
Who wants to play a Game?

I always wondered how it would feel to be the Main Character inside a game, in a world where Gods walk among us, how would a character from a videogame survive? Now there might be a liiiiitle problem, I didn't want to become that character. The cover isn't mine, the characters aren't mine apart from MC.

DaoistKQnDFL · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs

Chapter 16

if I had a word to describe getting back to school after 3 days of pure grinding, it has to be boring, sure I got some new skills, mostly useless ones but still skills, but apart from that I spent all day studying things I already knew because of my last days Int grinding with school books, and trying to use Observe on both principal Romanova and Peter without any reward.

By the time the day was almost finishing I had only gained 1 point in Int, Science and Math, and having the opportunity I also checked the new skills.


Musical Instruments Mastery ( Improves the ability to use all types of objects defined as musical instruments)

Profiling ( Improves the ability to understand the people and their intentions)

Hunting( Imporves the ability to follow and recognize tracks, while also improving archery and skinning ability)

Skinning( Improves skinning ability)


The profiling and Hunting skills were the ones that attracted me the most, the possibility of knowing what people thought and the improvement in my tracking and archery made me quite happy.

During one of the last classrooms, I was called into the principal's office... Oh shit.

You can imagine how my brain went overdrive, fuck I was even tempted to use Hyperfocus to allow me to think more about the reason behind this call, but I stopped myself from doing so because Hyperfoucs was my trick card in case of real emergencies and unless I wasn't sure I needed it I won't use it.

After a 10-minute walk, I arrived at the office and knocked on the door.

" Come in." The voice of Principal Romanova said from the other side.

After opening the door I didn't see the usually serious and perfectly dressed Principal Romanova, instead, I saw a hot woman with the last buttons of her shirt opened, glasses placed at the end of her nose, the papers on her hands covering her tits from going on full display( not really but you get the idea.)

Honestly, if it wasn't For Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body I might have gotten hard from seeing her, fucking hormones.

" Ah, Mister Adams, what an honour to meet a hero in flesh and bones." She said after putting the papers down and smiling at me.

I simply nodded at the statement and sat in front of her desk.

" Can I ask why was I called?"

She comically looks around and then turns towards me.

" Don't tell anyone, but in less than 30 minutes you will be rewarded an award in the gym."

" I am sorry what?"

" Yeah, I had the idea to keep you here for these thirty minutes making you do odd jobs for me, but I am not really that good at keeping secrets so I thought that I might as well tell you." She said while shrugging her shoulders.

'She can't keep a secret, good joke coming from a woman with a double identity.'

" So, how does it feel to be a hero?" She asked, my brain caught a bit of seriousness in the way she asked it, her tones and the weight behind some letters made the question sound different from actual curiosity and more like she was doing her job.


Profiling Lv.1=>2

Focus Lv.7=>8



" Well... If I have to be honest it feels awful."

"What do you mean?" She asked, this time true surprise came out of her mouth.

" It's... it's the idea that I could have done more."

She didn't speak hinting me to continue.

"... If I had been faster, I could saved one more life, if I knew more about medicine I could have saved just more life, if-"

My words are stopped by a soft hand on my cheek, the coldness of the fingers having a suiting feeling that made my brain relax for just a second.

" If don't change the world, you did what you could, and if you hadn't done anything more would have died, heroes aren't Gods who can do everything, they are people ready to use what they have to save others." She said while smiling and removing the hand from my cheek while going back to her chair, showing a bit of her ass to me.

" Thank you, Miss. Romanova."

'Ok, now I am sure something is wrong with her, I wasn't sure if showing a weak side might have done something since she is known for being stone cold, but now she even touches me and says such mellow words? My paranoia is shouting at me.'


Lying Lv.5=>6

Profiling Lv.2=>3


'That only proves my point.'

After "Calming down" I asked what I was supposed to do for the next 28 minutes.

" Don't know, how about you help me with some tasks?"


New Quest

Hot steaming Teacher Near you

Goal: Help Miss Romanova with her tasks

Bonus Goal: Have sex with Miss. Romanova

Reward: 100 XP, 10 $, Rep with Miss Romanova

Bonus Reward: 100.000 XP, RESPECT



Not showing any change in the face I continued helping her while ignoring the "mistakes" she made, woman do you think I am that stupid?

By the time I was supposed to go to the gym she had touched me 17 times, grazed me with her boobs 11 times, and showed her ass 4 times, not that I was counting or something like that.

If it hadn't been for Gamer's Mind my dick would have already been so hard that it'd have pierced through my jeans.


Steaming Hot Teacher Near You Compleated

Reward: 100 XP, 10$, Rep Miss Romanova bonus for not getting hard due to her advance



' The fuck does RESPECT mean?' I thought while reading the rewards, and going out of the principal office heading for the gym.