

The hero at the entrance grabbed onto the pole, about to swing himself over, when the villain called out, "Mmn, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You don't want to see a kid as young as her die, now, do you?" It was a funny feeling growing inside me. I wasn't scared but I wasn't not scared. I wasn't worried but I wasn't calm. It was like my body couldn't decide to be the calm, "helpless" hostage, or the frantic hostage that fought back. With me free hand, I moved two of my fingers, causing a skeleton to break away from the group, and tiptoe over to us. I tried to make it move as slowly as possible. I didn't want it to be noticed. I looked at the group of students, watching their faces go through the emotions of fear, then worry, anger, and, finally, terror. I looked into Elizabeth's eyes, and mouthed, with confidence, "I'll be fine." She gave a slight nod, but looked as though she didn't believe it, and honestly, I didn't blame her. We didn't know who this villain was or what his power did. But I bet none of us wanted to find out. "Take your filthy hand off of the student now!" The hero barked from the entrance, scowling. "Or what?" Suddnely, he held up my arm, and I tensed, still telling the skeleton to come closer and closer. "You'll chop my hand off and pin it up as a trophy on your wall? Well, sorry to crush whatever "inspiring" idea is in your head, but that's not gonna happen." Suddenly, Connor sprang into action, lighting his hand on fire, and grabbing the villains face. But the villain didn't let go of me as he screamed in agony. I looked at Connor, wondering why he'd chosen to help me instead of letting the pro heroes handle this. I noticed that his face seemed to be covered in shadows, his eyes dark, and unreadable. Connor's flames went out, and what was left of half the villains face was flesh, melted to the point where I could see his bones, now black and charred. Seeing his face like that, half normal, and half burned to the bone, kind of filled me with fear. I used that distraction to let the skeleton come over all the way, and wrestle the villain off me, to the ground, pinning his hands behind his back. Unfortunately, it didn't stop there. The villain threw my skeleton off him, and lunged for Connor. For some reason, my body moved, but I hadn't told it to. I stopped in front of Connor, and catched the villains fist in my hand, squeezing it so hard, I could hear the bones creaking. "Its better to give up now. Your outnumbered." The villain smirked at me ad I finished my sentence. "That's what you think." Then, the ground below me vanished, and I slipped into a dark, dark world, my grip on the villain no longer existing.