

What hadn't been expected happened so fast, I wondered what was going on, until I took stock of the situation. One, Connor was being held up off the ground by his collar, and the person holding him was a lady with white ringlets, dark skin, and red eyes. She wore a red cloak that faded into white at the edges and left her middle uncovered. Two, there were four others with this lady. Two of them were pale guys, with the exact same blonde mullet, the same blue eyes, and the same leather jackets and jeans and boots. Another one was a girl with black hair in a 80's style ponytail, with brown eyes, and light skin. She wore a blue crop-top with a hood attached to it, and it was paired with an orange skirt, along with green, ankle-high boots. And the last one had the short brown hair, but a woman's gentle features, consisting of amber eyes and tan skin. They wore a black suit, with matching pants, and Converse. They all snapped their heads in all directions, taking a look at each and every student. Shit! I should've made a Elizabeth and Ms. Violet and me invisible! I thought, gathering the shadows around me before the villains looked at our group. Connor had seen me, though, and he was staring at me. I stare back, hoping he'd understand that if he kept staring, he'd give me away and I'd get caught. He looked away after a minute, and shook his head, eyes closed. "Well well well. What do we have here, gang?" The albino lady holding Connor said, grinning evily. "Multiple heroes, it looks like, and their students as well?" Ms. Violet stepped forward, waving her hands in the air, causing huge, strong vines to grow from the ground. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, your choice." The lady pretended to think about this. "We ain't going quietly." "The hard way it is." Before I knew it, absolute chaos unfolded, making it hard for me to move around. Ms. Violet and her strong vines were swinging around, trying to grasp onto the villains, or even hit them. The students were using their powers, too, since we'd been granted permission before leaving. The actual heroes fought as well. But, as I looked around, I noticed that no one was able to get close to Connor and that lady. Maybe I could...I thought, and weaved my way through the battlefield, careful to avoid bumping into anyone or getting in the way of their fight. Minutes later, I reached Connor, and crouched, wrapping my legs around the villains ankles.."What the fu-?" I flipped over, and pinned her down, before Connor swapped places with me, pushing me away, and pinning the lady to the ground. "I've got her distracted." He told me, and I nodded, about to run off to help the others. But one of the twins stopped me short, cracking his knuckles, and grinning, thinking he'd win against me. Fat chance, bud!


We exchanged blows and dodges, perries and blocks, for about thirty minutes. After those thirty minutes, I gripped my daggers, and started telepprting around the twin, slashing and kicking and stabbing and punching whenever I got the chance. But, as I flew through the air, I made a mistake. Instead of teleporting above him, I ended up behind him, and he used that to his advantage. He grabbed my wrist, pulled me toward him, and then slid his other hand onto my neck, not letting my feet touch the ground.