'd fallen asleep. However, I hadn't been able to sleep at all. So, I had decided to cover my eyebags with concealer as well, like I always did. No one needed to know I was an insomniac. "Mm, morning, kitten..." He replied, before joining me in the bathroom, and wrapping his arms around my midsection, resting his chin sleepily on my shoulder. My cheeks turned a little pink at the newer nickname, and he chuckled softly. "That's a new one." I commented, brushing my hair. "Yeah, I figured I could switch it up every now and then."